Jeff Hardy on Impact Wrestling claiming ownership of the Broken Universe, returning to WWE, confirms he and Matt Hardy have short-term deals with Ring of Honor

SEScoops interview with Jeff Hardy
Interview conducted by Brad Davis
Available at

Jeff Hardy on whether he and Matt Hardy have short-term deals with Ring of Honor: “We do, it’s a short term deal and it’s cool because we can still work the indies like we’ve been doing. We’ve really had a good time on the independent circuit. We sell a lot of merchandise and take a lot of pictures with fans. It’s great to be your own boss and being able to do TV with Ring of Honor as well.”

On Impact Wrestling claiming ownership of the Broken Universe: “It’s kind of in limbo right now. It’s just very heartbreaking. I gave 7 years of my life to Impact Wrestling and TNA and for them to hold this against us .. When they threatened to sue Ring of Honor .. What they said was a complete lie, that “they developed the Broken Universe” for us, which is so untrue. We did that all on our own. It started when I broke my leg in April of 2015. The positive outcome of [my accident] is that Broken Matt Hardy was born. Brother Nero was born as well. The stuff we did at our home, Final Deletion, was the highest rated show all year for Impact Wrestling and it was just 4 guys and a couple sound people. We did it all on our own and we totally developed the characters all on our own. For them to hold this against us like this is very sad and heartbreaking. But I think in the end, we’ll come out on top.”

On his interest in returning to WWE: “I would love to introduce the Broken Universe to WWE eventually. I think it would be huge. As far as character driven or just a fresh vibe in in the pro wrestling world, yeah I think eventually I’m sure I’m going to jump back into the solo dimension and I’d love to be the world champion again. In my career in WWE, if it works out, the whole Hall of Fame and all that stuff. It started there and I’d like to end there. For now, I’m just having a blast doing the indies and I love the Broken Universe stuff with Matt, I think it’s the best thing he’s ever done. It’s just hard to keep a straight face around him at times, but he can be serious and make sense in a weird way, it’s just so fun. I hope it lasts as long as it can.”

Powell’s POV: Jeff also noted that he believe he and Matt would still be working for Impact Wrestling had Billy Corgan ended up buying the company. As much as I believe Anthem should do right by the Hardys given the circumstances, there’s no doubt that the Hardys returning to WWE would be a big deal with or without the Broken Universe gimmick. Hardy also spoke about his role in the movie The Favorite and what he watched on Monday’s WWE Raw.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. No mention of Jeff doing a PPV main event with Sting where he was all f*ed up?

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