2/9 Powell’s TNA Impact Wrestling TV Review: Lashley vs. Eddie Edwards for the TNA Title, Broken Brilliance with Broken Matt and Jeff Hardy, Drew Galloway vs. Mahabali Shera for the Grand Championship

By Jason Powell

TNA Impact Wrestling on PopTV
Taped in January in Orlando, Florida at Universal Studios

[Q1] Broken Matt, Jeff Hardy, Queen Rebecca, and King Maxel were shown arriving at the building. Matt told Maxel they don’t eat the carbs he was eating, they eat protein and that’s why they are warriors. Jeff asked about the seven deities. Matt said all will be revealed tonight… A video recapped last week’s Open Fight Night edition. The footage included a tease for the final battle between Lashley and Eddie Edwards… Josh Mathews and “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero were on commentary…

The DCC trio of James Storm, Bram, and Kingston headed to the ring. Storm told the crowd that they are looking at three bad men. Storm said their plan is simple, they have a mission and they are going forward. He said if someone wants to step up and get in their way, they will knock them down. Storm ran through some of the names they have taken out. Storm said that when the country is going to hell, business is good for them.

Powell’s POV: We still have no idea what their mission is, which would be fine if I thought they or someone in creative actually knew.

Eli Drake’s music interrupted DCC. Drake and Tyrus walked out. Drake teased talking and instead gave the mic to Tyrus, who spoke about how their mouths were writing checks that their asses couldn’t cash. Drake and Tyrus entered the ring. Tyrus said he knows Storm and he goes back with Bram. He looked at Kingston and asked where they got Mini-Me. He asked why he’s mad and if he owes him child support. DCC brawled with Drake and Tyrus. They fought to ringside. Tyrus was getting the better of DCC heading into the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: The fans are not making much noise, perhaps because they have no clue which side they are supposed to be rooting for.

1. Eli Drake and Tyrus vs. James Storm, Bram, and Kingston. This was apparently a match because the referee was in the ring. Josh can read the mind of Drake (or at least his mannerisms). He explained that Drake wanted a third man, but Tyrus was fine facing DCC despite the numbers disadvantage.

[Q2] Storm tried to get Tyrus to do his Brodus Clay dance moves. Tyrus teased it, but punched Storm instead. Pope said someone better call DCC’s mommas. Drake walked out on Tyrus, who worked over all three members of DCC before eating a Last Call from Storm. Kingston and Storm both pinned Tyrus…

DCC defeated Tyrus and Eli Drake.

Powell’s POV: I spent part of the match watching fans at ringside monkey around on their phones. It kept me from reaching for mine. DCC only wins if they had the numbers advantage. In this case, they needed Drake to leave to have a two-man advantage. Why are viewers supposed to take them seriously?

Footage aired from lashley vs. Eddie Edwards from July 21, 2016. Mathews hyped Lashley vs. Edwards in the final fight for later in the show…

Powell’s POV: Wait, they’re having that match tonight? Why did the company’s horrible website hype DCC, the Grand Championship match, etc.?

Backstage, Brandi Rhodes said she’s still learning, but she would like to set an example of how a Knockout should act. She said someone needs to be taught a lesson. She said it was time for Rosemary to get a reality check… [C]

Backstage, Braxton Sutter and Allie were talking when Maria entered the picture and ordered Allie to get her coffee. Allie asked if she wanted “coffee coffee or whiskey coffee.” Funny. Maria told Saxton that she was going to forget that the “accident” between Sutter and Allie happened. She told Sutter that it was Laurel Van Ness’s special day. She told Sutter to make it something memorable. Sutter wasn’t happy…

Brandi Rhodes headed to the ring for a promo. She said the fans make it so much fun to be in the Impact Zone. She said she was having a blast as the newest Knockout, and she thanked the receptive fans for welcoming her. Brandi called out Rosemary.

[Q3] All three Decay members headed to the ring. Rosemary said they thought Brandi had so much potential. Mathews noted that Cody Rhodes was not in the building. Rosemary said Brandi chose to fight and she respects it, but it is her funeral. The Decay members surrounded Brandi. Rosemary applied a guillotine choke. Moose’s entrance music played and he rushed to the ring and fought off Crazzy Steve and Abyss…

Backstage, Rockstar Spud introduced Aron Rex and asked him about his match with Robbie E. Rex mocked his fashion choices. He said violence is not the answer, but tonight he will make an exception… [C]

Powell’s POV: An interesting development with Moose saving Brandi when Cody wasn’t there to do it himself. It could be as simple as Cody coming out and thanking Moose the next time he appears, but he’s turned heel everywhere else due to joining Bullet Club, so there may be more to this.

