Jim Ross says WrestleMania 33’s rumored host city is out of the running

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on the Slammy Awards: “I think that the Slammy concept needs to be tweaked as the multiple presentations made for way too many interruptions during the three hour show which made the broadcast more challenging to watch because it had a had a tough time building momentum. Perhaps lessening the number of awards being presented on Raw might be a consideration.”

Powell’s POV: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, WWE would be better off taking the tongue out of their cheek and presenting a few meaningful awards in a straight forward manner. Does anyone really like their cornball awards? Is anyone sitting around wondering who will win the LOL Moment of the Year? I really believe this could be a show that all viewers look forward to instead of one that many viewers dread.

Ross on WrestleMania 33 location: “Apparently, Minneapolis is no longer in the hunt for the 2017 WrestleMania as was once rumored. That has yet to be confirmed but that’s what I’m hearing.”

Powell’s POV: Minneapolis suffered through Christmas week editions of Raw two years in a row. We watch Vince’s program. We buy his toys. We go to his movies. He owes us. Doesn’t he owe us, huh? He owes the Griswolds, er, Minneapolis, right? F’ing-A right he owes us!

Other topics include more on the Slammy Awards, Roman Reigns, New Day, Seth Rollins, and upcoming Ross Report guests.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Why would you be owed anything? You’ve proven you’ll lap up anything they throw at you. You’ll whinge and cry… and keep watching anyways since you depend on them to make your site worth visiting.

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