NXT TV results (7/2): Moore’s review of the NXT Heatwave go-home show, Michin vs. Jaida Parker in a street fight, Wendy Choo vs. Carlee Bright, Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Aired live July 2, 2024 on USA Network

[Hour One] Vic Joseph and Booker T were on commentary. Mike Rome was the ring announcer…

Entrances for the opening match opened up the show…

1. Mia “Michin” Yim vs. Jaida Parker in a Street Fight. Jaida tried to take control by attacking Yim on the ramp, but Yim quickly took control. Jaida avoided getting hit by a loaded sock. Jaida worked on Yim with a trash can lid. Jaida got a two count out of a Samoan Drop. Yim hit Jaida with a suplex. Yim then slapped Jaida a few times with her yellow belt. Jaida avoided getting sent into a trash can in the corner.

Jaida hit Yim with a draping Banzai Drop into a trash can for a nearfall. Yim regained control by hitting Jaida in the gut with a chair and then tossing Jaida into the ringpost. Yim lined up some chairs. This allowed Jaida to recover and hit Yim in the back with a chair. Yim recovered and sat Jaida into a chair.

Yim went for a suicide dive but Jaida got out of the way (Yim’s feet caught the ropes, but thankfully the chair broke her fall for a proper front bump). Yim dodged Jaida’s tackle to send her into the barricade. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Michin poured nuts and bolts onto a ple of chairs. Parker backdropped Michin onto the chairs and bolts for a nearfall. Mia wailed on Jaida with a Kendo Stick. Mia put a trash can on Jaida. Mia hit Jaida with a cannonball while Jaida was in the trash can. Mia tried to hit Jaida with a pipe, but Jaida sprayed Mia with a fire extinguisher. Jaida hit Mia with a hip attack through the plywood wall. Jaida rev’d up and hit Mia with a running hip attack in the ring for the win.

Jaida Parker defeated Michin via pinfall in 12:35. 

John’s Thoughts: A fun PG style hardcore match that the crowd was into. The nuts and bolts replacing thumbtacks didn’t feel like a good replacement because it looked like a regular bump (pointy legos seem more devastating). Small nitpick aside, both women worked hard and Jaida continues to show that she’s a fast rising star. She has the in-ring formula down and is wonderful as a character. Only thing I think she needs is to maybe mix up her standard weekly bell to bell work, but she did show progress at that by working a unique gimmick in a hardcore match. Looking forward to see Jaida’s next steps in NXT and I also hope that somehow Bronco Nima and Lucien Price can get TV time alongside her star power.

Ariana Grace and Karmen Petrovic were in the locker room. Grace was overtly sighing to get  Karmen’s attention. Grace said she’s sighing because Sol Ruca snatched her soul and took away her opportunity to perform in front of her home crowd. Petrovic said she understands because she’s also not performing in front of her home crowd. Grace said Petrovic is not as Canadian as her. Jacy Jayne showed up to talk trash and point out that Natalya isn’t around to have Petrovic’s back.

Je’von Evans got a promo package. He said it was crazy that he’s wrestling in his first PLE main event. He said he’s never even left the US before and had to get a passport to wrestle at Heatwave. He said he’s not afraid of Spears, Page, or even Trick. He said once he comes back to the United States he’ll be the new NXT Champion.

Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate made their entrance…[c]

Vic Joseph plugged the pre-Smackdown Money in the Bank kickoff event for Friday…

Highlights aired of Kelani Jordan becoming the inaugural Women’s North American Champion. Jordan talked about her gymnastic accolades and how she was nominated for NCAA women’s athlete of the year. She said she’s not the first North American Champion. Kelani said no one is going to defend the title like Lani. Kelani said that Sol Ruca has everything it takes to be champion. Kelani talked about how Michael Jordan said “some people want it to happen, some wish it  would happen, and some make it happen”. She said at Heatwave she’s going to Make it Happen…

Vic Joseph plugged Jordan vs. Ruca for the North American title at Heatwave…

John’s Thoughts: Exactly the reason I said NXT needs a women’s midcard title. Their deep roster with a lot of green talent really benefits from a title that they can both fight over, and not have the lofty expectations of wrestling for the prestigious main title. This title allows you to get two developmental wrestlers in a PLE match and have it look credible.