Mathews recapped the Decay, Moose, and Brandi segment… Backstage, Moose and Brandi delivered promos. Moose said that if anyone in Decay messes with Brandi, they were messing with him. Brandi, who was welling throat pain from the guillotine, said she has friends in the company and Moose has her back. She challenged Decay to a mixed tag match against “Moose and Mini Moose” next week…

Rockstar Spud stood in the ring and introduced Aron Rex, who headed out for a promo. Rex told the fans they can’t just say his name, they have to sing it. He had Spud demonstrate three times. Robbie interrupted the third one with his entrance…

[Q4] 2. Aron Rex (w/Rockstar Spud) vs. Robbie E. Robbie wore new ring gear rather than his BroMans gear. Mathews congratulated Robbie on the birth of his twin sons. Rex covered up his face from punches. The broadcast team said he was trying to cover up the moneymaker (Miz called…). Spud tried to drag Rex to ringside while Robbie held Rex’s legs. Rex poked Robbie in the eye and then tossed him to ringside where Spud choked him with his jacket.

Later, Spud once again tried to pull Rex to ringside. This time Robbie pulled Rex, which brought Spud into the ring. Robbie backed Spud into the corner. While the ref focussed on Spud, Rex struck E with his rings and pinned him…

Aron Rex pinned Robbie E in 5:00.

Powell’s POV: Rex rarely got out of the WWE undercard. Does he really think that impersonating Liberace in 2017 is his ticket to the main event?

Backstage, Reby told Jeff that she’s been onboard with everything, but what Matt was saying now was too much. Jeff said his premonitions have never been wrong. Matt showed up and said the seven deities have never led them astray and the expedition for gold will be divine. He said they will create magic in the Impact Zone… [C]

Footage aired from the Lashley vs. Edwards match from October 6, 2016…

Backstage, Eddie Edwards was with his wife Alisha, Davey Richards, and Angelina Love. Edwards was pacing in his ring gear ahead of his match with Lashley…

In another part of the backstage area, Mike Bennett told Braxton Sutter that they are going to be like family. Sutter blew that off and said he doesn’t know how he can put up with Maria on a daily basis. Bennett spoke about how she’s a strong woman and what his wife wants, his wife gets. Bennett said he knows Sutter will do the right thing. A lightbulb went off for Sutter, who said he would do the right thing. “God, I’m good,” Bennett said after Sutter left…

Reby played Broken Matt and Jeff Hardy to the ring on the piano while Maxel was strapped to her back. The fans popped. Jeff told the fans to listen up because Matt had some news about their future.

[Q5] Matt spoke about how the premonitions come to him like pieces of a puzzle. He said it came to him in full and now he sees the expedition of gold. Vanguard 1 was in the ring with them. Matt said the seven deities have upgraded the drone, which now has teleportation. Matt said Vanguard 1 will teleport him and Jeff to every promotion that has gold, and they will beat team after team after team as the win and conquer title after title after title. Matt said they must repeat the process over and over and over until the seven deities deem them as the greatest tag team in all of space and time.

Jeff asked for more details about teleportation and the premonition. Matt said he and Jeff will touch Vanguard 1 and then they will be teleported elsewhere to other promotions. He mentioned that it could be territories or ROH and the Bucks of Youth or even the “dastardly” McMahon show. He said they must win all the gold until they become the greatest team in all of space and time. Matt had a premonition and they had to put their hands on Vanguard 1. They did and then they disappeared from the ring.

The Hardys and Vanguard 1 emerged elsewhere. They asked a man where they were and he informed that they were in Tijuana, Mexico. Matt said that was wonderful… Mathews hyped the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: It’s about time we get a little Broken fun. The Broken Universe was really tame for the first shows of the new year, but it looks like things are picking up. Meanwhile, the company may not have done a good job of promoting the main event on their website, but they are doing a good job of making the match feel important with the flashback and the shot of the anxious Edwards.

Lashley was shown warming up backstage…

3. Drew Galloway vs. Mahabali Shera for the Grand Championship. Footage aired of Galloway winning matches with low blows. Shera jumped out to the early advantage. Galloway ducked out to ringside, then clipped the leg of Shera, who was on the apron.

[Q6] The bell rang to end the round as Shera was hitting his finisher. Ring announcer Jeremy Borash announced that Shera won the first round on the scorecards. Galloway opened round two with a big boot, which drew cheers from the crowd. Galloway performed an overhead belly to belly suplex for a two count. Shera came back with clotheslines and a slam around the midway point of the second round. Galloway hit the Claymore Kick and then followed up with the Future Shock DDT for the pin…

Drew Galloway defeated Mahabali Shera by pinfall in the second round to retain the Grand Championship.

Powell’s POV: A decent match, especially considering Shera was involved. Shera hitting his finisher as time expired on the first round was a nice touch. By the way, TNA did advertise the main event on their website. It was the fourth item down following their press release about their Japanese working agreement, four other Impact matches, and DCC opening the show. In other words, it was buried.

