Powell’s WWE Mae Young Classic 2018 Ep. 2 Review: Mercedes Martinez vs. Ashley (Madison) Rayne, Kacy Catanzaro vs. Reina Gonzalez, Deonna Purrazzo vs. Pricilla Kelly, and Aerial Monroe vs. Zeuxis in first round matches

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Mae Young Classic
Taped August 8, 2018 in Winter Park, Florida at Full Sail University
Aired September 12, 2018 on WWE Network

Mauro Ranallo narrated a video package that recapped last week’s show… The MYC opening aired… Michael Cole, Beth Phoenix, and Renee Young were on commentary…

Video packages aired on Pricilla Kelly and Deonna Purrazzo. Kelly said she likes to play mind games with her opponents and strike once their guard is down. Purrazzo said she’s a Fujiwara armbar specialist. She said not competing in last year’s tournament put a chip on her shoulder and she travelled the world to get better. ..

1. Pricilla Kelly vs. Deonna Purrazzo in a first-round match. Cole noted that Purrazzo was an alternate in last year’s tournament. Kelly was on the offensive for a stretch, but Purrazzo came back and won with the Fujiwara armbar. Purrazzo was emotional afterward…

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Pricilla Kelly to advance in the tournament.

Powell’s POV: A nice match and a good story told with Purrazzo being a disappointed alternate last year who got into the tournament and proved herself with a win this year. Purrazzo is a terrific talent and a really good developmental signing. I’m curious to see how far she goes in the tournament.

A video package aired on Aerial Monroe vs. Zeuxis. Monroe goes by the name “Big Swole” and said she’s different than everybody else. She said she has swag unlike anyone else. Zeuxis is a masked wrestler who spoke about strong style and her lucha libre style. She said she is there to make history and leave a mark… Natalya was sown seated in the crowd…

2. Aerial Monroe vs. Zeuxis in a first round tournament match. Cole said Zeuxis is one of the most talented wrestlers in the tournament. Cole noted that she has a unique style. Monroe is from Clearwater, Florida and received a good reaction. Cole noted that she was in the Air Force. Monroe’s husband Cedric Alexander was shown in the crowd holding their daughter. Zeuxis hit a top rope Spanish Fly for the win. Zeuxis will face Purrazzo in round two…

Zeuxis defeated Aerial Monroe to advance in the tournament.

Powell’s POV: The finish was tremendous and at least half the credit goes to Monroe for making it look so good. Ariel and Cedric’s daughter has a future in this business. She was crying after her mom lost. What a worker!

Video packages aired on Kacy Catanzaro and Reina Gonzalez. Reina noted that she’s one of the bigger women in the tournament and isn’t there to win anyone over. Kacy spoke about being the first woman to complete the American Ninja Warrior obstacle course. She said people have underestimated her her entire life… Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan were shown in the crowd…

3. Kacy Catanzaro vs. Reina Gonzalez in a first round match. Catanzaro climbed up the ring post to enter the ring. Nice. Gonzalez dwarfed the undersized Catanzaro and used her power to dominate her early on. Cole noted that Gonzalez played basketball at Sam Houston State. She worked over Catanzaro and barked that she doesn’t belong here. Catanzaro dodged a charged Gonzalez a couple times and then performed a nice springboard dropkick and a nice springboard senton for two. Gonzalez hoisted up Catanzaro for a power move, but Catanzaro rolled her up and pinned her. After the match, Gonzalez good up and glared at Catanzaro. She offered a handshake, then pulled in Catanzaro only to put her on her shoulders…

Kacy Catanzaro defeated Reina Gonzalez to advance in the tournament.

Powell’s POV: Let the countdown begin to the Catanzaro vs. Alexa Bliss feud on the new 105 Live show! Kacy is going to be a star in WWE. She’s small but super athletic and likable. Plus, you have to assume that the company will want to take full advantage of her notoriety from American Ninja Warrior. The match was entertaining with Gonzalez dominating early and Catanzaro eventually coming back and taking down the monster. The post match bit with Gonzalez putting Kacy on her shoulders was a nice touch.

A video package set up the Mercedes Martinez and Ashley (Madison) Rayne match. Martinez said she was humbled last year when she lost to Shayna Baszler in the semifinals. She said she’s not here to lose and this will be the year she goes all the way. Rayne noted that she’s from Columbus, Ohio and said she’s high energy, fun, and happy. She said she’s been wrestling for 13 years and everything she’s given to the industry was all for a reason and it’s all paying off because she’s living a dream by being in the tournament. She noted that she’s small and therefore tries to wear her opponents down…

The Undisputed Era members Adam Cole, Bobby Fish, Kyle O’Reilly, and Roderick Strong were shown in the crowd…

4. Mercedes Martinez and Ashley Rayne in a first round match. Surprisingly, Martinez received the stronger reaction of the two women despite Rayne’s exposure via TNA. Cole noted that Martinez works two full-time jobs to support her family and wrestles when she can. The women shook hands prior to the match. There was a “Mercedes” chant prior to the match. Young noted that Ashley’s husband Josh (Mathews) and daughter are the reason she continues to continue to wrestle despite also going to school to pursue a degree.

Martinez performed a long vertical suplex and then picked up Rayne right away only to be dropped with a cutter, which resulted in a two count for Rayne. Martinez performed a spinebuster for a two count. Rayne threw a few forearms and chops, a clothesline, and then a neckbreaker. Rayne went up top and performed a cross body block and then let out a primal scream. Rayne performed the guillotine drop for a two count. Rayne set up for the same move, but Martinez blocked it and went for a fisherman’s buster suplex, which Rayne countered into an inside cradle for two. Rayne performed a step up enzuigiri. Martinez came back with a knee to the face and then hit the fisherman’s buster for the win. Martinez will face Meiko Satomura in the second round…

Mercedes Martinez defeated Ashley Rayne to advance in the tournament.

Powell’s POV: A decent match involving two notable names. The Satomura vs. Martinez match should be really good. Overall, an entertaining show with some star power in the main event, the debut of Catanzaro, and the talented Purrazzo getting an emotional win.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. JoJoTheHomewrecker September 13, 2018 @ 1:30 pm

    It’s strange that Madison Rayne doesn’t stay in Impact with her husband there.

  2. I was a little disappointed in some of the outcomes this week, but it was a really fun show.

    Priscilla Kelly has a very unique “wow” factor to her character, I think. I wish she would’ve been matched up with someone else in the first round, because I knew Purrazzo was (rightfully) going over. It would’ve been nice to see a bit more of Kelly’s work, though. I’m a fan.

    Kacy’s debut was outstanding. I’d pay extra for the network to watch her and Alexa on a 105 Live. Lol. I just hope the WWE doesn’t go too overboard with the Ninja Warrior stuff when they promote her. I get it’s going to be a part… but moderation please?…

    And I’m bummed Rayne lost. I wanted to see her at least make the second round. I hope she gets another run next year, and gets to win a match or two.

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