Hank and Tank made their entrance…

2. “New Catch Republic” Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger.  Hank and Bate started the match with a Test of Strength. Bate used a bridge to block being pinned to the mat. Bate then used a handstand walk to hit Hank with a huracanrana. Dunne tagged in and gave Hank a right hand. Hank escaped Dunne’s joint manipulation with a Sunset Flip. Tank tagged in and hit Dunne with a Pounce. Hank and Tank ran into Dunne to sandwich Dunne.

Dunne turned the table and gave Tank a hand stomp. Bate tagged in and leapfrogged Dunne to hit Tank with a cannonball. Tank came back with a shoulder tackle. Bate came back with a delayed deadlift Suplex. Hank tagged in. Bate hit Hank with Bop and Bang. Bate then hit Hank with a long helicopter spin driver. The show went to regular commercial.[c]

Tank slammed Dunne and tagged in Hank who gave Dunne a corner splash. Hank gave Dunne a pump kick. Hank body slammed Bate on Dunne. Dunne reversed a Power Bomb into a Triangle. Hank deadlifted Dunne to hit Dunne with an improvised Doomsday Device. Bate dumped Hank and Tank to ringside. Hank and Tank caught Bate off a Tope Cannonball and slammed him into Dunne on the apron. Hank and Tank hit Dunne and Bate with Tope Crossbodies (a la Josh Alexander).

Tank pounced Dunne into Hank’s back suplex. Dunne caught a diving Hank with a jumping knee. Bate and Tank tagged in. Dunne hit Tank with a finger break. Bate hit Tank with a rebound lariat. Dunne cut Hank off at the pass. Bate hit Tank with a Spiral Tap for the victory.

New Catch Republic defeated Tank Ledger and Hank Walker via pinfall in 11:29.

Both teams shared a respectful handshake after the match…

John’s Thoughts: Solid match to give Hank and Tank some TV time while also working with two hard hitting veterans. I remember them mentioning that one of them were out with an injury so it was good to see Hank and Tank back on TV. I like Tank’s energy and Hank really impressed me early in NXT 2.0 as the everyman security guard that looks like Seth Rogan. Hank and Tank showed a lot of good chemistry in this match and they looked like they belonged in there with the experienced tag team. Props to Dunne and Bate for doing a good job too at selling for the rookies.

A Shawn Spears promo package aired. He talked about how he returned to NXT to help teach the next generation and share his wealth of knowledge. He said his lessons were met with reluctance. He said now he’ll lead by example. Spears said after he wins the title, he’ll make the yoiung talent see the light. He noted that he pinned Je’Von Evans and was the first person to pin Trick since Trick became Champion. Spears hyped up how he’s looking to leave Canada as NXT Champion…

Brinley Reece, Edris Enofe, and Malik Blade made their entrance…[c]

NXT GM Ava’s bickering “assistants” Robert Stone and Stevie Turner were both bickering with each other while praising Oro Mensah for his story last week. Oro yelled at them to stop bickering. Stone said that Oro was given a match for this show against Myles Borne. Turner told Oro that the bad news is Oro can’t go to Heatwave due to his constant attacks on Ethan Page. Oro said it’s okay and he has a match to prepare for. Stone said she was going to tell Ava about the bad job Turner is doing. Turner asked “who’s the narc now”?

Izzi Dame made her entrance…

3. Izzi Dame vs. Brinley Reece. Izzi hit Reece with a body slam and sidewalk slam. Izzi worked on Reece with a side rack. Reece rallied with shoulder tackles. Reece used a headscissors to send Dame into the buckle. Reece hit Dame with a cartwheel into a clothesline. Dame came back by tackling Reece’s back into the apron.

Tatum Paxley showed up to slither at ringside. Paxley stopped Dame in her tracks. Reece got a few rollup nearfalls. Dame hit Reece with a Yakuza Kick. Dame hit Reece with a Falcon Arrow for the win.

