Paul Heyman on the possibility of booking again, what fans can expect from his one-man show during WrestleMania week in New Orleans

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE personality Paul Heyman spoke with Best Of New Orleans to promote his “Evening with Paul Heyman” one-man show that will be held on Thursday in the WrestleMania 34 host city at the Joy Theater. Heyman was asked what attendees can expect. “A wild ride, because I don’t know what to expect,” Heyman replied. “What makes our show different is that it’s completely in the hands of the audience. What do they want? We’ve advertised an Evening with Paul Heyman, and that’s the extent of the advertising. We have an intimate atmosphere for about 700 people. We all get in a room together at the same time, and we shoot the shit. That’s really what this is. A freeform, open discussion about anything that this particular gathering wants to talk about with me or amongst themselves, and it gets pretty lively, pretty quick.”

Heyman was also asked about whether he is interested in booking a pro wrestling company again. “I have my hands full at the moment participating in the layout of whatever is done regarding Brock Lesnar, and along with my other responsibilities, it’s a full-time gig,” he said. “I very much hear and appreciate the semi-clamoring for me to return to the position of being the lead writer on a project and perhaps I will, though whether it’s a sports entertainment project or not, I don’t know. It might be a TV series, a movie, or something else. But in terms of ‘booking,’ I don’t see the opening for that at the moment, nor am I keeping a keen eye on whether that opening exists or will come into fruition anytime soon.” Read the full interview at

Powell’s POV: It’s a shame that Heyman doesn’t seem more interested in booking a pro wrestling company because I would love to see what he would do all these years after ECW. I have no doubt that it would be unique and he wouldn’t be a guy who would dig back into the same bag of tricks. Heyman is a great fit in the one-man show genre and the fans who attend Thursday’s show are in for a memorable experience. I would love to get a report from anyone who attends the show. If you are going and want to help with this or any other WrestleMania weekend event, email me at

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