Powell’s MLW Fusion TV Review: Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix vs. Drago and Rey Horus for the MLW Tag Titles, PCO vs. Homicide, Fred Yehi vs. Richard Holiday

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling TV (Episode 21)
Taped in New York, New York at Melrose Ballroom
Aired on September 7, 2018 on beIN Sports

A video package focused on MLW Tag Champions Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix and their new alliance with Konnan… The MLW opening aired… Matt Striker hyped the matches before turning things over to Stephen DeAngelis for the opening match… The broadcast team was Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker…

1. Fred Yehi vs. Richard Holiday. Schiavone noted that Yehi considers himself the most educated man in wrestling because he has a marketing degree. “Hey, pal,” Striker replied. Funny. Yehi performed a nice German suplex for a two count. Holiday took offensive control with some soft punches while Yehi covered up. Holiday drew heat by arrogantly looking to the crowd. Holiday performed a nice swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Yehi came delivered some strikes and a double stomp to the back and then applied a submission hold for the win. Tom Lawlor and Simon Gotch celebrated with Yehi afterward…

Fred Yehi defeated Richard Holiday.

Striker announced that the War Games match will air on a special edition of MLW Fusion next week… [C]

Powell’s POV: A showcase type of match for Yehi. There was nothing particularly memorable about the match, but it filled the time.

Schiavone hyped the tag match and then shifted to setting up footage of the New Hart Foundation attacking Kevin Sullivan last week. Schiavone said Sullivan was recovering from a laceration and a concussion at a medical facility…

Brian Pillman Jr. was shown sitting at a table with a glass of wine in front of him. Pillman said he doesn’t have any more nightmares about Kevin Sullivan. He said he walked right up to the boogeyman and put him out of his misery. He recalled Sullivan telling him he has a bright future and the world by the balls. Pillman said he has a legacy and a loyalty to the Hart Foundation. He said he can’t do it on his own and he can’t take over MLW with Sullivan’s archaic methodology. He said Sullivan is still the same backstabbing roach who stepped into the ring with his father and a leopard never changes its spots. Pillman arrogantly took a drink from his wine glass…

A Homicide video aired. He’s with Black Friday Management…

2. Homicide vs. PCO. PCO is also known as Pierre Carl Ouelet Schiavone said Homicide is an MLW original. Striker said Homicide has great footwork in the ring. PCO no-sold Homicide’s early strikes while dishing out his own shots. PCO performed a sit-out driver for an early two count. Homicide came back with an exploder suplex. Homicide also performed a cannonball off the apron and onto PCO on the floor.

Back in the ring, PCO chokeslammed Homicide. Salina de la Renta was shown watching from the front row. PCO dumped Homicide to ringside and then performed a running dive through the ropes. With Homicide back in the ring, PCO performed a top rope moonsault for a two count. PCO followed up with a frogsplash from the other corner for a two count. Homicide cut off PCO on the ropes. Homicide threw clotheslines that were no-sold by PCO. Homicide dazed PCO with a running boot. Homicide ran the ropes again and ran into a big forearm from PCO, who pinned him…

PCO defeated Homicide.

Striker hyped the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: PCO does some pretty insane thing for a 50 year-old guy. I remember thinking of him as average size during his WWE days, but now he looks like a giant because so many of today’s stars are smaller. One of the stories the broadcast team told was that Homicide was the hometown wrestler and yet the fans were behind PCO. Homicide acted irked too, so we’ll see if it leads to anything from a storyline standpoint. The only real negative about the match was that the finish was flat in comparison to the bigger moves that PCO performed earlier.

Footage aired of Jason Cade beating Jimmy Yuta with help from Rhett Giddins last week. Kaci Lennox interviewed Cade, who said there was nothing controversial about the match. He said he can now focus on becoming the MLW Middleweight Champion now that Yuta is out of his life forever…

Striker hyped the Fury Road event for October 3 in New York City and announced PCO vs. LA Park. Striker hyped that Low Ki will defend the MLW Championship, and advertised several MLW regulars and Tommy Dreamer… Schiavone set up a Low Ki narrated video package on facing Pentagon Jr… [C]

Striker hyped next week’s War Games event and then set up a video package on various events that led up to the match… Ring entrances for the MLW Tag Title match took place…

3. Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix vs. Drago and Rey Horus for the MLW Tag Titles. Drago had his left shoulder in some type of protective device. Schiavone noted that Horus is the cousin of Rey Mysterio Jr. Late i the match, Fenix stomped the back of Horus as Pentagon performed his driver. They hit a double stomp into a package piledriver on Horus and then Pentagon Jr. pinned him to win the match…

Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix defeated Drago and Rey Horus to retain the MLW Tag Titles.

After the match, Fenix took the mic and thanked fans for coming. Some of the fans threw dollar bills into the ring. Pentagon took the mic and also thanked the fans for coming, then spoke in Spanish. A brief “please come back” chant started. The tag teams shook hands…

Schiavone hyped the War Games match (they showed the graphic with the date even though the match already happened, oops) and said Tom Lawlor would make a statement about cashing in the MLW Title shot he earned by winning the Battle Riot match…

Powell’s POV: A good main event. It was an enjoyable tag title match and this was a nice hour of television. MLW kept it basic this week by showcasing the in-ring action and doing less than usual when it came to interviews and other storytelling. The only real complaint is that all of the focus was on Pentagon and Fenix going into the main event and no effort was made to introduce Drago and Horus. Thus, it felt fairly predictable that the champions would retain.

I’m anxious to see the big War Games match next week. I like the way MLW repeatedly hyped it as a special event. I also appreciate the quick turnaround time since the War Games match just took place on Thursday night. How can MLW turn around their television so quickly and yet it takes so much longer for the bigger Ring of Honor promotion?


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