By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)
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GCW “So Much Fun”
Streamed on TrillerTV+
March 16, 2025 in Atlantic City, New Jersey at The Showboat
This is the second straight day with a show in this venue. I admittedly didn’t like Saturday’s show at all — three straight bloody matches to end the show and a highly uncomfortable intergender match really turned me off. Let’s see how today’s show goes!
* The crowd is once again in the 300 range — a good number for a Sunday afternoon; I’ve seen much smaller day two crowds. Fuego Del Sol and Emil Jay provided commentary as we began.
1. Austin Luke vs. Marcus Mathers vs. Bobby Flaco vs. Gringo Loco vs. Charles Mason vs. Jack Cartwheel in a scramble. A lot of talent here, including WWE ID prospects Cartwheel and Mathers. Mason and Flaco traded fast-paced offense. Loco hit a Styles Clash on Flaco. Jack hit a huracanrana on Loco. Mason dropped Cartwheel stomach-first across the top rope. Mathers hit a top-rope crossbody block on Mason at 3:30, then a Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Mathers hit a doublestomp on Flaco while Luke was hitting a Tower of London on Flaco. Nice combo move. Flaco hit a top-rope cannonball onto everyone on the floor.
Loco nailed a top-rope Spanish Fly on Mathers, then a flip dive onto everyone on the floor. Cartwheel hit a Sasuke Special to the floor on everyone, then a top-rope corkscrew Shooting Star Press on Mathers for a nearfall. Mathers hit a kip-up stunner on Flaco at 6:30 and suddenly everyone was down. This has been a stellar way to open the show. Loco and Mathers got up and traded chops. Loco it a Canadian Destroyer on Mason. Cartwheel hit his Crucifix Driver on Loco. Mathers hit a Canadian Destroyer on Jack. Mason hit a Beach Break driver on Flaco. Mathers hit a 450 Splash. Luke went to the top rope but was cut off by Loco. Loco nailed a top-rope powerbomb on Austin Luke for the pin. GCW has great scrambles, and this was top-tier.
Gringo Loco defeated Austin Luke, Marcus Mathers, Bobby Flaco, Charles Mason, and Jack Cartwheel in a scramble at 10:22.
* A highlight package of Saturday’s show aired.
2. Tyler Franks vs. Tony Deppen. Fuego said he’s from the southern part of the U.S. and has appeared on a joint show with New South; I probably saw him but don’t remember him. He is white with a short crew cut and he’s a heel. They immediately traded rollups; these are both heels. Tyler hit a dropkick that sent Tony to the floor. In the ring, Franks hit a back suplex, then a dive through the ropes at 2:30. In the ring, Franks hit a twisting neckbreaker for a nearfall. Franks put Deppen on his shoulders and turned it into a powerbomb for a nearfall. Deppen sneezed on Franks, and he hit a jumping knee, then a German Suplex at 5:00. Deppen hit a low blow uppercut when the ref was out of position, then a running knee for the pin. For the time given, they got a lot in.
Tony Deppen defeated Tyler Franks at 5:51.
3. Zayda Steel vs. Hunter Drake in an intergender match. The scrawny, long-haired high-flyer Drake was in the scramble on Saturday; Fuego incorrectly said Hunter didn’t compete. I strongly disliked Zayda’s intergender match on Saturday, but at least she’s closer in size and weight to the scrawny Drake. She slapped him in the face to open. Hunter hit a dropkick and was booed, and Hunter hit a cannonball into the corner on her. They fought on the floor and he teased he was going to hit a Razor’s Edge into the crowd, but she escaped and she shoved him into the ring post. In the ring, she was in charge and slapped him in the face and got a nearfall at 2:00.
Hunter hit a plancha to the floor on her and was booed. She hit a Lungblower move to his chin as they entered the ring for a nearfall. He hit a running Shooting Star Press. She went for a tornado DDT but he blocked it and suplexed him into the corner at 5:00. She tripped him and he fell and crotched himself on the top rope. She then hit a second-rope Code Red, then the Unprettier for the pin. That was much better than her match with Deppen; he never once clocked her with a forearm strike here.
Zayda Steel defeated Hunter Drake at 5:55.
4. Masha Slamovich vs. Matthew Justice for the JCW World Title. Masha was presumably at the TNA tapings on Saturday but was available today. She had her TNA Knockouts title with her. She hit a Koppo Kick and a Helluva Kick; he fired back with a Mafia Kick to her face. She hit a clothesline that sent him to the floor, so she hit a twisting dive through the ropes at 1:00. Fast-paced first minute! He whipped her into the rows of hard (not folding!) chairs, and he whipped her into a pillar! They kept brawling on the floor. She whipped Justice into the rows of chairs, and she threw a chair at him at 3:30! She found some metal folding chairs and whipped those at him, too.
Justice suplexed Masha onto a pile of folded chairs as the fight continued on the floor. Masha rolled into the ring. He threw a ladder into the ring and it struck her at 5:30, then he threw doors onto her. She slammed him onto an open chair and got a nearfall. She struck him several times with a ladder. Justice hit a suplex off the ladder and through two doors for a believable nearfall at 9:30. That was quite a bump. Masha nailed an Air Raid Crash through a door in the corner, then a running knee to his face for a believable nearfall. She clocked him on top of the head with a chair, hit a spin kick, then the White Knight Driver/Requiem for the pin. One heckuva brawl; I can do without the chairshots to the head, but I otherwise liked this hardcore action.
Masha Slamovich defeated Matthew Justice to retain the JCW World Title at 11:10.
