Jim Ross comments on The Rock, Steve Austin, and John Cena at WrestleMania 32, the match that belongs in the main event slot, and where the ladder match fits

WM32WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on The Rock, Steve Austin, and John Cena at WrestleMania 32: “Seems like no brainer booking to feature Steve Austin, The Rock and John Cena in the ring together at ‘Mania in an entertaining piece of business. The fans would love it and creative type should never avoid an automatic “pop.” This might be a helluva way to kickoff the main show. Much like WM30 in NOLA.”

Powell’s POV: Is it too similar to the Rock, Austin, and Hulk Hogan opening that we got at WrestleMania 30? I’m sure the three talents involved could keep it more than interesting. I am very curious to see if they opt to advertise Austin and/or Cena on Monday’s go-home edition of WWE Raw.

Ross on the WrestleMania main event: “I see the WWE Title bout closing WMTexas and nothing else. I’d place the HIAC bout in the middle to latter part of the show follow it with one or two matches and then close with the WWE Title bout. To not close with the WWE Title lessens the championship in my opinion and that should never be allowed to happen.”

Powell’s POV: JR shared more thoughts on this matter when he joined me on the 71-minute Dot Net Weekly audio show on Thursday. It’s always an honor when Jim takes time out of his schedule to join me, just as it was an honor to appear on his podcast a while back. Non-members can hear an 11-minute snippet of the podcast in Friday’s Prowrestling.net All Access Daily Podcast on the main page, and the full show is available to members. Interested in membership? Join us today via the Dot Net Members’ Signup Page.

Ross on the WrestleMania opener: “My suggestion would be to start the wrestling aspect of the main broadcast of WMTexas with the IC Title Ladder match and if the seven men in that match are fortunate that’s what will happen. Go steal the show while the audience is hot and eagerly anticipating the thrill show presentation.”

Powell’s POV: This seems like a perfectly logical approach to me. There have been times when I felt the ladder match might be better offer more toward the middle of the show to break fans out of a potential lull, but this one strikes me as the hot opener.

Other topics include JR’s forthcoming FOX Sports piece on the history of Texas wrestling, GSP returning to UFC, Mickie James on The Ross Report podcast, and more.


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