WWE Battleground lineup: Two matches announced, additional match speculation

imagesThe following matches are advertised for the WWE Battleground event, which will be held on July 24 in Washington, D.C. at Verizon Center.

-Dean Ambrose vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins in a Triple Threat for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

-Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens.

Powell’s POV: The Zayn vs. Owens match was made official after Raw and is billed as the final match of their feud. I assume we will be getting New Day vs. The Wyatt Family in some fashion, Rusev vs. Titus O’Neil for the U.S. Championship, Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks for the WWE Women’s Championship, and something involving John Cena and AJ Styles either in another singles match or perhaps in a tag match with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows teaming with Styles to face Cena and two partners.


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