Big Cass on the timeline for his return from a torn ACL, when he knew he was injured, the end of his WWE storyline with Enzo Amore, and what he’s doing during his time away from the ring

Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast with Big Cass
Host: Sam Roberts
Available every Thursday morning on

When he will be returning: “I am right on schedule for when the surgeon said so it should be shortly after WrestleMania.”

When he knew he was injured: I knew immediately as soon as I hit the floor, I felt it pop, I heard it pop and when I got up I couldn’t put weight on it. I told the ref, I think I just tore my ACL but I think I can finish and that just didn’t happen. The second I rolled out, 8-9 months I am out and I had just defeated Big Show at SummerSlam and I was rocking and rolling man.

On the end of his storyline with Enzo Amore: All I was thinking was it’s just a huge setback man, I was very angry and very emotional, that’s who I am as a person. Big Cass is going to be emotional and me as a human being, aside from Big Cass is going to be emotional in that situation. I always wanted to be here and doing this, finally on my own and on the up and I just got emotional, it’s who I am.”

On what he’s doing while at home during his down time: Well, we just bought a new house in Tampa so pretty much I am rehabbing twice a day and then I’m training with Rob McIntyre, that’s John Cena’s trainer, getting back in shape lifting wise and then hanging round the house, fantasy football, I’m brushing up on my Spanish, so when I come back I’ll be a little better at that… I took four semesters in college and after that I was pretty good, but I haven’t had any practice since so I’m just trying to go back and brush up on it.”


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