Wrestling Open “Episode 147” results (10/24): Vetter’s review of Big Business vs. Church of Greatness in an elimination match, Ray Jaz vs. Joe Ocasio in an All-American Challenge

By Chris Vetter, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Wrestling Open “Episode 147”
Streamed on IndependentWrestling.TV
October 24, 2024 in Worcester, Massachusetts at White Eagle

The crowd appears to be in the 200-250 range. Paul Crockett provided commentary.

1. Macrae Martin vs. Nick Robles in a spotlight match. Macrae carried his IWTV Tag Team title, and he’s much bigger and thicker than Robles, the curly haired rocker. Robles couldn’t knock him down with a shoulder tackle, but Macrae hit one that dropped Robles. Robles grounded Martin and choked him in the ropes. He hit a T-Bone Suplex for a nearfall at 3:30. Macrae hit a fallaway slam and the crowd rallied for him. Robles set up for a Pedigree, but Martin fought free, and Macrae hit a spin kick to the shoulder, made a jackknife cover, and scored the pin.

Macrae Martin defeated Nick Robles at 5:12.

2. Ryan Clancy vs. Julius Draeger. Draeger is the recent grad who, with his thick mustache, reminds me of Vaudevillain-era Simon Gotch. Draeger leapt off the top rope, but Clancy caught him with a punch to the gut. Draeger hit a back suplex at 4:00. Clancy did an Airplane Spin to get Draeger dizzy, but he missed his signature dropkick. Draeger locked in a Camel Clutch at 8:00, but Clancy fought free. Clancy caught him with his picture-perfect dropkick and scored the pin.

Ryan Clancy defeated Julius Draeger at 8:39.

* We had a montage of quick videos, hearing from Gabby Forza and Swipe Right, among others. I know I’m being redundant here, but these short video clips do SO MUCH to get over wrestlers’ personalities and motivations, so I’m a big fan of them.

3. Tina San Antonio vs. Aysha. I don’t think I’ve seen Aysha before; she wore pink top and bottom and she has long, black hair. Tina dropped her with a clothesline at 3:00, and she kept Aysha grounded. Aysha hit a Shining Wizard for a nearall, then a Lungblower to the back for a nearfall at 6:00. Tina hit a DDT for the pin. Okay match.

Tina San Antonia defeated Aysha at 6:32. 

4. Ray Jaz vs. Joe Ocasio in an All-American Challenge. If someone can beat Jaz in under seven minutes, he will give them the key to his shore house. Jaz wore his amateur wrestling singlet and headgear. Ocasio got the advantage, so Jaz rolled to the floor to stall. Ocasio hit a back suplex at 5:00 and they were both down. Joe hit a backbody drop and a Stinger Splash for a nearfall as we are down to one minute to go! Joe hit a flying headbutt! He got Ray on his shoulders, but Ray raked the eyes in front of the ref, and she called for the bell! The crowd booed this outcome.

Joe Ocasio defeated Ray Jaz via DQ at 6:49. 

5. Brad Baylor (w/Ricky Smokes) vs. Junior Benito. Crockett noted the success that Swipe Right has experienced of late, beating both Miracle Generation and the Iron Savages, and now he’s taking on one-half of the IWTV Tag Team champions Fresh Air. Crockett pointed out that Macrae Martin came out, but immediately headed to the back. (That seems like a mistake!) This could be really good. They immediately traded reversals on the mat, and Benito hit some deep armdrags. I think Baylor is now 20, and he’s got the size advantage. Benito fell to the floor, where Smokes shoved him shoulder-first into the ring post at 3:00. In the ring, Baylor was in charge and worked the damaged left arm and shoulder.

Benito hit a forward Finlay Roll and a running Shooting Star Press for a nearfall at 7:00. Baylor hit a dropkick into the corner and a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall, and he jawed at the ref; that allowed Smokes to interfere again, but Benito punched Ricky. Benito hit a pop-up powerbomb on Baylor, then he dove onto Smokes on the floor! In the ring, he missed the top-rope 450 Splash. Baylor immediately applied a crossarm breaker, and Benito tapped out. Good first taste of this feud; Fresh Air vs. Swipe Right should be great action.

Brad Baylor defeated Junior Benito at 8:55.

6. Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. Dezmond Cole. BRG wore his black fur jacket; he got on the mic and said he is “back by popular demand.” He added, “this is what success looks like.” The bell rang but Brett stalled, annoyed by the fans getting all over him. Cole hit a spin kick to the head at 2:00. He hit a backbody drop. BRG took control and the crowd was all over him. Cole hit another spin kick at 4:30 that dropped Gosselin. Cole missed a kick in the corner, and Brett hit a short-arm clothesline for a nearfall. BRG went for a spear but Cole leapfrogged it, and BRG crashed into the corner. Cole hit a stunner, then a Helluva Kick at 6:30. He trapped BRG’s head in the corner and kicked his face, then he hit a German Suplex out of the corner, then he nailed the Shining Wizard for a believable nearfall. Cole went for a Swanton Bomb, but BRG got his knees up and they were both down. BRG hit a spear for a believable nearfall. Cole hit a uranage, and this time he nailed the Swanton Bomb, getting great elevation, and got the pin. That was really good.

