Impact Wrestling will allow The Hardys and other wrestlers to use their personas outside the company

Impact Wrestling executive Ed Nordholm was asked by Sports Illustrated about Matt Hardy “breaking” on Monday’s WWE Raw television show and indicated that the company won’t object. “We have seen the character development and will be interested to see where they take the concept,” Nordlholm wrote.

“Our new talent agreements all incorporate language that allow talent to continue to use their Impact persona after they leave the company. We are working with our legal team to amend our existing agreements to extend this to all of our current and former talent.” Read more at

Powell’s POV: So the Hardys can be Broken in WWE, and apparently other Impact Wrestling talent will be allowed to use their personas outside the company. This appears to be a very talent friendly move by a company, though we’ll wait to see how the contractual language actually reads. It’s a dramatic shift from Nordholm’s previous statements on how parent company Anthem would protect their intellectual property.


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