Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Hart Foundation vs. Rich Swann, Marko Stunt, and ACH, Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King, Puma King vs. Ricky Martinez

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling TV (Episode 29)
Taped in October 4 in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Aired November 3, 2018 on beIN Sports

A video package recapped the drama between Low Ki and Tom Lawlor… The MLW opening aired… The broadcast team of Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker checked in and hyped the matches…

Konnan headed to the ring for a promo. He said Pentagon and Fenix wanted to be there, but “a certain witch” made sure that didn’t happen. Salina de la Renta made her entrance with Ricky Martinez. She mocked Konnan over Pentagon and Fenix not being present. Konnan called Martinez by the wrong name. When Salina corrected him, he said who carets, then he and Martinez went nose to nose. Salina dared Konnan to have someone face Martinez. Puma King made his entrance…

1. Puma King (w/Konnan) vs. Ricky Martinez (w/Salina de la Renta). Salina grabbed Puma’s leg as he was running the ropes, allowing Martinez to get some offense in. Puma came back and performed a dropkick from the top rope onto Martinez, who was lying on his back. Martinez came up bleeding from the nose after the move. Martinez bounce back with a Codebreaker. The wrestlers fought for position on the ropes. Puma powerbombed Martinez from the middle rope and then performed a wild rollup for the win…

Puma King defeated Ricky Martinez.

Powell’s POV: An entertaining match. Hopefully Martinez avoided a broken nose from that crazy dropkick spot.

Schiavone hyped upcoming segments…

Tommy Dreamer delivered a backstage promo and said while Brody King has tattoos, he has scars from his wars and he feels the pain every morning. He said King has been wrestling for about three years whereas he has been wrestling for 29 years. He asked if he wants to know what it takes to take things to the extreme… A Stokely Hathaway teaser aired…

Schiavone hyped Low Ki vs. Daga for the MLW Championship, and Maxwell J Friedman vs. Jimmy Yuta vs. Jason Cade for the MLW Middleweight Championship for next week…

Promos aired from Cade, Yuta, and MJF. Cade complained about Yuta being in the match, and Yuta spoke about getting a title shot while also being able to get his hands on Cade. MJF and Aria Blake delivered a promo together. MJF said he’d sit back and eat popcorn at ringside while Cade and Yuta beat one another to a bloody pulp and then he would pin them both…

2. Tommy Dreamer vs. Brody King. Dreamer continues to wear the polka dot pants in tribute to Dusty Rhodes. Dreamer pulled a cheese grater out from under the ring. When he returned to the ring to use it, King low blowed him and then gave him a piledriver before pinning him. Striker said he knows Dreamer better than a lot of people and it was hard for him to watch…

Brody King defeated Tommy Dreamer.

Powell’s POV: So apparently they are telling a story with Dreamer given the way Striker spoke about him losing the match. King needs wins, as he hasn’t quite clicked in MLW as a badass yet.

Kaci Lennox interviewed Tom Lawlor about being attacked by Sami Callihan and taunted by Low Ki last week. Lawlor said Low Ki and Salina called in Callihan to do their dirty work. Lawlor said he wants the MLW Championship. He said Callihan will be his first tiny treasure on his way to the gold…

Rich Bocchini hosted the MLW Fightland control center and ran through the matches… Striker hyped the six-man tag main event… A Rush teaser aired for his Chicago debut…

Sami Callihan delivered a rebuttal to Lawlor and started by saying Lawlor is stupid. He took exception to being called a treasure and said everyone else has has set his sights on in MLW has “gone bye bye.” He said he would end Lawlor in Chicago…

3. “The Hart Foundation” Davey Boy Smith Jr., Teddy Hart, and Brian Pillman Jr. vs. ACH, Rich Swann, and Marko Stunt. Stunt performed some early offense, but Smith no-sold and dared to hit him. Stunt failed to body slam him, then Smith put him in a torture rack and tossed him at his opponents. Hart performed a springboard moonsault onto his opponents on the floor. Smith went back to working over Stunt in the ring.

Swann checked in. Striker spoke about how he wouldn’t want Stunt back in the ring if he were his partners because his size makes him the weakest link. Swann performed a double Lethal Injection on a pair of his opponents. The babyfaces performed dives. Smith caught Stunt going for a springboard moonsault and ran him into the post, but Swann caught Smith with a kick. Swann performed a frogsplash on Pillman in the ring for a two count.

Later, Hart performed a nice leap off the ropes into a DDT on ACH. Smith hoisted up Stunt on his shoulders, then Hart performed a Canadian Destroyer from the ropes in a great spot. That really should have been the finish because nothing will compare to it. A short time later, Smith and Hart teamed up again for a Blockbuster and powerbomb combo on Swann and got the win…

The Hart Foundation defeated ACH, Rich Swann, and Marko Stunt.

Schiavone and Striker hyped next week’s title matches…

Powell’s POV: The live crowd ate up everything involving the small in stature Stunt. They liked his offense and they reacted with gasps when he was on the receiving end from his bigger opponents. Overall, a good edition with Puma King debuting, storytelling with Dreamer, and the entertaining main event. My only gripe is that it would have been nice to have been introduced to Daga with a video package or something prior to his title match next week. I fell behind covering this episode, but I will be back on schedule with my review of the November 9 edition, which will be available on Saturday morning.

Check below for the latest Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Salina de la Renta.


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