Izzi Dame defeated Brinley Reece via pinfall in 2:39. 

The show cut to the Chase U classroom. Andre Chase was hyping up how Chase U became tag team championship number one contenders. Duke Hudson and Ridge Holland were talking during class. Chase told Hudson to share with the class. Hudson said he couldn’t hold it back, Ridge Holland helped Chase U cheat. Hudson handed Chase the envelope which showed Holland helping Hudson win the match. Chase was disappointed, Hail asked “how could you”, and Riley Osborne bragged about being right about Ridge.

Ridge Holland said when they handed Ridge a shirt it showed Ridge he wanted to be a part of a family instead of a group. He said he wanted to help, and that’s why he also took the bullet for Chase last week. Chase said he understands, but Hudson is going to stay back during Heatwave. Hudson then looked introspective when Chase dismissed class…

Separate shots of Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez were shown in the hallways…[c]

John’s Thoughts: The Chase U skit is starting to turn me around, a bit, on the sulky Ridge Holland character. Chase U has taken a bunch of cringeworthy stories and turned them entertaining. I also give Ridge a bit of credit for really showing a lot of hidden mic ability since his return to NXT. I’m looking forward to see what Ridge does next because they are putting some ambiguity as to weather or not he’s shady or not.

[Hour Two] Lola Vice was already in the ring back from break. Vice said the clock is ticking for Roxanne Perez. Perez made her entrance surrounded by security. Vice said she must have shook Perez to cause her to get security. Perez said Vice did attack her and steal her title last week. Vice bragged about knocking out Perez.

Perez said she can see through Vice and that the match on Sunday is Vice’s biggest match in her career. Perez pointed out Vice making a bigger name for herself than in Belator. Perez said Vice has also grown since the woman that cost her the women’s title with her failed cash ib, Perez bragged about being champion. Vice said she understands that Perez is champion, but Vice is a fighter in the ring and in the cage. Perez praised Vice for doing well against Shayna Baszler.

Perez the difference is that this isn’t Bellator or MMA. Perez said this is her world, in a wrestling match. Perez said she’s not going to fight Vice’s fight, but make Vice fight Perez’s style of match. Vice said she was a fighter before she was born. Vice said she respects Perez traveling to become a wrestler at a young age. Vice said she didn’t have a chance to tell her story. Vice said when she was in the womb, her mom was taking her black belt test.

Vice said she went on to be a 4th degree blackbelt at Tae Kwon Do. She then said she was training to get into the Olympics, but had to end those dreams due to her mom getting sick and Lola having to make money in MMA. Vice said that led her to fighting in Madison Square Garden. She said her mom is going to watch her match at Heatwave and she wants to show her mom that her mom’s sacrifices paid off when she becomes NXT Women’s Champion.

Perez acted sympathetic at first but then laughed, saying that every women in the locker room wants to make that call to their mom. Perez said she’s going to show people why she’s the prodigy, and you can ask Natalya and Jordynne Grace. She said she’s already a 2 time NXT Women’s Champion. Perez said it’s unfortunate that Vice’s career is happening during Perez’s era. She said she’s not going to give the title to anyone. Vice said she’s going to take the title.

Vice said Perez doesn’t have to give the title, because Vice is going to take the title. Vice said when Perez hit her with her best shot she smile, but when Vice hit Perez, Vice took the title. Vice said she’s going to prove why she’s the best MMA to WWE Crossover wrestler. Vice said when she takes the title away from Perez she’s going to be the first Cuban-Born WWE champion. The Security Guards got in front of Perez. Vice knocked out a guard with a backfist. Vice said we may be in Perez’s world, but after Sunday Perez won’t know what world she’s in…

John’s Thoughts: A bit of a roughly delivered segment. It wasn’t even Vice, because Perez was actually the one stumbling on her words early on. Vice did manage to win the crowd over in the end with her real life story and tears. Because of how rough it was, I think it would have came off better in a pre-tape segment, similar but different from the pathos that Oro Mensah delivered last week. What was a positive though was the closing line by Vice about not knowing what world you’re in after a KO.

