Ring of Honor TV Review: Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi, Evil, Sanada, and Bushi, vs. Cody, Marty Scurll, Adam Page, and the Young Bucks, Shane Taylor vs. Josh Woods, Kenny King vs. Chuckie T

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Ring of Honor TV
Taped May 13 in Chicago, Illinois at the Odeum Expo Center
Aired in syndication on June 16 and Mondays on the FITE TV app

The show opened with Cody, Marty Scurll, Adam Page, and the Young Bucks backstage. They said LIJ (Los Ingobernables de Japon) had no excuses. They talked amongst themselves and Matt Jackson said Bullet Club was coming for LIJ tonight… The opening video aired… Ian Riccaboni and Colt Cabana checked in as ring entrances for the opening match took place…

1. Chuckie T vs. Kenny King. The broadcast team recapped Austin Aries turning on King following an ROH TV Title match. T and King shook hands before the match. Taylor performed a belly-to-belly suplex and then strutted around and played to crowd heading into a commercial break. [C]

King performed a cross body block off the top rope. He looked to a fans at ringside and told them to have their cameras ready. T bounced back and went to ringside and slapped hands with the fan. Moments later, T dove onto King at ringside and when he landed he rolled onto his back so that his feet were by the fan. He stood up and posed for a photo with the fan.

Later, King hit a spinebuster for a two count. King called for the Royal Flush. Riccaboni questioned if he was trying to send a message to Austin Aries. King went for the move, but T caught him in a school boy for a two count. King performed as snap piledriver for a near fall. King avoided Awful Waffle and ended up hitting the Royal Flush for the win… [C]

Kenny King defeated Chuckie T.

Powell’s POV: A bit of a strange way to follow up the angle with Aries, but the babyface vs. babyface match was entertaining thanks to the antics of Chuckie.

A video recapped the Briscoes attacking Cody and The Young Bucks. They cut to a new promo from the Briscoes that was delivered from their ranch. They said there are a lot of questions, but people should mind their business. Mark said the Bucks are the best in the world at selling t-shirts and making videos. Jay said the thing the Bucks can’t do is take the ROH Tag Titles from them…

Powell’s POV: Simple and effective.

A Shane Taylor highlight video aired with him destroying various people…

Shane Taylor stood in the ring and cut a promo. He was booed and said the fans are just like Josh Woods in that they are used to disappointment. He said he would give the fans something to cheer about. Woods made his entrance for their match. Riccaboni said their mach was official and then he narrated highlights of their match in West Palm Beach, Florida, which featured an appearance by MMA fighter King Mo. They teased fighting only to have Taylor flip him off and leave the ring…

2. Shane Taylor vs. Josh Woods. The wrestlers blew off the Code of Honor handshake. Taylor performed an early cannonball on Woods, who was against the barricade at ringside. Taylor followed up with a legdrop on the apron. [C] Woods came back with a couple of German suplexes and followed with a high knee in the corner. Woods worked over Taylor in the corner until the referee got between them and drove Woods away. Woods got around the referee and ran into a big right hand punch from Taylor, who pinned him…

Shane Taylor beat Josh Woods.

Powell’s POV: A good match while it lasted. The finish made the referee look bad because it wasn’t like Woods was going over the top with his attack in the corner. Even so, it also protected Woods to some extent.

ROH Champion Dalton Castle and The Boys made their entrance after a brief HonorClub ad aired. Riccaboni said Castle wanted a bird’s eye view of the main event. Castle joined the broadcast team on commentary. LIJ made their entrance together. Hiromu Takahashi brought Daryl Jr. out with him. The Bullet Club members had separate entrances. Cody came out with Burnard the Business Bear…

3. Cody (w/Burnard the Business Bear), Marty Scurll, Adam Page, and “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Tetsuya Naito, Hiromu Takahashi, Evil, Sanada, and Bushi. Castle was shown talking with the broadcast team. He said he doesn’t fear Cody or Scurll, but he’s not a dummy and wanted to see what they’ve been working on. The crowd was hot for Naito’s early antics with Cody. Scurll tagged himself into the match and Cody wasn’t pleased. A short time later, there was a Bucks showdown with Evil and Sanada. They exchanged shoves. The Bucks went for superkicks that the LIJ duo blocked before releasing their feet without incident. Takahashi tagged himself into the match and the fans popped. Scurll entered the ring and jawed at him.

All ten men entered the ring and jawed at one another. Referee Todd Sinclair called for a one-on-one scenario. The wrestlers blew him off and traded punches. It was basically a tornado tag at that point with the wrestlers all fighting and performing spots regardless of the legal men. Cody struck the Terminator pose and the fans booed. Cody ran the ropes for a dive, but Takahashi hit him with Daryl Jr. Takahashi and Daryl Jr. ran wild until the Bucks caught him with a double superkick. Evil threw a chair at Matt Jackson, who threw it back. Evil threw it back to Jackson and kicked it heading into a break. [C]

The Bucks applied double Sharpshooters on Evil and Sanada that were broken up by Naito and Takahashi. Page took them out with a slingshot lariat. Punishment Martinez came out and fought with Page while Riccaboni noted that they will be facing one another at the Best in the World pay-per-view. They battled to the stage and presumably to the back heading into the final commercial break. [C]

Bushi had Matt pinned, but Nick pulled referee Sinclair to ringside. Cody dove off the top rope onto Evil on the floor. Takahashi went for a sunset bomb off the apron on Nick, but Burnard the Bear punched Takahashi. Nick performed a moonsault off the middle rope onto Takahashi. Burnard celebrated on the ring apron only to have Bushi spray mist into his eyes, which got a rise out of the crowd. It was rapid fire spot time with the Bucks hitting superkicks on their opponents. They hit a Metlzer Driver on Bushi and Matt pinned him for the win…

The Bullet Club defeated LIJ.

Riccaboni hyped Best in the World and how fans could watch it on HonorClub, FITE TV, or via traditional pay-per-view. He hyped Castle vs. Cody vs. Scurll for the ROH Title, Page vs. Martinez, Jay Lethal vs. Kushida, and The Briscoes vs. The Young Bucks for the ROH Tag Titles…

Powell’s POV: The main event was really fun and the LIJ guys were just as over as the Bullet Club members with the Chicago crowd, which is really saying something. It’s bizarre that ROH didn’t hype this match at least a week out let alone do anything to support it from a storyline standpoint. They also neglected to advertise anything for next week’s Best in the World go-home show.

The first half of this episode didn’t do much to hype next week’s ROH Supercard of Honor event, but the second half helped make up for it to some extent. The main event provided most of that hype with Castle on commentary while challengers Cody and Scurll were in the ring, and with the brief Page and Martinez brawl. Martinez won the ROH TV Title over the weekend so I wonder if that match will become an ROH TV Title match at the pay-per-view. If you’re pressed for time, you could get away with only watching the ten-man tag match main event this week. Haydn Gleed will be by on Wednesday with his audio review of the show.

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