4/29 NXT in Southaven results: Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger for the NXT Championship, DIY vs. Sanity, Asuka and Ruby Riot vs. Billie Kay and Peyton Royce, Andrade “Cien” Almas vs. Hideo Itami

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NXT Live Event
Southaven, Mississippi
Report by Dot Net reader David Owens

A video message from Triple H opened the show. He credited the fans for making NXT what it is today.

1. No Way Jose beat Eric Young (w/ Killian Dain, Alexander Wolfe, Nikki Cross). Jose danced around the ring and with the official before Sanity was announced. Fun spot with all three – Young, Jose and the official — feigning dizziness after the airplane spin spot. Impressive move of note was a “dragon sleeper” with Young on the second rope. Jose was able to escape with a win following a roll-up.

Sanity got on the mic and said they were the most dominant group in wrestling. EY said Mississippi is a garbage state and the group challenged anyone in the back, to which D.I.Y. responded.

2. Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa beat Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe. Another fun spot with Ciampa putting on Nikki’s jacket and acting crazy like Sanity, running around the ring. This angered Cross who was ejected and Eric Young was also tossed for pushing the referee. Lots of “Shave Your Back” chants directed at Dain. Sanity hit a sick looking powerbomb with Gargano dropping down onto Wolfe’s knees. D.I.Y. hit their Meeting in the Middle finish for the win.

Brazil’s Cezar Bononi (Bologna) cut a promo about knowing how to fight.

3. Sonya Deville beat Aliyah. I missed most of this match. DeVille won with a knee to the face. I like her MMA-inspired gimmick though.

4. Dylan Miley beat The Patrick Clark. In a video earlier in the night, Clark had talked about Regal giving him an opportunity while he was getting stretched by a trainer. That opportunity turned out to be Miley, who tossed him around for the better part of five minutes. Clark did get an opportunity to shine with some offense on the outside, toss into the stairs, etc. Miley was impressive hitting a flying headbutt and won with Rock Bottom-type maneuver (he was holding Clark more around the waist).

5. Hideo Itami beat Andrade “Cien” Almas. Decent match. Itami won with the Go To Sleep.

6. Aleister Black beat Cezar Bononi. Bononi avoided Aleister’s kick at the start of the match. A lot more competitive than I thought it would be. As the NXT St. Louis correspondent said, there may be plans for Cezar. I don’t know why Black has been in so many 50/50 style matches so close to his debut.

7. Asuka and Ruby Riot beat Billie Kay and Peyton Royce. Kay and Royce were announced as the “Iconic Duo.” Full disclosure, I’m not an Asuka fan. Riot wrestled most of the match for the faces, tagging in Asuka for the hot tag. Asuka hit the heel kick for the win.

8. Bobby Roode beat Tye Dillinger to retain the NXT Championship. Glad to see Tye make the NXT tour despite the call-up. I was happy for guys such as Shinsuke Nakamura and The Revival for getting “promoted” but that took some interest away from this show for me anyway. Easily the match of the night. Lots of dueling “10”/“Glorious” spots in this one. One involved Dillinger stomping on Roode’s hands and while Bobby shook off the pain doing the “10.” Tye landed a superkick that got a close near fall and even kicked out of Roode’s DDT finisher. Like the previous night, the NXT belt came into play. Roode missed the shot, but was able to low blow his opponent while the referee was distracted. A second DDT then put Dillinger away.

Roode attacked his opponent after the match and even knocked down the official. Bobby went to the outside to get a steel chair and Tye even asked for the shot (think Ken Shamrock and The Rock). However, Dillinger was able to hit a low blow of his own and dropped Roode with the Tye Breaker knee. Roode finally got up and clapped for Dillinger in his send off (several “Thank you Tye” chants). Roode tried attacking Tye again but he dropped the champ with a Rock Bottom, then followed it up with his own People’s Elbow to send the fans home happy.

Overall, a great show. Much better venue than Minglewood Hall in Memphis (where NXT visited February 2016) simply because it was a fully seated event. I had to stand up for that entire show last year, though the talent then (Zayn, Balor, Joe, Corbin, American Alpha, Bayley, etc.) was markedly better.


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