8/13 Beyond Wrestling “Bye Bye Beautiful” results: WALTER vs. Donovan Dijak, Matt Riddle and Jeff Cobb vs. Chris Dickinson and Jaka, Travis Banks vs. Tracy Williams, LAX members EYFBO vs. Ryan Galeone and Mike Verna

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Beyond Wrestling “Bye Bye Beautiful”
Somerville, Massachusetts at Arts at the Armory
Report by Dot Net staffer Zack Zimmerman (Twitter.com/DotNetZim)

-Wheeler YUTA beat Rory Gulak in a YouTube exclusive match.

1. EYFBO beat Ryan Galeone and Mike Verna (w/Dan Barry, Rex Lawless) by DQ. EYFBO work as LAX’s Ortiz and Santana in Global Force Wrestling. The DQ finish occurred when Lawless hits EYFBO with a crutch. There was a beatdown afterwards until Dickinson and Jaka make the save.

2. JT Dunn beat Martin Stone. Dunn won with a rollup even though Stone’s foot was on the rope. Started good, slowed down, then picked up again towards the end.

3. Brandon Watts beat Shynron.

4. “Doom Patrol” Chris Dickinson and Jaka beat “Chosen Bros” Matt Riddle and Jeff Cobb. A good match that lived up to expectations.

5. John Silver over Zack Gibson. Good match. Huge heat for Gibson. Silver won with a Batista Bomb and running punt to the head.

6. Travis Banks beat Tracy Williams. Banks won with a springboard kick.

7. Donovan Dijak beat WALTER. Very strong. Hard hitting and well paced. Dijak won after a second Feast Your Eyes


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