Backstage, Laurel Van Ness was giving a crew member orders about her lighting and sparkles. Braxton Sutter showed up and asked for a minute. She said she had daddy’s credit card and they could go shopping and go back to her house and see what happens. Sutter tried to tell her what was on his mind. He dropped something and dropped down to get it. She immediately said yes while thinking that he was proposing to her. He tried to say now, but she kept saying yes and then ran off to tell Maria…

Gregory Shane Helms, Trevor Lee, and Andrew Everett stood in the ring. Helms referred to himself as the wrestling savant and introduced Lee as the X Division Champion. Lee took the mic and said he knew it was only a matter of time before he broke DJZ down and took back what was rightfully his. Lee said Z was a great champion, but he’s not Trevor Lee. He dubbed himself the crowd jewel of the X Division and the Helms Dynasty. Everett didn’t look pleased.

Helms said he had to be honest about something. He said a real man knows his limitations and can spot his weaknesses. Helms said the weakness in the Helms Dynasty is Everett. Helms said he gave him countless opportunities and they were squandered. Helms said Everett exists in the company because of him. He asked him how many times he was going to fail him. Helms threatened to trim the fat.

Everett took the mic and said Helms has known him all his life. Everett said he meant no disrespect, but Helms was wrong. He questioned how many times he had to jump on a grenade for them. Everett said he and Lee have won gold everywhere else they’ve done and they did it without Helms. “What if I’m not the problem?” Everett asked. “What if the problem is an old man living off his former glory.” Helms took his jacket off. Lee attacked Everett from behind. Helms and Lee worked over Everett. Lee blasted Everett with a high knee, then gave him a standing double stomp…

[Q7] A brief Lashley training video aired. Lashley said he’s been playing head games with Edwards. Eddie was also featured speaking about how you feel the effects of the match weeks later. He said it’s all worth it and he would do it again and again. Footage aired from their Iron Man match. Edwards said Lashley seemed to get angrier and more determined as the match went on. Edwards said it is intimidating to see Lashley, but he wants him at his best. Lashley said he’s better than Edwards and everyone else in the Impact Zone. Edwards said he only needs the one shot to take his title back and anything is possible… [C]

Powell’s POV: You could see the Helms Dynasty split coming a mile away, and it didn’t pack a punch because we don’t know anything about Everett despite the fact that he’s been on television fairly regularly. That said, I am looking forward to seeing Lee vs. Everett now that they’re no longer aligned because they are both very talented. Meanwhile, more good hype for the main event.

The Hardys walked through a public area in Tijuana as fans chanted delete. Matt signed the forehead of a fan per the fan’s request. They continued to mingle with fans, who appeared to be waiting to into an event. Well, either that or the men greatly outnumber the women and everyone is a pro wrestling fan in Tijuana. Footage aired of the Hardys facing Psicosis and Super Crazy in Mexico and a graphic noted that the match will air next week…

4. Lashley vs. Eddie Edwards for the TNA Championship. Lashley walked to ringside early and taunted Edwards’ wife and Angelina Love. Edwards performed a suicide dive on Lashley in front of his wife and then worked him over at ringside. Mathews played up the idea that Edwards seems to be the only person who has figured out the combination to beating Lashley.

[Q8] Lashley came back with a spinebuster heading into the break. [C] Lashley was in control of the offense coming out of the break, and they cut to shots of Alisha Edwards and Angelina Love cheering for Eddie. Edwards put a charging Lashley down with a clothesline at 8:45. Lashley came back and with for a powerbomb, but Edwards performed a hurcanrana that caused both men to tumble over the top rope to ringside.

Edwards caught Lashley with a suicide dive at 9:45. Edwards performed a missile dropkick for a two count. Lashley performed a Dominator for a two count. Lashley grabbed the title at ringside and walked by the women. Lashley wanted to use the title as a weapon, but Davey Richards came out and took it away from him. Edwards performed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count.

Back at ringside, Lashley suplexed Edwards and then rolled him back inside the ring. Lashely set up for a spear. Richards let Edwards know it was coming. Edwards hit the Boston Knee Party and had Lashley pinned, but Richards pulled the referee out of the ring before he could make the three count. Both women acted surprised while Richards jawed at Eddie. Richards pointed at his wife Love, who smiled and punched Alisha Edwards. Lashley speared Edwards and got the 1-2-3…

Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards in 14:00 to retain the TNA Title.

After the match, Love rolled Alisha Edwards inside the ring and forced her to watch as Davey kicked and then punched Edwards. Richards choked Edwards with his belt as Love forced his wife to watch. Richards and Love kissed in mid-ring. Richards held up Love’s arm…

A video hyped the expedition for the gold beginning next week and included additional footage from the Hardys match in Tijuana. Konnan made his triumphant return to TNA television with a brief shot of him backstage. The graphic once again hyped Matt and Jeff Hardy vs. Psicosis and Super Crazy for next week to close the show…

Powell’s POV: The video at the end was choppy, but that may have been on my end. The main event was entertaining. You had to know where they were going once we saw Richards, Love, and Alisha Edwards. It’s worth nothing that Alisha wrestled as Alexxis Nevaeh on the independent scene and she is under contract to Impact Wrestling, so I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot more of her. Overall, the first hour was rough, but the second hour was better and they did a nice job of building up the main event throughout the night. I will have more to say about the show in members’ audio on Friday, and John Moore will be by with his TNA Impact Wrestling Hit List.


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