4/19 WWE Main Event TV taping spoilers from London

images-1Dot Net staffer Haydn Gleed and Dot Net reader Chris Mangalaparathy are at the WWE Smackdown event in London, England at 02 Arena. They are passing along the following combined report on the WWE Main Event taping. Refresh the page for their latest updates.

Rich Brennan and Jerry Lawler were on commentary and Eden handled the ring introductions. The cab and the telephone box were used again.

1. Apollo Crews beat Curtis Axel. Crews received a bigger pop than he got on Raw. Some good back and forth action. Axel got a good few moves in. He kicked out the standing back somersault. Crews got the win with his finisher…

2. Summer Rae beat Alicia Fox. Summer won by pin in a match that didn’t hold the crowd’s attention.

3. Kane and Big Show beat Braun Strowman and Erick Rowan. All four received star reactions. Strowman and Rowan came out to Luke Harper’s video wall. Kane and Show won after a double choke slam on Rowan. Strowman was purposely kept strong in this match.

This concluded the Main Event taping. See the main page for ongoing coverage of the WWE Smackdown taping.

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