Gutteridge’s WWE NXT Hit List: Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe in a No. 1 Contenders Match, American Alpha, Enzo and Cass vs. Blake, Murphy, Dash and Dawson, and Asuka vs. Deonna Purrazzo

By Darren Gutteridge

NXT Hits

Sami Zayn vs. Samoa Joe: First off, this wasn’t the match I expected these two to have. They were more deliberate and reserved with the action up until Zayn’s comeback near the end. Given this finish, this was the logical route to take. The finish itself gains marks for execution and uniqueness, but I dislike the fact the show ended with another odd, awkward cliffhanger. All it would have taken was for Regal to announce one more match between the two in a few weeks, with a stipulation that removes the doubt, for this to have been a very pleasing ending to the show.

American Alpha, Enzo and Cass vs. Blake, Murphy, Dash and Dawson: The layout of this match was odd, as they didn’t give Gable any time to shine despite him being in the ring from almost start to finish. No babyfaces got to look good until the hot tag in fact, so the heel beatdown therefore felt overly long as a result. Thankfully the high octane ending made up for things. If this match shows anything, it is how deep the NXT tag division is now, especially considering you also have the likes of the VaudeVillains and the Hype Bros in the wings.

Asuka vs. Deonna Purrazzo: I’d moan at Asuka getting another squash win she really doesn’t need at this point, but they gave Deonna at least a little something by pointing out she was out to redeem herself after getting KO’d by Asuka last time out. I’ll become less lenient with this practice after Asuka finally gets into a title feud.

NXT Misses

Tye Dillinger vs. Alex Riley: The match wasn’t bad, but it’s so difficult to get invested in anything either man does at the moment given their bottom feeder statuses. I want to get excited about Tye Dillinger getting a win, but is pinning Riley really all the valuable a feat?

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