The Ethan Page promo hype package aired. Page talked about going after Trick Williams to start his NXT career. He said he’s made a name for himself around the world. Page said after Battleground and NXT, Trick and Evans found out what he’s all about. Page said he respects a fellow Canadian in Spears, but there can only be one man on top, All Ego. Page hyped leaving Sunday as champion…

The show cut to Charlie Dempsey and Tavion Heights helping Myles Borne warm up. Damon Kemp showed up and tried to suck up to Charlie Dempsey with Brass Knuckles he found (William Regal reference). Dempsey dismissed Kemp. Dempsey tried to give Borne words of encouragement, but Bourne couldn’t hear Dempsey (the running joke is that Borne is legitimately partially deaf, so they keep doing that bit with Dempsey)…[c]

Developmental women wrestlers were praising Eddy Thorpe in a lounge about his DJ background. Lexis King showed up and talked about how Rock music was better than EDM. Lexis said the girls are into long haired rockstars. Thorpe said maybe King should have more of an open mind. After King left, Thorpe invited the girls to a show he was DJ’ing at…

Entrances for the next match took place…

4. Oro Mensah (w/Lash Legend, Jakara Jackson) vs. Myles Borne (w/Damon Kemp, Tavion Heights, Charlie Dempsey). Borne dominated early on with a side headlock takedown. Borne then hit Oro with a right hand after the separation. Oro rallied back with right hands and a side headlock takedown. Oro hit Borne with a running kick and Springboard Rolling Sobat. Oro got a nearfall. Borne backdropped Oro and hit Oro with a neckbreaker for a nearfall. The show cut to picture-in-picture.[c]

Oro escaped a side suplex. Oro hit Borne with a sweep kick and PK. Oro hit Borne with a springboard moonsault. Oro hit Borne with a Koppu Kick. Borne came back with a high dropkick. Kemp tried to praise and hype up Borne. Dempsey yelled at Kemp to stop due to Borne being deaf. Kemp jumping around  The distraction allowed Oro Mensah to hit Borne with a spinning heel kick for the win.

Oro Mensah defeated Myles Borne via pinfall in 8:22. 

Oro got in the camera and yelled that he’s coming after Ethan Page after Page comes back after Heatwave…

John’s Thoughts: A decent enough match with Oro looking good after his emotional promo last week. Not sure where they are going with the Myles Borne deaf story is going, because they haven’t made that clear on TV yet (it seems like he’s okay with is real life condition being used in a story). Damon Kemp constantly f’ing things up is also really similar to Kemp’s initial story in NXT with Roderick Strong berating him all the time. Only this time, Dempsey isn’t as funny and over-the-top as Roddy.

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary. Vic sent the show to a Wes Lee hype package…

Wes Lee talked about how he was a tag team wrestler who was forced to go out on his own, becoming North American Champion. He said he literally broke his back to defend the title. A replay aired of Wes Lee’s promo where he had to go out due to a back injury. Wes said he wants nothing else other than to get the title back. During the promo, you could see Oba Femi’s silhouette. Wes said his match against Oba could be his last title match, and if he doesn’t win he doesn’t know what he’ll do.

The show cut to the Oba Femi part of the promo. Oba said Wes Lee is living in the past. Oba said he understands why, because he’s a decorated champion with a connection with the NXT Universe. Oba said this is Wes Lee’s last chance to pull it off. Oba bragged about being the epitome of dominance, taking down everyone in front of him. He said Wes is no different. Oba said he won’t just crush Wes’s body, but crush his final dream…

Vic Joseph hyped up Oba Femi vs. Wes Lee for the North American Title at Heatwave…

The show cut to a brawl between Gallus against Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont…[c]

Edris Enofe and Malik Blade were trying to encourage Brinley Reece about her recent loss. Enofe tried to say that positivity doesn’t lead to results. A depressed Reece said she understands if Enofe and Blade don’t want to hang out with her anymore. Blade tried to cheer Reece up. Blade, Enofe, and Reece left. The Good Brothers then got in the camera to talk trash about OTM…

