Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young, War Machine vs. Keith Lee and Shane Taylor, and The Cabinet vs. Jason Kincaid, Leon St. Giovanni and Shaheem Ali

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young: This was a really good match, cut almost tragically short by the Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly stuff. Both men were going great guns, with quick yet hard hitting spots throughout. The only thing off was the commentary, with Cole cutting down Steve Corino in a very mean spirited way, far removed from their previous playful banter. Also, the frantic plugging of the house show matches for this weekend in Florida made it seem like we could look forward to seeing them next week on TV. That won’t be the case, and we still don’t know what we are seeing next week!

The Cabinet vs. Jason Kincaid, Leon St. Giovanni and Shaheem Ali: A minor Hit for a fun closing sequence. The Cabinet would be players in this tournament if they weren’t being set up to face either the Bullet Club or the newly formed Kingdom in Round 2, but at least ROH is trying to give them some wins so they can be worth something after the tournament.

Bullet Club: I think this would have been a very big Hit had someone, be it O’Reilly, Bobby Fish or The Addiction, come out to confront Bullet Club. But it was still nice to see ROH setting up a powerful faction for people to rally against in the coming months.

ROH TV Misses

War Machine vs. Shane Taylor and Keith Lee: The match quality wasn’t enough to overcome the nonsensical booking. This has been building for months, so I seriously doubted this was going to be the payoff the commentators were building it up as. And it turns out that not only is this not the end (as indicated by Taylor’s post match attack), but they’ve also given away Taylor and Lee’s first loss with no hype and no finality. I didn’t think I’d be saying this when it started, but I’m ready for this feud to end now.

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