NFL star open to the idea of working in a WWE ring

NFL star Rob Gronskowski told Draft Kings that he is open to the idea of wrestling for WWE once his football career concludes. “My buddy Mojo Rawley, he’s in the

Logo_WWE_dnWWE,” Gronkowski said. “He’s doing great, about to be a superstar, I feel like. I watch him and he kind of inspires me to maybe someday get in the ring and be a WWE wrestler. That would be pretty cool. I don’t know if I would want to do it full-time, but I would definitely like to appear in the ring once and jump off the top rope, do something with an elbow drop.” Watch the video at

Powell’s POV: Gronkowski has made several appearances at NXT events with his buddy Rawley, who went to school and played football with Gronk’s brothers at Maryland. An appearance would be nice, but it would be a big get if WWE could get the New England Patriots star tight end to work an actual match if his popularity is still high by the time he calls it a career.


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