Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: The Addiction and Kamaitachi vs. Kazuchika Okada and Roppongi Vice, The Cabinet vs. Guerrillas of Destiny, and War Machine vs. Keith Lee and Shane Taylor

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


The Addiction and Kamaitachi vs. Kazuchika Okada and Roppongi Vice: Excuse the pun, but the ending of this match was Chaos. Thankfully, it was the good kind of chaos. Whilst not a main event that will live long in the memory, it was entertaining, and I was genuinely surprised to see the Addiction pick up the win. I felt this way partly because I felt they would slip on a banana peel and allow RPG Vice to join Ladder War 6 at All Star Extravaganza, but mostly because ROH stars almost never beat New Japan stars. Someone make note of this, it may be a while before it happens again!

ROH TV Misses

War Machine vs. Taylor and Lee: Something still isn’t clicking with this feud even though I thought this was a step in the right direction. The verbiage of Keith Lee and Raye Rowe, which I liked quite a lot, pointed to this match being a fight. But it was basically a normal wrestling match until the DQ finish. Despite the Miss for the muddled presentation however, I did like the ending with the powerbomb through the chairs, clearly signifying that this isn’t over.

Guerrillas of Destiny vs. The Cabinet: The content of the match was OK, though not memorable at all. The Miss is for the haphazard set-up. Heel vs. Heel is never great, especially when it is for no good reason. Couple that with a win for the GoD, a part time ROH team at best (though one I would like to see more of), over the newly formed and desperate for wins faction of the Cabinet. More ass backwards booking from ROH.

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