4/23 WWE in Glasgow results: Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch for the WWE Women’s Championship, Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, New Day vs. The Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz for the WWE Tag Titles

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WWE Live Event
Glasgow, Scotland
Report by Dot Net reader Scott Shields

I attended the tour in Glasgow tonight for my first ever WWE show with my girlfriend with little wrestling knowledge (other than loving New Day). I arrived at the venue around an hour before the start of the show. It looked like it was a very family heavy crowd. Lengthy merch queue, where I got myself an AJ Styles shirt for £25. We then took out seat in time for the start of the show.

1. Cesaro beat Stardust. Both men played to the crowd at the start of the match with Stardust taking a beating from Cesaro. Stardust rolled out of the ring to heel heat before getting on top of the offence. Stardust worked on the injured shoulder to massive boos from the crowd. Cesaro got back in the match with a big uppercut to the delight of the fans. He then managed twenty turns of a Cesaro swing – which my girlfriend loved. Cesaro then won the match!

2. Darren Young and Zack Ryder beat Bo Dallas and Heath Slater. The Outcasts cut promo saying they are the best tag team in the history of the WWE. They continued getting a lot of heat from the crowd. However, Bo said, “Tonight is the start of the Outcasts winning streak.” After Dallas’ first move, he moved out of the ring to take part in a lap of honour with Heath. Darren Young joined in and was high fived by both of the Outcasts. The crowd loved that. Ryder was then in control of the match getting a few ‘Woo Woo Woo’ chants in before finishing off the match for the win.

Greg Hamilton spoke to a fan, who introduced the next match.

3. Rusev beat Jack Swagger. Rusev entered the match to many boos before Swagger entered with a Scottish flag to a huge pop. The men had a bit of a flag off with mixed responses for the men. Rusev attacked Swagger from behind to start the match. A “Rusev sucks” chant broke, which Rusev played to massively. After a close call with the Accolade, Rusev thought he had a three count and celebrated. However, it was only a two count and Swagger was back on offence, getting Rusev into the ankle lock (Patriot Lock – what are we calling it these days?) Rusev made the ropes and had the referee distracted, raked the eyes of Swagger, and won with The Accolade. Massive eruption of boos in the hydro followed.

4. New Day defeated The Usos and The Dudley Boyz in a Triple Threat to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. The New Day played to the crowed getting lots of chants going and being very entertaining. The Dudleys played the heel role in early goings brilliantly gaining lots of heat. Woods was slapped on the back repeatedly and walked off after saying he wasn’t going to stand for it anymore. Bubba brought him back into the match (after slapping his back). The Dudleys dominated the Uso Brothers for the majority of this match before Big E stole a tag. Chaos ensued in and around the ring before Big E finished off the match. The Dudleys then attacked the Usos before the brothers ended it with superkicks. The Usos entertained crowd with chants their last name before leaving the ring.

Greg and JoJo made a pitch for Smackdown tickets being on sale and merchandise.


5. Tyler Breeze defeated Sin Cara. Tyler told the crowd ‘you don’t boo me’ before Sin Cara made his entrance to a huge cheer involving the ‘Lucha’ chant! The crowd was impressed with all of Cara’s moves. Kids around me were loving the Lucha chants and Cara’s move set in a fairly one sided match! Sin Cara got the win and made his way round the entire ringside areas to greet the fans.

6. Charlotte (w/Ric Flair) defeated Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch in a Triple Threat to retain the WWE Women’s Championship. All three women entered to great ovations from the excited crowd. Charlotte was targeted by the other women early on in the match before all three started a rather kick ass match. Charlotte and Ric were pulling heel moves. Ric got involved regularly to the benefit of Charlotte – and this displeased the crowd. My girlfriend said she will never believe Charlotte is the best women’s wrestler until she proves she can do it without cheating – which I found quite funny. Near falls for all women in the match. Becky had the match won with Sasha in an her submission finisher. However, Ric pulled Sasha out of the ring, Charlotte rolled Becky up for the three count using the ropes for leverage. The crowd went mad in appreciation for the match of the night!

Jojo and Greg hyped the return to Glasgow for Raw in November.

Sheamus made his entrance to a good reception. He spoke to the crowd – started nicely before insulting Scotland in comparing it to his homeland of Ireland. He made jokes about Scottish independence – saying he used to be told he looked stupid. However, the only people looking stupid after the election of independence is Scots. Reigns music hit (louder than any others in the night) to mainly boos and some kid cheers! Sheamus was introduced as the Scottish and Roman conquerer.

7. Roman Reigns beat Sheamus to retain the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Sheamus pulled out so many heel moves to try and get the heel heat. However, both men were roundly booed. Sheamus tossed Roman into the steps to huge heat from the crowd. ‘Lets go Roman’ chants were heard through the match (mainly high pitched from the kids around me). Many people started to leave the arena during the match as it was fairly flat and Sheamus dominated with a lot of ground work. Roman was put out from a sleeper hold, but the crowd went mad when he eventually got his offence and started to turn the match around. Roman threw Sheamus into the steps before teasing a Superman punch. Sheamus dodged the punch and hit White Noise for a two count (to the joy of a youngster beside me). Sheamus had a few near falls before Roman countered white noise to get back on top! Roman hit the superman punch to a huge pop – two count! Roman was showing frustration slamming the mat to get the crowd with him. Roman went for the spear, Sheamus ducked and hit the big boot. Sheamus went for another boot, but was hit with a Superman punch and spear for the Roman victory. This was followed by a high pitched scream and mass exodus from the arena. Roman and Sheamus stayed to have some fan interaction.

I really enjoyed my experience tonight at the event and am looking forward to returning in November for Raw! I bought my tickets this morning.


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