Flip Gordon on the differences between independent wrestling and working for a major promotion, looks back on wrestling an NXT wrestler in his first match, who he matches up with in ROH

Wrestling News Hub Magazine Interview with Flip Gordon
Host: Marc Madison
Interview available at Thewrestlingnewshubmagazine.blogspot.ca

On the independent wrestling versus major promotion styles of wrestling: “My take on it is, you have to do a lot to get your name out there and get noticed. That is how you are getting booked more. If people don’t know who you are, they aren’t going to book you. You have to do something to get your name out there, and once you get your name out there then you start learning how to work. You start working with better guys, and that is when you are going to start learning how to work. Obviously, you are not going to know everything about how to work when you start wrestling. Talent just has to get the buzz around them, and that is what a lot of guys do, get their name out there and do crazy shit, boom, boom, boom. A quick highlight reel so they can share it. That’s what I do. For the first six months to a year, I did the craziest things I could think of to get me a lot of buzz. I put it in a highlight video to help build a lot of attention, and that helped me a lot when it came to bookings, and I started traveling.”

On his first match with NXT’s Oney Lorcan on May 6th, 2015: “He was one of the best on the indies that I wrestled against. It was only a couple of months before he was picked up. It was crazy, and I think about this match like it was yesterday. I can’t remember everything that happened in the match, but I do remember I learned so much from that one match with him because of how much of a professional he was. I had no business being in the ring with him. He definitely took care of me and taught me so much that I still remember to this day. There are little things from that match that I still learn from because of him. It was really cool. He taught me things from a selling point and listening to the crowd.”

On who he’d match up well within Ring of Honor: “I think Shane Taylor and I would have a good match. I think it would be different, and I think it would be more difficult, but I think it would be a good match. It would be a different kind of story that we would be telling in the ring. I am not going to be able to do all my moves on him. I would have to think differently. It just wouldn’t be your typical Flip Gordon match. I think that it would be a cool story to tell because it would be different. I also think it would give me an opportunity to show people that I am not just a high flier that I am well-rounded in the ring.”

Other topics include his passion for the business, his quick ascent to the top of the independent scene, how learning under Brian Fury has helped him progress in the ring, and how he has shown his commitment to Ring of Honor and Chaotic Wrestling.

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