4/12 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers: Full results of the taping for Thursday’s television show (spoilers)

Logo_SD_dn_600Dot Net reader Larry Navarro attended the WWE Smackdown taping in San Diego, California and sent the following report.

Maryse started the show and introduced the Miz for Miz TV segment. Miz’s guest was his wife Maryse. He said he was was going to ask the question everyone wanted to know, which was “What is is like being married to the Miz?” Zack Ryder interrupted and demanded a title match. Miz said yes but forgot Zack had an opponent already. Out came Barron Corbin.

1. Baron Corbin beat Zack Ryder.

2. Enzo Amore and Big Cass beat The Ascension to advance in the tag team tournament.

JoJo interviewed AJ Styles, who was interrupted by Alberto Del Rio.

3. AJ Styles beat Alberto Del Rio. Styles wins with a roll up.

Goldust, R-Truth, and Fandango had a backstage promo.

4. The Vaudevillians beat Goldust and Fandango to advance in the tag tournament. The Vaudevillains made their entrance with little to no reaction. The Vaudevillians got a quick win to advance to face the Usos. The next round features The Usos vs. Vaudevillains, and Enzo and Big Cass vs. The Dudley Boyz.

Chris Jericho was interviewed by JoJo. He got major heat by calling San Diego a dump.

5. Sami Zayn beat Chris Jericho by DQ. Sami Zayn came out to a good reaction and was followed by Chris Jericho, who got some heat. Zayn had the upper hand to start the match. Jericho rolled out the ring. Kevin Owens interrupted and was followed by Dean Ambrose. Ambrose and Owens checked in on commentary. Jericho and Ambrose exchanged words. Jericho drew heat with that. Jericho then got the upper hand on Zayn. Sami recovered and got some offense but was quickly stopped by Jericho, who applied the Walls of Jericho. Sami made it to the ropes to break it. Jericho then attacked Ambrose only to have Sami throw Jericho into Owens. Owens and Ambrose were down at this point. Owens attacked Sami for the DQ. Ambrose made the save. Ambrose and Sami stood tall to conclude the show..

Dark Main Event

1. Sami Zayn and Dean Ambrose beat Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens. Ambrose delivered a promo to set up the dark match. Sami and Jericho started the match. Owens and Jericho controlled the match for the most part. Ambrose took the hot tag and hit Dirty Deeds on Owens for the win to send the crowd home happy. The arena was about 80 percent full and it’s very small arena.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. The San Diego Sports Arena or as it is now know as Valley View Casino Center theses days. is a good sized arena it’s not small.

    I know because I grew up in San Diego WWE has had house shows ,TV tapeings of Raw , Smackdown and PPV’s there.

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