3/16 Powell’s Impact Wrestling TV Review: Alberto El Patron vs. EC3, LAX returns, Lashley vs. Alberto El Patron fallout, four-way X Division match, Brandi Rhodes’ first singles match

By Jason Powell

Impact Wrestling on PopTV
Taped in February in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios

[Q1] Impact opened with a recap from last week that closed with footage from the Lashley vs. Alberto El Patron match… Jeremy Borash, Josh Mathews, and “Pope” D’Angelo Dinero were on commentary…

Alberto El Patron made his entrance while the broadcast team noted that he relinquished the Impact Wrestling Championship due to the controversy. Mathews noted that El Patron was told by Impact Wrestling officials that he needed to ask Lashley for a rematch. El Patron said his name and said it’s his house. The crowd was very receptive.

El Patron said he beat someone they said was unbeatable. He stood on the ropes and said he proved to the fans that he deserves to be their champion. He said if it wasn’t for politics, he would be standing in the ring as champion. El Patron said he’s not a talker, he’s a badass and a fighter. El Patron called out Lashley.

Ethan Carter III made his entrance instead. Mathews took exception with El Patron saying the match was decided by company officials. “This isn’t the wild, wild west,” he said. EC3 led the crowd in swaying to his music while El Patron stood in the corner. EC3 put over El Patron for making an impact on his first day.

EC3 said it was noble of El Patron to relinquish the title. He said seeing as how he won it under nefarious means, it was the right thing to do. EC3 said you have to earn your title shots. EC3 said he is the top man and suggested they have a match to determine which man will challenge Lashley vs. championship.

Alberto got a kick out of EC3 teasing it as Si vs. 3. El Patron said no disrespect, but he was there to face Lashley, claiming company officials promised him a rematch. Mathews correctly pointed out that no one promised him that. El Patron played to the crowd and said he believes they want to see him face Lashley. El Patron put his arm around EC3 and said he wasn’t Lashley, so he was going to go find him.

EC3 said he thought El Patron was a bad hombre. He questioned whether he has “no mas testicles.” El Patron returned to the ring and said he’s in Impact to fight the big dogs, not the bitch. EC3 asked if there was anything he could say to get his match. El Patron repeated he wasn’t there to fight the bitch.

EC3 face-palmed El Patron, who then backed him into a corner and threw knees at him until security ran out and broke it up. EC3 left the ring and was all smiles. El Patron escaped security briefly and got his hands on El Patron on the ramp before security pulled him off again. El Patron picked up the crowd chant of “let them fight.” El Patron agreed to face EC3…

Powell’s POV: A solid segment to set up the main event. Alberto was really good in playing to the crowd. EC3’s character shift is odd. He was a top babyface until last week and now he comes off heelish. He’s also being talked down to by Lashley and El Patron. I hope they have a plan in mind for him because he’s definitely someone who belongs in the upper mix. Meanwhile, Bruce Prichard and Dutch Mantell telling El Patron in the Youtube video that he has to ask Lashley for a rematch is bizarre. So the champion books his own matches in Impact Wrestling? Given the controversial finish, you’d think they would have set up the rematch.

[Q2] [C] An ad aired for the One Night Only pay-per-view that debuts this weekend. It features Jeff Hardy, Mike Bennett, and even some names who are still with the company…

A video focussed on Eddie Edwards talking about how he wants to be the best. He said you can’t focus on the past, you have to focus on the future. He said everyone has the same goal of being the best pro wrestler in the world. He said he is going to make Impact Wrestling great because this is his passion, he was born to do it, and it’s his calling…

Footage aired from “earlier today” of Dutch Mantell, Bruce Prichard, Scott D’Amore, and another guy talking about the tag title situation with Decay stealing the tag titles from the Hardys. Prichard said he had an idea and asked if he could handle this…

Powell’s POV: Viewers know Mantell and Prichard from last week at the very least. They have yet to mention the names of D’Amore and the fourth guy in the room.

The broadcast team said El Patron vs. EC3 was official for later in the show. They set up a video package on the history between Eli Drake and Tyrus that chronicled their breakup and the reunion the followed when Drake offered to pay him more money…

1. Eli Drake and Tyrus vs. Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. Borash said Laredo Kid is a 16-year veteran at the age of 30. He said Garza Jr. is the nephew of the late Hector Garza. Kid performed a nice moonsault off the top rope onto Drake on the floor. A short time later, Kid dove at Tyrus, who caught him and slammed him down heading into the break. [C]

[Q3] The heels isolated Kid for a stretch. He eventually made the hot tag to Garza superkicked Drake and covered him for a two count. Drake came back with a couple of big slams on his opponents, but Garza ended up rolling him up for the win…

Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. beat Eli Drake and Tyrus in 11:05.

