WWE executive Paul Levesque (a/k/a Triple H) takes questions from ProWrestling.net’s Jason Powell and other members of the pro wrestling media regarding the NXT Takeover: Toronto live special that airs Saturday on WWE Network. The topics include Paul Heyman and Eric Bischoff being named executive directors of Raw and Smackdown and whether he had interest in the job, the WWE and NXT succession plan, Johnny Gargano’s health, the Mae Young Classic 2019 being pushed back, NXT TV going forward and no one accusing other promotions (AEW) of counter programming when they are running on the traditional NXT television night, and more (51:30)…
Join John Moore for his live review of NXT Takeover: Toronto on Saturday night. Dot Net Members will also hear an exclusive audio review after the event.
Click here for the August 8 Paul “Triple H” Levesque conference call.
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