Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: Women of Honor showcase featuring Taeler Hendrix vs. Kelly Klein, Mandy Leon vs. Hania, and ODB vs. Faye Jackson, and a six-woman tag

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge

ROH Hits

Concept: It may have been thrown out there to fill a two week TV taping gap, but I was so happy to see ROH give us an hour of their Women of Honor roster. I’ve been crying out for this for years – there is no excuse for ROH to continue with its weekly sausage fest TV show when there are so many talented women floating around on the indies that they can easily get. I pray this episode makes a big impression so we can start seeing the ladies worked into the regular TV rotation.

Kelly Klein vs. Taeler Hendrix: Although the match was a little short, this was a cut above the other matches on this show. It was noticeably smoother, and some of the feats of skill were really eye catching. The only downside was the seeming heel vs heel set-up, but even then this was a great showcase, and the match I would point to when advocating for more Women of Honor integration in the future.

Mandy Leon vs. Hania: Grading on a scale, this was a better match than the two that preceded it. There were some rough edges, but both ladies showed good athleticism and unexpected fire. I really do think it is only a matter of time before NXT comes calling for Leon.

ROH Misses

Veda Scott, Amber Gallows, and Allysin Kay vs. Sumie Sakai, ThunderKitty, and “Crazy” Mary Dobson: This match felt very stilted. It never really found its flow, but it also wasn’t clear who the blame should lie with. That said, they have my sympathy – I can’t imagine these multi-person matches are easy to put together without the experience of wrestling within the same roster of women every week.

ODB vs. Faye Jackson: Unlike the previous match, it isn’t hard to figure out what was wrong with this match. Jackson had the unenviable task of trying to impress in her first ever live match, and no matter the quality of the opponent, this was always going to suck. But fingers crossed it’s all uphill from here!

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