Powell’s POV: Kid made the better first impression. I realize they are trying to establish the newer talent, but I’m surprised to see them do it at the expense of Drake.

The broadcast team spoke at ringside about the match and then Borash set up a video package that touted the company’s working relationship with Pro Wrestling Noah. It included footage of James Storm, Moose, and Eddie Edwards in Tokyo talking about their trip…

Brandi Rhodes headed to the ring to face Kayci Quinn, who didn’t get a televised entrance. Brandi slapped hands and played to the crowd. Just as the match was about to start, Cody came out carrying the Global Force Wrestling NEXGEN Championship. Cody said the match wasn’t going to happen. Cody said Impact would no longer pimp out the Rhodes name on their terms.

Cody offered to pay Quinn $45, saying it was $20 more than the company was going top pay her. Funny. She declined. Cody thanked her for coming and said she should stand in the corner. Cody said Moose claimed he was in Japan. “I am Japan,” Cody said. He told the crowd they were “just too sweet.” Cody challenged Moose to a match for the Impact Grand Championship. Cody led a reluctant Brandi backstage… [C]

Powell’s POV: Another entertaining heel promo from Cody, who continues to be the Macho Man to his wife’s Elizabeth. The money line was especially hilarious. By the way, the broadcast team has really toned down the bickering this week. Mathews is still heelish, but it’s much easier to listen to than all the distracting squabbling was last week.

[Q4] Coming out of the break, Rosemary was beating up Quinn at ringside. Mathews noted that there was no referee and it wasn’t a match. Rosemary brought Quinn inside the ring and no-sold a few punches before roughing her up again. Rosemary performed the Red Wedding (F5)…

At ringside, the broadcast team bickered about Moose and Cody while Mathews siding with Cody in questioning where Moose was. Pope noted that Moose was in Japan. EMTs checked on Quinn in the ring. Borash said there would be law and order very soon. Mathews questioned what he was talking about…

EC3’s “Make Impact Great” video aired. He said he walked in and beat everybody. He said everything that happened over the last 15 years occurred so that EC3 could be conceived and appear on television…

EC3 made his entrance, the Alberto El Patron made his entrance for their match…

2. Alberto El Patron vs. EC3 to become No. 1 contender to the Impact Wrestling Championship. El Patron went after EC3 aggressively to start. EC3 came back by running him into the post at ringside, then El Patron returned to favor heading into a break. [C]

[Q5] EC3 signaled for his finisher and flinched to sell arm pain. El Patron avoided the One Percenter, but EC3 sent him over the top rope to the floor. EC3 followed and worked over EL Patron on the floor. He shoved paper from the broadcast table into El Patron’s mouth and slammed his head off the table. They returned to the ring. El Patron caught EC3 with an enzuigiri that knocked him back to ringside heading into the break. [C]

El Patron continued to work over the arm/shoulder of EC3. Mathews noted that it was setting up EC3 for the Cross Arm Breaker. El Patron went up top, but EC3 crotched him. EC3 headbutted him, then El Patron came back with a headbutt of his own. EC3 was able to fling El Patron off the ropes.

EC3 performed two TK3s on El Patron. EC3 rolled to the floor while the broadcast team questioned why he didn’t cover El Patron. EC3 grabbed a chair and returned to the ring with it. Mathews said it was similar to Lashley going to ringside and grabbing the title belt last week.

EC3 wound up with the chair, then dropped it instead. EC3 went to pick up El Patron, who fired back and eventually applied the Cross Arm Breaker for the win. Borash said it was the first time that EC3 has tapped out in Impact Wrestling…

Alberto El Patron beat EC3 in 21:45 to become No. 1 contender to the Impact Wrestling Championship.

[Q6] After the match, El Patron applauded EC3 and told him he couldn’t leave until he paid him the respect he deserved. El Patron got down on one knee and applauded him. El Patron said he’s been in the business since the day he was born and has faced the most dangerous opponents around the world. El Patron said EC3 gave him one of the best matches of his career. El Patron offered a handshake. EC3 eventually shook his hand. El Patron raised EC3’s hand…

Powell’s POV: A solid match with El Patron consistently working the arm throughout the match. The idea seemed to be that EC3 beat himself by not going for the cover. It continues to seem like they are telling a story of him being down on his luck for some reason, not that they are just burying him. He was one of the company’s top stars so only time will tell whether this approach will do more harm than good.

