Rad Pro Rasslin “Kiss From A Rose” results: Vetter’s review of “Angelo Intellect” Channing Thomas vs. “Anjou” Ricky Smokes for the Rad Pro Title, “Lunk Binkus” TJ Crawford vs. “CJ Cruzz” Mortar

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Rad Pro Rasslin “Kiss From A Rose”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
December 31, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at the White Eagle

This was an afternoon comedy show. Just like TNA has done in the past, the entire show is filled with wrestlers who are doing silly gimmicks that don’t match their current presentation. (I wasn’t planning to watch this until I saw Miracle Generation squared off with Fresh Air.)

I am going to use their current gimmick names, otherwise it will be too confusing.

Our commentator claimed it was New Year’s Eve 1995 and we’re about to ring in 1996. This is a family-friendly show, and the piledriver is illegal (and that drew some boos!) The crowd was maybe 80. The commentator made several jokes about being on the cutting edge of technology with some of the streaming stuff. (I don’t recognize the voice of this male commentator but he’s well-prepared with out-of-date quips.) They also have built a whole history and storyline of all of these characters!

1. “Lynx Panther” Milo Mirra vs. “Lux Virgo” DJ Powers. I’ve only seen Mirra a few times; he uses a pogo stick to bounce his way to ringside and into the ring. I noted a week ago that DJ is really starting to channel a young Johnny Morrison vibe. DJ is apparently channeling “Narcissist” Lex Luger. Mirra hit an ugly running Shooting Star Press, sending Powers to the floor. In the ring, Powers hit a frogsplash that went more than half-way across the ring and scored the pin.

DJ Powers defeated Milo Mirra at 5:08. 

* “Chance Paradox” Bryce Donovan ran into the ring and hit a Black Hole Slam on Mirra.

2. “Starla Crabtree” B3cca vs. “Rika Kurigaki” Spike Nishimura. B3cca is a southern country singer with a white wig. Spike wore face paint and has been ‘studying her craft in Japan.” B3cca made her doe-see-doe with her in the middle of the ring. Spike hit eight consecutive dropkicks, then a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall at 7:00. B3cca accidentally hit the ref. B3cca swung her guitar and missed; Spike immediately hit a kick to the gut and scored the pin.

Spike Nishimura defeated B3cca at 8:12.

3. “Blue Suede” Macrae Martin and Junior Benito vs. “Lord Shreddz” Dustin Waller and Kylon King. Martin and Benito are dressed like the Blues Brothers, wearing black suits, white shirt and black tie, with a black hat. King and Waller are essentially dressed like Benito and Macrae usually dress. They are roller skater fans, and Kylon put on a pair as they got into the ring. He locked up with Benito and fell to the mat. (Wearing roller skates to wrestle immediately is a bad idea!) He rubbed his wheels over Benito’s back. Good comedy here as Kylon is going around the ring on the wheels. Macrae accidentally kicked Benito with his blue suede shoe at 8:00! Kylon picked up Waller — “Dirty Dancing” style, and slammed Waller onto an opponent for the pin. (A commentator made the obligatory “nobody puts baby in a corner” reference.)

Dustin Waller and Kylon King defeated Macrae Martin and Junior Benito at 8:27.

4. Liviyah vs. Little Mean Kathleen. LMK came out in a nightgown and hunched over, looking like she’s a granny. She’s also smoking a cigarette and has curlers in her hair. Liviyah is in a gold outfit that quite frankly doesn’t look any different than anything else she would normally wear, although she has bell-bottoms. Liviyah knocked the cigarette from LMK’s hand and the crowd booed her for doing it, so Liviyah attacked LMK. LMK offered Liviyah a candy from her purse. Liviyah’s character is apparently a famous movie star, as the commentators talked about how she was passed over for the new “Batman & Robin” movie. (Keep in mind, it’s 1995!)

