Jim Ross on Braun Strowman vs. Kalisto in a dumpster match, a WWE act poised for a breakout year, huge names helping out with JR’s autobiography

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on the dumpster match: “Enjoyed the presentation of the Dumpster Match and am all in on how WWE is promoting Braun Strowman who has an unlimited upside. Keeping Strowman a villain is going to be dicey as he’s just about every thing a defiant, young male might want to live vicariously through. Hats off to Kalisto too for his efforts in this ‘mismatch.”

Powell’s POV: Many fans want to boo Reigns, and it certainly seems like Strowman can be flipped. Why fight it?

Ross on a WWE act in for a breakout year: “Still thinking that Miz and Maryse will have breakout years in @WWE in 2017. As @MikeTheMiz gets more aggressive offensively and his lovely and talented wife continues to evolve her ‘valet’ skill set this is a combo that will be headlining major events for RAW in 2017, IMO. On RAW, I was thinking that if the handicap bout continued with Jericho and Ambrose vs Miz that Miz could have easily turned fan favorite if it had continued the way it was going. Just my two cents.”

Powell’s POV: My long shot hope is that Miz will begin mimicking Kurt Angle’s moves the same way he did when he was at odds with Daniel Bryan on Smackdown. With any luck (and medical clearance), a Miz vs. Angle match can happen at some point.

Ross on his autobiography: “For our upcoming autobiography ‘SlobberKnocker: My Life in Wrestling’ I am elated that we will have contributions from Vince McMahon, Steve Austin, The Rock and Mark Cuban. The cover is out there and you can check it out elsewhere here on the site. Our labor of love will be in stores in October but it can be preordered via amazon.com.”

Powell’s POV: Two billionaires, the most successful movie star in the world, and one of the most successful wrestlers in history. Not bad company. The book release date can’t arrive soon enough.

Other topics include JR’s one-man show returning to DC, more on WWE Raw, Rey Mysterio on The Ross Report, the NFL Draft, and more.


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