Pruett’s Lucha Underground Hit List: Two minor characters die, Johnny Mundo’s new hat, a Trios Championship match, and more

By Will Pruett, Senior Staffer (@itswilltime)

Lucha Underground Hits

Indiana Mundo and Taya kill Vibora: Look, it’s a little too much death this season and this episode, but it worked for me. Johnny Mundo and Taya’s post credit scene was corny, but it worked for me. I’ll miss Vibora, who was getting over prior to his untimely death.

Killshot, The Mack, and Son of Havoc vs. The Rabbit Tribe: This is not a Hit for match quality, which was mixed, but for storytelling. Watching the Trios Champions fight amongst themselves but try to keep the titles should be interesting going forward. Who else challenges for these belts, though?

The Death of Big Ryck: Hey, we haven’t seen the former Ezekiel Jackson in a long while on Lucha Underground. Having him be unceremoniously killed by Mil Muertes and Catrina works for me. It’s a fun addition to the feud between Mil and The Mack.

Lucha Underground Misses

In-Ring Promos: This show had two almost back-to-back in-ring segments with El Dragon Azteca Jr. speaking just after The Reptile Tribe and Worldwide Underground had their speaking moment. Once again, the appeal of Lucha Underground is the different style of wrestling storytelling. We aren’t seeing this storytelling on display as often this season. It’s bumming me out.

Cage and King Cuerno vs. Pentagon Dark: A rare Miss for a Pentagon segment this season. This was a heatless match with a bad “dumb babyface” moment from Pentagon. Cage didn’t look like a monster when he needed a second man to help. Cuerno was a prop here, not a meaningful player. This didn’t work for me at all.

Daga vs. PJ Black: This match never got going like I hoped it would. It’s going to take Black time to get back to being himself. Daga has never been established as more than a guy. This is a match that happened.

Will Pruett writes about wrestling and popular culture at Of interest to him are diversity in wrestling and wrestling as a theatrical art form. To see his video content subscribe to his YouTube channel. To contact, check him out on Twitter @itswilltime, leave a comment, or email him at


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Seriously, they are having wrestlers die in the storyline? Keeping it fun for the whole family.

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