Liviyah took one of LMK’s pills and collapsed; LMK made the cover for a nearfall. Liviyah put LMK in a test of strength… and LMK submitted! The commentators explained that LMK’s arthritis was causing her too much pain for the hold.

Liviyah defeated Little Mean Kathleen at 6:06. 

5. “Bob Furio” Ben Bishop vs. “Lawrence Carpentier” Mark Sterling. Worth reiterating that Bishop is about seven feet tall; he wore an oversized jacket and walked like he’s really stiff. Sterling is the babyface and beat up Bishop in front of the fans on the floor. (I am fairly certain that Bishop’s character is loosely zinging Beyond Wrestling promoter Drew Cordeiro.) Bishop walked over to a fan and sold a shirt mid-match. The commentators are just having a blast, taking good-hearted jabs at Bishop for being such a shameless promoter.) Bishop gave him his finisher, “the handshake” (a form of payment in some indy circles!), but Sterling broke free. Sterling asked him if he got paid yet, and Bishop said yes. They both collapsed, put an arm over each other, and we have a double pin! Entertaining comedy.

Ben Bishop vs. Mark Sterling ended in a double-pin at 9:01.  

6. “Lunk Binkus” TJ Crawford vs. “CJ Cruzz” Mortar. Crawford’s character is a Richard SImmons workout guru, dressed in shiny pink and teal, coming out to “Maniac.” I have always compared Mortar to Rhino, but I didn’t recognize him here, as I’ve always seen him with makeup on half of his face. They took turns running the ropes as a ‘workout challenge’ suggested by TJ, but of course, Mortar did the exercises better, which infuriated TJ. Mortar hit a Lionsault at 6:30 for the first time they even touched! He immediately hit a Death Valley Driver for the pin. He did some push-ups after he won. The commentator marveled that Mortar won with just two moves.

Mortar defeated TJ Crawford at 6:44. 

7. “Klaire” Paris Van Dale vs. “Steve and Pam Lovett” (BMT & Ariel). The Lovetts came out with six children; the commentator said these two were a good tag team until they stopped to have a family. (BMT and Ariel are married). They ordered the kids to sit together on the floor so they could westle. Good humor. Klaire is dressed like a ballet dancer with white makeup, and she dominated in beating up Steve Lovett. One of the daughters tagged in, but she kicked the shins of her parents! The daughter got a cover for a nearfall, but the dad pulled her off, and the crowd chanted, “you’re in trouble!” This is funny. Another daughter hopped in the ring and tackled Paris, then brawled with her sister. Paris hit a faceplant and pinned Ariel. Silly fun.

Paris Van Dale defeated BMT & Ariel at 6:02.

DJ Powers ran into the ring to beat up BMT and Ariel, but Santa Claus hit the ring. (Is Santa allowed on a Dec. 31 show? I guess so!) Santa took his hat and beard off and it’s Slade. He chokeslammed DJ Powers. That’s the scariest Santa I’ve ever seen!

8. “Angelo Intellect” Channing Thomas vs. “Anjou” Ricky Smokes for the Rad Pro Title. WWE ID prospect Smokes has red makeup under his eyes, and his whole vibe is giving off 1998 Vampiro. Yes, Channing had a belt for this fake promotion. The commentators reminded us that the piledriver is illegal. Smokes hit a huracanrana and a dropkick and he was fired up. (Smokes is usually a heel, so this is a bit different!) Thomas choked Smokes in the ropes and kept him grounded. Channing whipped him into the turnbuckles at 10:00. Smokes fired up and hit some clotheslines. They traded punches. Thomas crotched Smokes on the top rope and applied a half-crab, and Smokes tapped out. Okay match.

Channing Thomas defeated Ricky Smokes at 16:07.

Final Thoughts: I don’t mind a comedy show; it’s not generally my thing, but it seemed like a fun New Year’s Eve event. This isn’t a show with a must-see match but it’s an entertaining event, and everyone was having fun with it.

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