Pruett’s Lucha Underground Hit List: Pentagon Dark vs. Cage, final Gift of the Gods Medal match, Vibora vs. Mundo

By Will Pruett, Senior Staffer (@itswilltime)

Lucha Underground Hits

Dezmond X’s debut: Paul London did not mean a lot in this match and the Rabbit Tribe is slightly pointless, but Dezmond X had a nice performance in his first appearance in the Temple. Hopefully this is followed up on in the weeks to come.

Vibora vs. Johnny Mundo: Vibora looked like some sort of monster after this match with Mundo. I could have done without all of the interference from both men’s “tribes” but other than that, a solid effort. Vibora needs to be made, since LU is low on star power this season. This was a nice start.

XO Lishus Vignette: It’s a crime that we haven’t seen more from XO Lishus.

Lucha Underground Misses

Pentagon Dark vs. Brian Cage for the Lucha Underground Title: A well-built title match ended without much drama in about six minutes. Why? Both Cage and Pentagon are capable of a back and forth battle. Both men would be game for it. Why have Pentagon dispose of Cage so easily? On top of that, why make the post-match all about quickly rebuilding Cage? It seems like they didn’t know what story they wanted to tell with this main event, so they told us nothing.

Gift of the Gods Ceremony and Battle Royal: This was awkward all around. First of all, Antonio Cueto is still not a fun character to watch. They’ve done almost nothing with him in outside cinematics, which really established Dario a couple seasons ago. Instead, we see the awkwardly made up yelling old version of Dario in the Temple with the fans. It’s not as compelling. The two minute battle royal was disappointing and sort of pointless. I guess we know Mil Muertes is getting involved next week and taking out The Mack. Alright then.

Creepy Doll: I am not here for creepy dolls. I do not like them.

Will Pruett writes about wrestling and popular culture at Of interest to him are diversity in wrestling and wrestling as a theatrical art form. To see his video content subscribe to his YouTube channel. To contact, check him out on Twitter @itswilltime, leave a comment, or email him at


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