Jim Ross comments on Roman Reigns turning heel, whether Ric Flair will be with Charlotte for long

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on Brock Lesnar: “Lesnar needed to make an impact on this Raw as I pointed out Monday in that blog here on the site. Lesnar is the biggest, healthy star left in WWE and will likely never be the red hot, traditional heel that he once was years ago. Lesnar is a ‘face who the fans both are in awe of and respect wholeheartedly. BTW….what happens if Lesnar faces Reigns for the WWE Title at WrestleMania Texas and Reigns turns, aligns with the Authority and cheats to beat Lesnar in AT&T Stadium? Just saying…”

Powell’s POV: I would love to see Reigns turn heel, but I think it’s gone too far with The Authority and Reigns for that to make sense at this point. Rather, I would prefer to see Reigns and Paul Heyman conspire so that Heyman could serve as the mouthpiece for a heel Reigns going forward. Remember how respectful they were to one another during the WrestleMania build last year?

Ross on Charlotte and Becky Lynch: “I like the personal issue aspect of the Charlotte-Becky Lynch storyline. It has legs and has elements of reality laced throughout. I still think that Ric Flair being his daughter’s manager is going to play out sooner than later. Ric is such a huge star that he is going to overshadow most talents and that includes his athletic daughter. Becky Lynch delivered a strong promo.”

Powell’s POV: They took a strange path to get to this point, but now that they are there I am enjoying the Charlotte vs. Lynch program. I like Ric Flair in his role. Sure, the fans will always “woooo” when they see him, but he plays his heel part well and they have been doing a good job of letting Charlotte do the bulk of the talking. Perhaps when Flair does talk, it could be as simple as letting him rip into the fans rather than playing the fun-loving, woooing persona the loves so much. Sure, he called a fan “fat boy” last night, but that’s a well established part of the act the fans enjoy.

Other topics include the 100th edition of The Ross Report podcast with Steve Austin, good questions regarding WWE Raw, and more.


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