Frankie Kazarian complains about the pussification of pro wrestling, discusses the effect that Ring of Honor has had on the industry

ROH wrestler Frankie Kazarian spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News regarding and complained about the “pussification” of pro wrestling. “I just don’t like being sold the pre-packaged here’s-our-colorful-product and, god forbid, someone dropped an F-bomb or somebody threw up a middle finger and not get lambasted or fired or fined,” Kazarian said. “If I can use a little language, the pussification of society has really trickled down into professional wrestling in a negative way. And I think the numbers show that too.”

Kazarian also spoke about the effect that Ring of Honor has had on the industry. “I think Ring of Honor has shifted the attitude of the industry in terms of the great wrestling match and two great competitors going out there for 30, 45 minutes and really putting on a great wrestling contest,” Kazarian said. “I think a lot of independent companies have adopted that and, to some degree, WWE has adapted that. Whether they’re a good guy or bad guy, the fans are enamored with both wrestlers and really admire and respect their skillset.” Read the full interview at

Powell’s POV: Please note that the interview contains a spoiler regarding Kazarian’s current storyline that has yet to air on television. I sympathize with the frustration of wrestlers and fans who want an edgier product, but it is essentially what society has dictated. There’s simply more money and fewer headaches in taking the approach that Kazarian described, though there are some edgier independent promotions out there. Kazarian spoke about his WrestleMania weekend match, being at one of the early ROH shows, and his band VexTemper.


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