MLW exploring full-time return, Court Bauer comments

Major League Wrestling promoter Court Bauer spoke with the Orlando Sentinel’s Jay Reddick and stated that the promotion may run more frequently in Florida. “We were really happy with the first show at Gilt,” Bauer said. “We see the chance to grow in Florida, and using Orlando as a base of operations makes sense… There’s a lot of our DNA in the Florida wrestling scene. We want guys who have a certain quality to them, and luckily this area has a lot of what we’re looking for…

“We did really well in Fort Lauderdale a million years ago. We’ll look at Jacksonville – I remember a show there that didn’t do great in advance but had terrific walkup, for some reason. We did one show in Tampa, and we might try to hit some smaller markets. But really — if we expand beyond Orlando — Fort Lauderdale and Jacksonville are in the crosshairs.” Read the full story at

Powell’s POV: What was labeled as a “One-Shot” has quickly become more, as the promotion already announced it’s return on December 7. You can order the “One-Shot” event for just $4.99 at MLW.TV. You can also read my full review of the event headlined by Ricochet vs. Shane Strickland here.


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