1/4 Gleed’s Ring of Honor TV Review: Previously unaired footage from 2016


By Haydn Gleed

Ring of Honor TV
Taped at various locations
Aired in syndication over the weekend, available Wednesdays on Comet TV

Following the usual intro video, Kevin Kelly was standing backstage to introduce the show. He told us tonight would be a collection of matches that had never been seen on TV, including highlights of Ladder War 6 and how Adam Cole originally gained the ROH world title amongst other things.

Gleed’s Ramblings I won’t be doing full coverage of any matches that aired on PPV as Mr Powell has already covered them in detail both in audio and written form at the time, however anything new I will of course cover in as much detail as possible.

Kelly introduced a no rules match between War Machine against Taylor and Lee from a match on the 4th November 2016 in San Antonio, Texas.

1. War Machine vs. Taylor and Lee in a no rules match. The match was joined in progress with War Machine on the offence. They whipped both of their opponents into the guard rail either side of the ring. They cut away to a moment where Hanson hit Shane Taylor with a trash can. They then approached the ring announcers desk, but Lee came back and rammed them both War Machine members back first into the barricade. Lee showed off on the apron allowing War Machine to recover and powerbomb him through the ring announcers desk. They cut away to War Machine with Shane Taylor in the ring, and they performed their where Hanson is powerslam by Rowe onto the opponent spot. They continued with some slow plodding hardcore action with another trash can to the head of Taylor. This took us into the commercials.

Gleed’s Ramblings Well, this sucks hard at the moment.

Jay and Mark Briscoe were backstage when we came back from the break where they talked about their new year’s resolution. They stated that Mark Briscoe wanted to become the ROH TV Champion, Jay wants to win the ROH Championship, and both of them to win the tag titles for the ninth time and then the six-man titles.

Gleed’s Ramblings Not a particularly great or memorable promo, but it’s a damn sight better than the “best of” show so far. Speaking of which….

Back in Texas, Hanson attempted a moonsault from the top rope onto Shane Taylor who was on his back mid-ring and connected for a near fall. The action then cut away to Shane Taylor hitting a slam on Hanson with a table set up in the corner. Corino said the action had gone 15 minutes so far. Not on this broadcast thankfully. After some more cut away’s, we randomly came back to see Kevin Kelly accidentally being hit by Hanson who was attempted a suicide dive through the ropes.

The end of the match came mercifully per the highlights when Rowe hit a belly to belly type suplex on Taylor into a table, but Lee snuck in from behind, put Rowe through a table with a powerbomb for the three count.

Shane Taylor and Keith Lee defeated War Machine.

Gleed’s Ramblings That was just painful. I’m sure if the whole match was shown it would have been a lot better, but they literally only showed War Machine on offense despite them being the losing team. It was the same offense that we see every match from Hanson and Rowe, which doesn’t leave an impression anymore on this viewer. I did quite enjoy Kelly taking a bump from a Hanson suicide dive. Does that make me a sick human being?

Kelly was backstage and gave us the “great news” that the War Machine vs Taylor and Lee feud is far from over and we will see more in 2017…

Gleed’s Ramblings Great, I enjoy watching the same average match over and over.

They showed a video package showing the behind the scenes of ROH’s trip to Japan that showed clips of people no longer with the company such as Moose… This led to highlights of Ladder Was 6 from All Star Extravaganza…..

Gleed’s Ramblings The ladder war was built as the match of the year in ROH by Kevin Kelly. They showed some great moments, but try to watch the full match, as it was so much better than these great highlights shown out of context (and obviously the blood wasn’t in black and white when it aired live).

Backstage, The Youth Club ran down how great their 2016 was and proclaimed that 2017 would be even better. Kevin Kelly then made a pitch of the video of demand on the ROH website of the full ladder wars match…

After a break, a Women of Honor video package and this was followed by a video package on the rise of the Bullet Club in 2016. This concluded with the Death Before Dishonor match between Adam Cole and Jay Lethal where Cole won the ROH Championship…

Gleed’s Ramblings I’m enjoying the video packages showing some good moments of the year, but it’s not anything particularly new just repackaged. They are worth a watch if you haven’t seen all the ROH TV shows and PPV’s this year.

The show concluded with highlights of the recent Final Battle match between Kyle O’Reilly and Adam Cole where O Reilly won the World Championship to take him into 2017 as the champion.

Backstage, Adam Cole was sat in a chair complaining about the Final Battle match not being what he signed up for. He was expecting a singles match and Kyle brought out the thumbtacks and caused a black eye. He blamed ROH and indicated he believed it was a conspiracy against him from management. He promised that the title will be his again…

Kelly ended the show by promoting that next week’s show would continue the Decade Of Excellence tournament…

Gleed’s Ramblings As I indicated previously, the show had it’s moments but the only original content was the dire match that was highlighted at the beginning of the show and Adam Cole’s promo. Cole’s promo was decent but he pretty much said the same thing on the last original show two weeks ago. All in all, a very skippable show unless you didn’t catch a lot of ROH this year.


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