4/14 ROH TV taping spoilers: Full results of the taping for upcoming shows (spoilers)

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

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Ring of Honor TV taping
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at Stage AE
Report by Dot Net reader James Todd

I’ll try to keep it in chronological order, but I might be switching a couple things around by mistake. There was one dark match to start the show, but I was just getting to my seat and didn’t recognize either of the wrestlers.

1. Chuckie T defeated Josh Woods via pinfall.

Bully Ray came out and cut a heel promo, basically just reiterated what he said at Supercard of Honor. He called out Joe Koff at the end of it. Received a mixed reaction.

2. Coast to Coast defeated Beer City Bruiser and Brian Milonas.

3. Sumie Sakai defeated Stella Gray via pinfall to retain the Women of Honor Title. Sumie got a decent pop. After the match, Jenny Rose, who was on commentary, demanded a title shot.

4. Silas Young defeated Flip Gordon via pinfall to retain the ROH TV Title. Solid match, very complimentary styles. Silas’s big edge in experience was played up as the difference.

5. Jonathan Gresham defeated Will Ferrara via pinfall. After the match, Rhett Titus came in to beat down Gresham and the MCMG made the save of their old Search and Destroy partner.

6. Shane Taylor defeated Ryan Nova via TKO. This was a total squash match, which was stopped by the ref about a minute in after multiple chokeslams. Taylor stayed by the timekeepers table for the next match.

7. The Kingdom defeated Dalton Castle and The Boys via pinfall. The Kingdom came out with the six-man tag belts they stole at Supercard of Honor. Christopher Daniels attempted to take them back during the match, but Shane Taylor stopped him, having apparently been paid off by Kingdom. A fun match with a healthy dose of comedy from Dalton and the Boys. It was pretty clear that Taven is being set up for a title shot.

Tanile Dashwood came out to cut a promo, received a strong pop from the crowd. Said she was disappointed in herself for not winning the WOH tournament and is on a mission to win the WOH Title, lead the division, and help continue the women’s wrestling revolution. She ended by saying she’s found a home in ROH.

8. The Young Bucks defeated The Briscoes via DQ. The Briscoes retain the ROH Tag Titles. Match of the night! Classic tag formula as the Briscoes controlled the pace with flashes of offense from the Bucks mixed in. Matt kicked out of the Jay Driller to a big reaction. The Bucks gained the advantage and were about to hit the Meltzer Driver when Mark hit Nick with a chair and Todd Sinclair called for the bell. The Briscoes proceeded to beat the ever living piss outta the Bucks, including superplexing Matt onto a pile of chairs. Bullet Club (and Flip) tried to make the save, but their efforts were scattered and poorly coordinated and the Briscoes had little trouble fending them off. The Briscoes walked away from the carnage to some serious heat.

9. Jenny Rose defeated Brandi Rhodes via pinfall. Jenny got some heat when she was announced as being from Philly, since the Pens are in the middle of a series with the Flyers. Brandi came down to the ring with Bernard the Business Bear, who of course took a bump half way through the match.

10. Jay Lethal defeated Punishment Martinez via pinfall. Lethal put on an absolute clinic, hitting seven(!) suicide dives in a row to start the match, and showed great psychology throughout. Martinez sold a knee injury, which was well worked in several spots. The crowd was really into Lethal, who he edged out Dalton as the most over face outside Bullet Club.

Shane Taylor came out and beat up a jobber no one seemed to recognize (we had a loud “let’s go jobber!” chant going at one point, which I hope makes it into the broadcast) and also beat up several young boys who tried to stop him, in what was the weakest segment of the night.

11. Kelly Klein defeated Madison Rayne via pinfall.

12. A match between a local guy and a jobber ended with Bully Ray interfering and beating them both up. Bully started cutting another heel promo when Cheeseburger showed up to big pop. Cheeseburger got in Bully’s face and called him a “piece of shit,” which earned him chokeslam from Bully. Joe Koff came out and fired Bully as the “enforcer,” and Bully countered by saying he is coming out of retirement.

13. The Motor City Machine Guns defeated The Dawgs via pinfall.

14. Cody, Marty Scurll and Hangman Page defeated “SoCal Uncensored” Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, and Scorpio Sky in a non-title match via pinfall. Hangman came out to the Bullet Club theme, while Scurll and Cody came out to their own music. Scurll got the biggest pop of the night. This was typical fun, fast, lucha-style six-man with some crazy high spots. Page got the pin on Kazarian (I think) after hitting Rite of Passage (he hit a double buckshot lariat and his running shooting star press from the apron earlier in the match). Some tension was played up between Scurll and Cody, with Scurll accidentally hitting Cody with the umbrella. The two feigned fighting before hugging it out. I’m guessing the episode will end before they reconcile to heighten the Bullet Club drama.

To close the show, Cody took the mic to thank the fans and invited the rest of Bullet Club (and Flip) into the ring for the typical shenanigans. Marty ended the night by singing Backstreet Boys. Stupid fun!

A good show overall. The women’s matches were a little underwhelming without either Dashwood or Purrazzo locking up, and the Shane Taylor stuff was kinda lame, but everything else ranged from decent to damn good, and storylines were advanced without detracting from the wrestling. The best matches were Bullet Club vs. SCU, Lethal vs. Martinez, Young Bucks vs. Briscoes, Young vs. Gordon, and Castle and The Boys vs. The Kingdom will also be worth watching.


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