Entrances for the next match took place. Joseph noted that the advertised Gallus vs. Dupont and Igwe match might be cancelled due to injuries from the backstage brawl…

5. Wendy Choo vs. Carlee Bright (w/Kendal Grey). Choo escaped a ground hold and put Bright in a side headlock takedown. Bright used a Jackknife Judo pin for a two count. Choo came back with a sliding Flatliner. Choo worked on Bright with methodical offense. Choo hit Bright with an axe kick. Choo put Bright in a Tree of Woe. Choo then hit Bright with a Hesitation Dropkick. Bright rallied with a flip.

Choo blocked a moonsault with knees. Choo hit Bright with a Hammerlock Lariat. Choo then made Bright submit with a grapevined Cobra Clutch.

Wendy Choo defeated Carlee Bright via submission in 4:05. 

The Trick Williams hype promo aired. Trick called Shawn Spears goofy and Ethan Page “all talk”. Trick said you already know what’s going down at Heatwave, Trick keeping the NXT title…

Jazmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne made their entrance to Jasmyn’s theme…[c]

John’s Thoughts: A solid squash to introduce the moveset of the new Wendy Choo. The jury is still out as to if this will get over, but I’m just happy they got rid of the weird kiddy character with narcolepsy. Her being a zombie ish character comes off as a combination of Su Yung’s (from TNA) Undead Bride and Suzie characters.

Vic Joseph and Booker T checked in on commentary and sent the show to a promo by WWE Vice President of Talent Development Shawn Michaels. HBK said that there have been a bunch of disturbances at the performance center in recent months involving Brooks Jensen. HBK noted how Jensen has been making negative remarks about NXT. HBK said people have reported that Jensen has been released, but those reports aren’t true.

Clips of Jensen getting drunk off hard liquor were shown. HBK said Jensen was told to stay home because he spiraled out of control after splitting with Josh Briggs. HBK said the smart thing would be to let him go, but he believes that Jensen is a part of the NXT family and HBK believes in 2nd chances. Michaels said he invites Jensen to sit down with Ava next week to talk about his future…

John’s Thoughts: I wonder if Brooks Jensen has been hanging out with Hangman Page while off TV? Team Alcoholic Cowboys

Karmen Petrovic made her entrance with her katana…

6. Jasmyn Nyx (w/Jacy Jayne) vs. Karmen Petrovic. Both women started with chain wrestling. Petrovic hit Nyx with a Rolling Sobat and Cannonball. Jayne talked trash to Petrovic. Nyx hit Petrovic with  a pop up roundhouse. Petrovic got a two count out of a two count. Petrovic rallied with running right hands and a discus lariat. Petrovic worked on Nyx with a few shortarm kicks. Petrovic stepped on Jayne’s hands when she went for a distraction. Nyx hit Petrovic with a Pele Kick for the win.

Jasmyn Nyx defeated Karmen Petrovic via pinfall in 3:51. 

Nathan Frazer and Axiom were talking strategy backstage. Frazer said he was confused when Axiom said the words “tagged in”. Frazer said he wasn’t talking strategy about their tag match, but his upcoming WWE Speed match against Xavier Woods. Axiom didn’t like Frazer ignoring their upcoming tag defense. Frazer said they can watch tape on Friday… [c]

John’s Thoughts: Nathan Frazer is probably the only person in this world that covets the WWE Speed Title. Not even the WWE Speed Champion wears that belt to shows.