Dezmond Cole defeated Brett Ryan Gosselin at 9:12.

Brett attacked him and stomped on him after the bell. The masked “Stanley Dragowski” ran in and chased off BRG. Smart Mark Sterling got in the ring to interview Cole. He asked Cole if the feud with Bryce Donovan is over, and Cole said no. Sterling asked what is Bryce’s problem with Cole and others. Cole said if Bryce hadn’t lost to Ryan Clancy, he wouldn’t have a reason to walk around and complain. Cole issued a challenge of himself and Dragowski vs. Bryce Donovan and a partner of his choosing.

7. “Big Business” Brad Hollister, TJ Crawford, Victor Chase, Julio Cruz, and Love, Doug vs. “Church of Greatness” Ichiban, Tyree Taylor, Lucas Chase, Sammy Diaz, and Brother Greatness in an elimination match. This has NO time limit. Tyree hit some jabs on Brad. The BB heels worked over Tyree. The commentators noted here that there can be DQs (I fully expect that; I don’t expect one side to have five pins or submissions.) The babyfaces worked over Doug. BG hit a top-rope double missile dropkick at 5:30. Hollister hit a hard back elbow on Brother Greatness and jawed at him. The heels choked Ichiban in the ropes; I actually thought we’d have a quick elimination (like Brother Greatness) by now. The heels were taking their time, taking turns working Ichiban over.

Ichiban rolled up Julio Cruz and pinned him at 10:26 out of nowhere! Cruz was shocked. The action continued without a break. BG hit a bulldog for a nearfall. Ichiban hit a legdrop on Doug. BG leapt off the top rope, but TJ Crawford nailed him with a Silver Bullet spin kick and pinned Brother Greatness at 12:29, and we’re at 4-on-4. All eight brawled in the ring, and it spilled to the floor. In the ring, Lucas hit some clotheslines on Victor. (The Chases are not related!) Lucas got a Samoan Drop on Victor for a nearfall. Victor pinned Lucas after a Michinoku Driver at 14:58. Sammy got a stunner on Victor Chase for a nearfall.

Doug rolled up Sammy, grabbed a handful of tights, and pinned Diaz at 15:46! We’re down to 4-on-2! Tyree hip-tossed Doug across the ring. He hit a massive Pounce on Victor Chase. Tyree picked up TWO guys and hit a Death Valley Driver that popped the crowd. Taylor hit a discus clothesline and pinned Victor Chase at 17:20. Doug tried to roll up Tyree, who didn’t budge, and we got a “you f—ed up!’ chant. Tyree Taylor grabbed him, hit a sit-out powerbomb, and pinned Doug at 18:06, and it is 2-on-2! Tyree hit a powerslam on Hollister for a nearfall. TJ hit a Silver Bullet on Tyree! Hollister hit a Deadlift suplex! TJ hit a frogsplash, and Hollister climbed on Tyree and pinned him at 20:11. It is 2-on-1.

Hollister hit a German Suplex on Ichiban. Ichiban hit a huracanrana on Hollister that sent Brad to the floor. Ichiban immediately hit the leaping Flatliner and pinned TJ at 22:40! Ichiban hit some jab punches as the crowd chanted “One!” He hit a stunner, then a springboard back elbow. Hollister tossed Ichiban, but Ichiban crashed into the ref and they were both down! “Hollister knew what he was doing there!” Crockett shouted. Ichiban and Hollister traded punches, and Ichiban hit a spin kick, and they were both down. This crowd was hot, with the fans pounding on the mat. Swipe Right jumped in the ring and attacked Ichiban! Bobby Orlando ran in to make the save! Orlando glared at Hollister. Ichiban hit the Canadian Destroyer on Hollister! Steven Stetson jumped in the ring and hit Ichiban, allowing Hollister to pin Ichiban. Brad grabbed his belt and scrambled to the back. Stetson set up to strike Ichiban again, but several babyfaces ran into the ring and chased Stetson away.

“Big Business” Brad Hollister, TJ Crawford, Victor Chase, Julio Cruz, and Love, Doug defeated “Church of Greatness” Ichiban, Tyree Taylor, Lucas Chase, Sammy Diaz, and Brother Greatness in an elimination match at 26:32.

Final Thoughts: Sure, we had some run-ins at the end, but it also highlights how many ongoing feuds are happening right now in Wrestling Open. Drew Cordeiro is doing a great job here in creating weekly, episodic stories that aren’t insulting my intelligence. The main event takes best of the night, with Baylor-Benito second and Cole-BRG for third. Definitely a strong final hour of action.


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