6/11 Evolve 63 results: Zim’s in-person report on the new WWE Cruiserweight Classic qualifier, EC3 vs. Johnny Gargano in a Last Man Standing match, Drew Galloway vs. Ethan Page, Trevor Lee vs. Matthew Riddle

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Evolve 63
Orland, Florida at the Downtown Recreation Complex
Report by Dot Net staffer Zack Zimmerman

Dark: Joe Coffey beat Rory Gulak with a standing crab.

1. Cedric Alexander pinned Fred Yehi. Decent opener. Cedric won with a Death Valley into the corner and the Lumbar Check.

2. The Bravado Brothers beat Darby Allen and Jason Cade. This one went longer than necessary but had a cool few spots, including a huracanrana from Cade as he swung from a basketball net rim. The Bravados won with a cool combo Gory Bomb and Flatliner.

3. Matthew Riddle tapped out Trevor Lee with the crucifix neck crank. Good match.

4. Evolve Champion Timothy Thatcher forced Tracy Williams to submit to the Fujiwara armbar. Post-match, Matthew Riddle came out with the title belt. He said that Thatcher can’t be too proud after beating a guy named Tracy because that’s a “bitches” name. Ugh. He wanted his title shot. Stokely Hathaway came out to advocate for TJP. Thatcher promised a title shot to TJP and then said he wants Riddle no-holds-barred after that.

5. Anthony Nese beat Lince Dorado, TJP, Drew Gulak, and Johnny Gargano in an elimination match. By virtue of winning, Nese earned a spot in the Cruiserweight Classic (which all of the other competitors already had).
Gulak eliminated Gargano with a surprise sunset roll. EC3 and Drew Galloway came out to mock Gargano after.
TJP eliminated Lince with a grapevine ankle lock.
TJP eliminated Gulak with a chickenwing gutbuster.
Nese eliminated TJP for the win with a sit-out tombstone and 450 splash.

6. Drew Galloway pinned Ethan Page. This was a pretty solid brawl which ended when Galloway hit the Future Shock onto two steel chairs.

7. Johnny Gargano defeated EC3 in a Last Man Standing match. This was another solid brawl. Galloway interfered on behalf of EC3 and it looked like things were going their way until Drew Gulak and TJP ran out to help Gargano. They took out Galloway and then, along with a completely unnecessary Stunner from the referee, helped Gargano send EC3 crashing onto (not through) a table set up at ringside for the finish. Post-match, Gargano cut a promo putting over the referee in a joking manner, but it was his whole promo despite just picking up a big win over a guy who has been made out to be a viable threat. He told the Orlando crowd that he’d see them in a few weeks at the Cruiserweight Classic and thanked everyone for coming to close the show.


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