Karmen Petrovic protested to Ava about how she wants to get her hands on Nyx and Petrovic. Ava said Karmen’s friend showed up and she doesn’t have to face Nyx and Jayne alone. Petrovic asked where Natalya was? Ava said it wasn’t Natalya. Ariana Grace showed up and said she’s Karmen’s tag team partner to wrestle in their home country of Canada. Petrovic looked annoyed…

A Sol Ruca vignette aired. Sol talked about setting up structures on the beach to train herself. Sol said she taught herself through trial and error. She said that led to her being an athletic national champion at the University of Oregon. She said she came up short to the better woman at battleground. Sol quoted Lebron James in saying “You can’t be afraid to fail, it’s the only way you succeed”. Sol said everyone else may talk the talk, Sol’s focused on walking the walk and snatching a few souls along the way. She said she’s looking forward to leaving Heatwave as North American Champion…

Vic Joseph ran through the advertised Heatwave card…

[Overrun] Ethan Page, Shawn Spears, and Je’von Evans were sitting at tables in the ring for an upcoming contract signing. NXT Champion Trick Williams got a televised entrance. Trick said there’s a heatwave coming to toronto. He said he knows everyone is hungry, but the crowd will tell them what they are going to do. The crowd chanted “whoop dat trick”. Page cut them off and was showered with boos. Page said he understands that Trick is the Champ, probably the hottest thing in WWE.

Page said he’s seen Trick’s swagger. Trick talked about how Page got whooped at Battleground. Page said he understands that Trick is trying to bring swagger on Sunday. Page said this is different from Battleground, because it’s a four way. He said he can pin Trick, but he doesn’t have to. Trick said he understands his back is against the wall, but he can come through every single time. Trick said he may have the least experience than every past NXT Champion, but he wears the belt well.

He said that’s why he works hard and puts in work. Trick said Ethan Page may have a resume, but Trick has a resume too. Shawn Spears cut in and said that Trick sounds like he likes the sound of his own voice. Spears said he likes Trick’s emotion. he said Trick can keep doing his thang, because it’s that emotion that will give Shawn Spears the belt. Spears talked about that emotion giving Spears the win last week. Spears said his hand will be raised in Toronto.

Spears said he sees a man who wears his heart on his sleeves, a man feeding his ego, and a happy to be here kid right next to him in Je’von Evans. Spears praised Evans for headlining the PLE and said he’ll be there with Je’von all the way there. Spears said Je’von is like that team that keeps making the World Series or Super Bowl, but never wins the title. Spears signed the contract.  Evans asked the crowd if he is nervous about Sunday. He said he’s nervous, but excited. Evans said the world fill find out that this boy is “bouncy”. Evans asked Spears how many times he won the NXT title.

Evans said he has the answer, none. Evans said he’s going to leave Heatwave as NXT Champion and he’ll show Spears what it’s like to be a champion. Spears handed the contract to Page and asked Trick and Page how they feel. Page signed the contract. Page said he and Spears pinned Evans, not trick. Trick said he likes Evans, but Evans can’t take the title from Trick. Spears said Evans doesn’t even have to pin Trick.

Page said he’s going to pin Je’von and become NXT Champion. Spears then cut in and said he’ll win the championship. Evans got up and said he’ll rock Spears ass. he said he’ll win the title and there nothing two bums like Spears and Page can do about it. A brawl ensued. Evans and Trick put Spears and Page through the two tables in the ring. The show ended with Trick and Evans facing off while Vic delivered final hype for Heatwave…

John’s Thoughts: Solid go-home segment for the NXT Title Match at Heatwave with everyone getting their words in. Evans didn’t look out of place with the group of good talkers he was surrounded by and got over due to his affable personality. The best part of the segment was the ending part where the wrestlers couldn’t wait until Sunday. I’m interested to see if they put the Title on Page because Page could use a bounce-back and Trick and Evans can shine in chase mode. Fun on NXT too, seeing them skyrocket Evans to a PPV main event with probably less then 5 singles matches on TV.

A solid no-nonsense go home show with the focus being on building towards Heatwave. Nothing too spectacular, but each segment was productive in pushing their storylines forward. Only weakpoint was the beginning of the Perez and Vice face off, but everyone has a bad night, no matter how talented you are. Looking forward to Heatwave too as NXT is back to a basketball arena instead of the pseudo-Performance Center in the Apex (The Apex would make a good alternate TV taping arena if they want? I would take the plane ride over).


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