1/15 Wrestlepalooza in Minneapolis results: Ariya Daivari vs. Arik Cannon for the Wrestlepalooza Championship, female talent out of the main event due to signing a WWE deal, Colt Cabana, Chuck Taylor, Su Yung, Veda Scott

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Minneapolis, Minnesota at First Avenue
Report by Dot Net reader Jason Biagi 

The event was sold out.

Arik Cannon announced that Heidi Lovelace signed a WWE contract and would not challenge Ariya Daivari for the Wrestlepalooza championship. Daivari came out in a RAW shirt and threatened to take the belt to the WWE. After a lot of shoving and trash talk, Daivari challenged Cannon to a title match in the main event. Cannon made it a no DQ match as well.

1. “All Ego” Ethan Page beat Airwolf, Space Monkey and Venom in a four-way match. Space Monkey was the favorite here. All four hit a Tower of Doom spot then later Page powerbombed Airwolf into Venom and Monkey. Page then hit a spinning uranage on Airwolf for the win.

2. Su Yung pinned Veda Scott to retain the Fest Wrestling Championship. Yung came out in a blood stained wedding dress. Late in the match,Scott taunted Yung with the FWC belt but ended up hit with a fireman’s carry driver onto a bunch of balloons for the win.

The band Dillinger Four performed. Scarlette Revolver performed burlesque.

3. Chuck Taylor beat Kikutaro, Joey Ryan and Colt Cabana in a four-way match. Taylor pinned Ryan after Sole Food. Pure comedy from these four. Most of it centered around Ryan’s genitalia. The crowd dug it, though.

Queenie Von Curves performed burlesque. Dillinger Four performed again.

4. The North Star Express (Ryan Cruz & Darin Corbin) beat Thunderfrog & Wildcat to retain the Wrestlepalooza Tag Titles. The NSE usually deliver the goods and this was no different. Late in the match, Wildcat hit a Falcon Arrow but flew into a Ginger Snap cutter. The NSE went on to hit Cruz Control to win the match. Afterward, Corbin and Cruz celebrated when suddenly Corbin hit Cruz with one of the tag titles. Corbin then hit the Ginger Snap on Cruz then left with both tag titles while flipping off the crowd. Unexpected turn. Entertaining match as well.

5. Kody Rice pinned Rob James. Rice won after an inverted corner cannonball splash.

Sweetpea performed burlesque.

6. Arik Cannon pinned Ariya Daivari to win the Wrestlepalooza Championship. Back and forth match went to the stage where Cannon hit Daivari with a mic stand. Daivari hit a frog splash for a near fall. Cannon hit a middle dropkick and an exploded for a near fall of his own. Cannon then hit a Superfly splash to honor the late Jimmy Snuka. Daivari rallied with a Magic Carpet Ride for a very good near fall. Cannon blasted Daivari with a beer can, hit a rope-assisted neckbreaker, and a brainbuster to win the title.

Afterward, the roster gathered on the stage to honor Daivari, as did the crowd. Daivari said that he wrestled his first match in First Ave when he was 17 in 2006 and that First Ave would always be home. The roster and the crowd congratulated him as he left.

Entertaining night as always.


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