Pruett’s Book Review: The WWE Book of Top 10s – A list about a book about lists!

By Will Pruett

On May 9, 2017, The WWE Book of Top 10s will be released. I know what you’re all thinking, every website ever in the history of mankind has made page after page of lists. Lists are the internet’s strongest asset (aside from a free exchange of ideas). However, to properly review this book of lists, I felt the need to make a list.

Top 10 Things You Need to Know about The WWE Book of Top 10s

  1. The forward is written by list-maker extraordinaire Chris Jericho and is pretty funny. I might have gone for the “Perfect 10” Tye Dillinger in a book so heavily reliant on the number ten, but I understand both tactics. Jericho is definitely a more prolific and charming writer than I assume Tye is.
  2. This isn’t the book you’re going to purchase to satiate your hardcore wrestling fandom and debate about definitive lists. This is the book you’re going to purchase for a healthy dose of WWE nostalgia or as a fun way to show the younger fans in your life moments you love and cherish.
  3. There are 100 lists in this book, all in vibrant full color. It grabs your attention with each page and, even in moments when you find yourself being that human and disagreeing with the book (I did this a few times), there’s always another list on the next page.
  4. The best list in this book is the Top 10 Emotional Championship Victories. Reading through this list and remembering each of these moments was a nice way to pass between two and four minutes.
  5. The worst list in this book is the Top 10 ECW Champions because it leaves off Vince McMahon. It also weirdly just lists lengths of ECW Championship reigns and few other reasons for wrestles to appear on the list.
  6. The strangest list has to be Top 10 Non-Title Matches. I can’t help but imagine a group of wrestling scholars gathered around a table for multiple years watching every non-title match in WWE history to come up with this list. I’ll give them credit for including a Shane McMahon match on the list though!
  7. I learned the title of Steve Austin’s theme music from the non-grammatically named Top Ten Entrance Music list. Apparently it’s “I Won’t Do What You Tell Me,” which seems a little too on the nose.
  8. There’s a list of Top Ten Rising Superstars, so you should probably buy this book soon. This page won’t be relevant forever.
  9. A suggested game to play with this book: Divide some friends into Family Feud-esque teams and try to guess all the contents of a list. Find a way to copiously drink while doing so. Have a great time!
  10. This is a very walk down nostalgia lane with a fun mix of modernity in it as well. It’s not for everyone, but if you want a fun hit of wrestling nostalgia along with some silly numbers, this book is for you!

Got thoughts on this book or my review of it? Hit me up with them! Check the Twitter @wilpruett, leave a comment, or email me at


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