Gutteridge’s NXT Hit List: TM61 vs. The Authors of Pain, and Tye Dillinger vs. Westley Blake, NXT Takeover: Brooklyn fallout video footage

Logo_NXT_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge

NXT Hits

TM61 vs. Authors of Pain: I did not expect TM61 to get so much offense in. It helped nullify them losing, a result which was inevitable. This was a Miss by normal NXT main event standards, but for this episode it allowed the Authors of Pain to soak up the spotlight. With heel champions, I wonder who they’ll work with next? For that matter, the same question applies to TM61.

Tye Dillinger vs. Westley Blake: Under normal circumstances, this match would likely generate a Miss, as it was fairly bland whenever Blake was in control. However, it is undeniably fun to see a crowd get so behind a guy as Brooklyn did with Dillinger. At this point, they either have to put him on Smackdown or put into a high profile feud in NXT. Though I am usually fearful of main roster call ups, I hope they do bring up Dillinger – he could actually go the opposite way to most everyone else from NXT and be elevated by the change! Blake, on the other hand, is still dangerous levels of generic and mediocre.

NXT Takeover: Brooklyn video packages – The content: They were expected, and the majority managed to deliver some interesting content. Bayley’s in particular was well done, with her reciting her childhood letter about wanting to be a wrestler over highlights of her NXT run. The inclusion of Ember Moon was nice too, though I wish Moon had said that she hoped to succeed where Bayley had not in beating Asuka for the NXT Women’s Title someday, as that could have been a nice passing of the torch. The Revival also slayed it, making their not without merit case for being the best team in the world.

NXT Misses

Takeover: Brooklyn video packages – The amount: Did we really need extended highlights of every single match from Takeover? Considering we didn’t hear from half the people on the card, which is much more entertaining content than recaps, it is inexcusable. I understand the “fallout” format, but that doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it.

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