Jim Ross on whether Brock Lesnar will fight in UFC again, his WWE SummerSlam match against Randy Orton

imagesWWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on Brock Lesnar at UFC 200: “Lesnar looked beastly winning a unanimous decision over Mark Hunt who couldn’t stay upright long enough to land then necessary, heavy punches to disable the former WWE Champion. Lesnar was in magnificent condition while earning at least $2.5M for the night’s work with likely much more coming via pay per view bonuses. Brock made weight at 265 but looked to be back up to 280ish by fight time and was as agile and quick and athletic as I’ve seen him in a good while.”

Powell’s POV: Lesnar looked good and fought a very smart fight. He was wise to do everything in his power to avoid the heavy hands of Mark Hunt, and it seemed like Hunt was even more concerned by Lesnar’s takedown game.

Ross on whether he expects Lesnar to fight again: “I’d be shocked to hear that Lesnar was not going to fight again in the UFC. There are too many winners in this formula notwithstanding it creates a significant new, payday for Lesnar which keeps him happy, gets WWE a ton of global media stretch plus it creates a potential, organic storyline for WWE to utilize for Brock’s next WWE event after said, UFC fight. I’d keep any subsequent UFC fights for Brock away from Wrestlemania but where there is big money involved, deals can quickly be made and likely will be made.”

Powell’s POV: I noted today in the Prowrestling.net All Access Daily Podcast that I don’t believe we’ve seen the last of Lesnar in UFC. Lesnar is red hot again thanks entirely to his performance at UFC 200 and the mainstream attention he and the event received. Plus, WWE can continue to score extra publicity via UFC events, and perhaps even land some UFC talent for their own shows.

Ross on Lesnar vs. Randy Orton at WWE SummerSlam: “Randy Orton is next for Lesnar at Summer Slam in Brooklyn August 20 in the sold out Barclay Center airing on the WWE Network. I’m curious to see how WWE sets this one up on TV and how, if any, that it may be impacted by the upcoming WWE Draft. There is no viable reason that Lesnar vs Orton shouldn’t be a terrific, in ring bout but that will be largely influenced by the build up to the match which is about episodic, compelling storytelling. No, I’m not concerned about the number of Suplex City trips that RKO may go on in this main event level bout as some who have expressed such online. I could see Orton looking to debilitate Lesnar’s leg, for example, therefore making it more challenging for Brock to suplex Randy which is an easy and believable story to tell.

Powell’s POV: I would be concerned if the idea is for Orton to work a typical Suplex City match. Of course, Ross is right in stating that they can work around it. In fact, I hope Lesnar starts to move away from performing as many German suplexes going forward.

Other topics include more on UFC 200, the UFC sale, the second part of a Ross Report interview, and more.


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