Backstage, McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Reno Scum. One of them yelled “Oy” repeatedly. Their motto is “united we survive, divided we die.” They both chanted “oy” by the end of their promo…

Powell’s POV: Oy vey.

Backstage, EC3 was fired up and Bruce Prichard was trying to calm him down… [C] Madison Rayne’s “Make Impact Great” video aired. She said Impact has been her adult life. She said there are ups and downs with any company, and she’s been around for all of them. She said it’s an exciting time and they are going to give fans a new version of pro wrestling. She’s going to make it great by continuing to do what she’s done…

Borash was on the phone as Mathews spoke about having a scoop. Borash said “she” would be on the show next week… A Suicide video package aired. It had his logo in a bat signal like setup…

Ring entrances for the X Division match took place. Pope said he thought he rid the world of Suicide years ago…

[Q7] 3. Trevor Lee (w/Gregory Shane Helms) vs. Suicide vs. Andrew Everett vs. Braxton Sutter (w/Allie) in a four-way for the X Division Championship. Mathews was actually the voice of reason as he complained about the champion having to defend his title in a bunch of multi-person matches. Borash conceded it was a good point.

Everett performed a springboard shooting star press onto his opponents. He hit the barricade on the way down but enough of his fall was braced that he was fine. [C] Suicide had a run of offense. Mathews said it reminded him of when he used to compete. Later, Laurel Van Ness walked out in her wedding dress looking like hell. She grabbed Allie. Sutter pulled Allie away. Lee hit Sutter with a high knee off the distraction and pinned him…

Trevor Lee beat Suicide, Andrew Everett, and Braxton Sutter to retain the X Division Championship.

After the match, Sienna made her entrance. She said she hoped that Sutter and Allie were enjoying their time together while it lasts. She indicated that she will be worse than Maria for them. She said the first time they sleep together will be in the hospital. Laurel cheered. Sienna said Romeo and Juliet always come to their tragic demise…

Powell’s POV: The usual good athleticism from the X Division wrestlers, yet it was once again presented in a manner that made it feel meaningless. I believe Caleb Konley is playing the part of Suicide. The question is why. The gimmick never clicked so why bring it out of mothballs? If the one thing the broadcast team agrees on is that these multi-person matches are not the way to go with the X Division, then why are we still getting them? Finally, Sienna’s promo sounded about as scripted as it gets.

[Q8] [C] Moose’s “Make Impact Great” video aired. He’s going to do jumps and dives that big men don’t normally do to help make Impact great again…

Bruce Prichard made his entrance. He said there was a lot of controversy, but championships are won and lost inside the ring. He said they don’t change hands in outer space or on the internet. He said the new tag champions will be determined when they put the four best teams in the ring in two weeks to determine the new champions.

Decay made their entrance. Mathews pointed out the ridiculousness of Prichard’s statement when they just convinced El Patron to give up the Impact Wrestling Championship in a boardroom. Yes, the heel broadcaster was once again the most logical person on the show.

Abyss introduced the trio to Prichard and said they are beautiful. Crazzy Steve said they are the death dealers. Rosemary said they rescued the tag titles from space and time. She said they will give them what they rightfully deserve or they will take the titles.

Reno Scum made their entrance. Mathews said he likes them. There was more oy’ing until they were interrupted by the generic entrance music of Garza Jr. and Laredo Kid, who came to the ring. Kid spoke in Spanish. Garza stated in English that they were there for the tag titles. All three teams brawled.

LAX’s music played. Homicide and Konnan headed to ringside. Two new male members and a female member attacked the other tag wrestlers from behind. Homicide performed the Gringo Killer on Steve. Konnan announced that LAX is back and they are serious like a late period.

The broadcast team sold the LAX attack. Borash closed the show by teasing that “she’ll be here” next week…

Powell’s POV: Impact Wrestling advertised the return of LAX, so it was odd to hear the broadcast team act like no one expected them to be there. That said, they came off well and it was a nice mix of good nostalgia combined with a fresh coat of paint. I won’t spoil the identity of the woman who actually shows up next week, but I wonder how many fans watching are cringing at the thought of Dixie Carter possibly returning to television. Overall, this was a better show than last week thanks in large part to the broadcast team toning it down after being horribly obnoxious last week. I will have a lot more to say about the show in my member exclusive audio review on Friday morning. Check back on Friday for John Moore’s Impact Wrestling Hit List.


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