AAW in Illinois results: Low Ki makes a surprise appearance, Broken Matt and “Brother Hero” vs. Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett, Jack Evans vs. AR Fox

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Marionette Park, Illinois
Report by Michael Blanton

We had another fun show by AAW this past Friday back at 115 Bourbon Street. I actually got sick halfway through the show, but I powered through. I literally didn’t want to miss a minute of what could happen. That’s just how these shows are. I don’t write these reviews every month because I’m their fanboy. I do it because it’s the best wrestling around. And I want others to know about it and enjoy themselves as much as I do. Danny Daniels tweeted earlier in the day about how you never know who could show up at AAW, and he wasn’t lying.

1. Dezmond Xavier pinned Joey Janela. I believe this was the debut of Janela in AAW. He’s a CZW mainstay and looked pretty good in his debut. Dezmond is just tremendous. He floats around the ring like no one else. And trust me, I know the company he shares the ring with. He is smooth as silk and improving month by month. A lot of back and forth in this one, but Dezmond was able to pick up the victory.

Post match, The Killer Kult came out with JT Davidson and interrupted the DX celebration. Sami Callahan revealed that Dezmond was a protégé of his and that Dezmond needs to learn his place and get to the back. Dezmond complied, but I don’t think that’s going to be the end of that issue. Sami and the gang were bragging about their accomplishments when they were interrupted by Eddie Kingston and Homicide. They challenged them for later tonight and laughed at the thought that it was two on three. Because they had a partner, and Sami and OI4K were going to have to wait to see who it was!

2. Kimber Lee beat Jessicka Havok and Heidi Lovelace in a three-way. Well this was fun! All three of these girls have been in the ring with each other numerous times in one form or another. And it always clicks. We saw Havok laying down a pretty brutal offense to the other two, until she faced a flurry of double team moves. The finish saw Kimber Lee pin Havok after a swanton!

3. Besties in the World beat An Officer and a Gentleman to retain the AAW Tag Titles. Dan Berry and Chuck Taylor are such a fun team. BITW are also a fun team. This made for a very fun match. I noticed that Berry had his working boots on in this match. I’ve never seen so much offense from him. It was a welcome surprise! Chuckie T wrestled Davey Vega last month in the JLMT. He remembered that Vega bit him in the dick, and asked him not to do so again. Vega said he wouldn’t. Davey just has such an honest face. Why would he lie? Well, a bit later he absolutely bit Chuck in the dick once again. Fitchett was impressive in this match as always. Any one of these four dudes could be a great singles wrestler, so we were lucky. BITW were able to retain their belts, but everyone had a great time watching this one!

4. AR Fox beat Jack Evans. Evans has had a shot before, but blamed it on bad officiating. So he talked himself into another shot. I really enjoyed their first match, but I thought this one topped it by a lot. These guys flew through the sky the entire time. Evans was really laying it into him the entire match. He said he was going to smash his head in, and it definitely looked like he was trying! AR Fox has so many offensive moves, both aerial and on the ground. He was able to best Evans once again, but no one looked like a loser after this was over. The crowd was really into the entire match, and both guys were shown appreciation. I wonder who Fox will be defending against at the Windy City Classic coming up later this month. So many intriguing options!

5. Kongo Kong defeated Jeff Cobb. Let me just start off by saying that Jeff Cobb is the strongest dude in the world. I love the guy. And Kongo Kong is so impressive for a man his size. But when you look at Kong, you don’t think he can be suplexed. But not only was he suplexed multiple times, he was HELD IN THE F—ing AIR by Jeff Cobb. This guy is legit. These guys beat the crap out of each other. The hardest hitting match of the night possibly between this and the main event. Back and forth the entire way through. Kong finally put the strong suplex master away with a giant splash from the top rope. Great match.

6. Broken Matt Hardy and Brother (Chris) Hero beat Trevor Lee and Andrew Everett. This f—ing match. I don’t even know where to begin. Chris Hero came out with Broken Matt in full Broken garb. You had to see it to believe it. He had “Delete” taped across his elbow. Brother Hero sang “Obsolete” while Broken Matt slow danced with the referee. Read that sentence one more time and really let that image sink in. Of course, right after this, Trevor Lee challenged them to a dance contest. He brought out his best moves, but Brother Hero had some moves of his own. He did a reverse worm the entire length of the ring. Now THAT was a sight to see. Then the actual match started and was all action the entire way through. Too many moves to go through here, but there were elbows flying and reverse hurancanranas and of course the twist of fate! Brother Hero then finished them off with a giant swanton bomb! The crowd LOVED this match. I hope we see more Broken Matt soon enough in AAW.

7. Zack Sabre Jr. beat Prince Ali via submission. I’ve said this before and have no problem repeating myself. You are a lucky person if you get to see ZSJ one time in person. But here in AAW, he’s here every month. It’s incredible. And on this night, he had Prince Ali. Ali had a great JLMT showing last month, so this match was full of questions for me. Watching these two guys work with each other was beautiful. Yes, I’m saying beautiful in regards to a wrestling match. It was just so great. Ali showed his heart in this one. I was very impressed. Finish saw ZSJ REVERSE a top rope maneuver attempt by Ali INTO AN ARMBAR. In mid air. It was nuts. He soon got the submission. Fantastic.

8. Eddie Kingston, Homicide and Low Ki beat The Killer Kult. Sami Callahan and the Crist brothers had no idea what to expect in this main event. Eddie Kingston and Homicide came out and stood on the ramp as they waited for their partner to be unveiled. Low Ki!!!! The match started off at an insane pace and stayed that way. These guys brawled all over the building! I’m so glad I didn’t go home when I started getting sick. This was insanity. Low Ki wrestles in a suit now. And looks freaking awesome. Eddie Kingston appeared to separate his shoulder near the bar. Someone popped it back in for him. Hopefully he’s ok. This is a must buy DVD purchase, because they fought all over the giant crowd on hand and it was difficult to keep a visual. Someone got slammed through a table. I know that for sure. They eventually made their way to the ring and battled in and around it. The finish saw Low Ki hitting a giant double stomp on one of the Crist brothers for the pin! If Eddie and the gang wanted to make a statement tonight, they sure did.

What a freaking awesome show. They have their huge WINDY CITY CLASSIC XII event coming up on November 26th at the Logan Square Auditorium in the city. The talent already announced was Pentagon Jr, Rey Fenix, Rey Horus (Dragon Azteca), Brian Cage, Jeff Cobb, Eddie Kingston, Homicide, Low Ki and the AAW debut of Trent Barretta! And Chris Hero finally gets his shot at the AAW Championship against Sami Callahan! And I know they will stack this show up even more. I’m telling anyone that’s near or willing to travel. Don’t sleep on these shows. You’ll regret it.

Thanks for reading, now some chicken soup and back to bed for me.


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