5. “The Gahbage Daddies” Alec Price and Cole Radrick vs. “The Batiri” Kodama and Obariyon for the GCW Tag Team Titles. It has been a few months since I’ve seen the short, muscular Batiri team; they paint their faces yellow-and-black and I’ve never been able to keep them apart. (What did they do exactly to earn a title shot?) Fuego said they’ve been a tag team for 15 years! Price opened and traded shoulder tackles with his opponent, and Alec hit a springboard crossbody block. Cole got in and brawled with a Batiri. (With their makeup on, I truly don’t know which one is which.) Right on cue, Fuego and Emil talked about how difficult it is to tell them apart, as they even have similar tattoos.
The Batiri extensively worked over Cole and hit a Poison Rana at 7:30 and a leaping DDT, but Price hit a Swanton Bomb to break it up. Price hit his running knees in opposite corners on each Batiri. Price hit a dive to the floor, then they hit the Gahbage Disposal (Price hit a doublestomp as a Batiri was on Cole’s shoulders) for the pin. This team is really starting to click. Good match.
Alec Price and Cole Radrick defeated Kodama and Obariyon to retain the GCW Tag Team Titles at 9:50.
* Price got on the mic and said the Batiri “are the two toughest gremlins I’ve ever met in my life.” He boasted that they have been fighting champions. He is sick of Violence is Forever, who attacked them again on Saturday. Cole took the mic and challenged them to a rematch on March 29 in Chicago.
* Richard Holliday came to the ring and was loudly booed. He said he knows the fans have missed him in his absence. He said his match for tonight has been canceled! He called out Parrow, who came to the ring in his gear. Holliday berated him, saying Parrow stinks and has gained weight. He pushed his finger into Parrow’s chest. Parrow (who is openly gay and married; we saw his husband a few months ago as part of the feud) got on the mic and said he has “f—ed men bigger than Richard and he’s going to f— him up.”
6. Richard Holliday vs. Parrow. They traded some punches and Parrow hit a chokeslam and pinned him! Emil wondered if that was the fastest match in GCW history!
Parrow defeated Richard Holliday at 0:33.
7. Hoodfoot vs. Jimmy Lloyd vs. Ciclope vs. Slade vs. John Wayne Murdoch vs. Dr. Redacted in a death match. Jimmy brought a box of light tubes to the ring. Murdoch brought out a weed whacker! Redacted was back in is light blue scrubs and he had a garbage can with him. Again, this isn’t my style of match. Needless to say, the ring was quickly covered in light tube debris. Dr. Redacted hit a frogsplash on Hoodfoot, who was inside a garbage can, for the pin.
Dr. Redacted defeated Hoodfoot, Jimmy Lloyd, Ciclope, Slade and John Wayne Murdoch at 8:27.
7. Terry Yaki and Jay Lucas vs. Atticus Cogar and Otis Cogar. I am astonished that this match is taking place after that death match. The Cogars attacked to open. Otis hit a crossbody block in the corner on Yaki at 1:30, and they worked over Terry in their corner. Lucas got the hot tag and hit some clotheslines. Jay hit a crossbody block at 5:00. Mr. Danger came to ringside, bandaged up after his death match on Saturday, and he cheered for his Georgia-based guys. Yaki hit a flip dive to the floor. Otis hit a Black Hole Slam on Yaki for a nearfall at 6:30. The Cogars hit a team stunner move on Yaki for a believable nearfall. Lucas hit a flip dive to the floor.
Lucas and Yaki hit a team piledriver move for a nearfall. Yaki went for a dive to the floor, but Otis CLOCKED him in the head with a chair. Atticus immediately hit the Brain Hemorrhage (snapmare driver) on Lucas. Mr. Danger got in the ring to take away a chair from Atticus. Fuego Del Sol ran in to make the save, and the Cogars bailed. Is this just over? I guess so.
Terry Yaki and Jay Lucas vs. Atticus Cogar and Otis Cogar went to a no finish at about 10:00.
* Fuego got on the mic and said Sam Stackhouse is challenging Otis to a deathmatch in St. Louis, and Otis quickly accepted. Fuego said that GCW isn’t big enough for both Fuego and Atticus… so he challenged Atticus to a loser-leaves-GCW match in Las Vegas!
8. Matt Tremont vs. Beastman for the GCW Ultraviolent Title. Beastman is the caveman who looks a bit like WWE’s Ivar, and he carries an oversized bone to the ring. They bloodied each other with light tubes and a barbed-wire board. Tremont hit a frogsplash onto light tubes on Beastman’s chest and scored the pin. Not my style of match.
Matt Tremont defeated Beastman to retain the GCW Ultraviolent Title at 12:11.
Final Thoughts: My thoughts are identical to Saturday’s show — I wouldn’t watch GCW if I didn’t like wrestling. I don’t watch a show just to bash it. I loved the Jersey Cup and I gave big thumbs up to the shows on the West Coast two weeks ago. But this was just lacking. I once again will give best match to the dazzling show-opening scramble and second place to the Gahbage Daddies tag match. I guess I’ll go Masha-Justice for third.
Again, the Zayda-Hunter match didn’t offend me as much as Zayda-Deppen. Hunter is smaller and closer to her weight, and he didn’t beat her with stiff forearms so it didn’t look as violent. Make no mistake, I don’t think Deppen legit hurt Zayda at all; he’s quite good and I’m sure she emerged from that match unscathed, but it looked violent. So, while Zayda-Hunter was better… why not just do Zayda vs. Masha? This show is streaming at Triller+.
Final Thoughts: Again, the Zayda-Hunter match didn’t offend me as much as Zayda-Deppen. Hunter is smaller and closer to her weight, and he didn’t beat her with stiff forearms. Make no mistake, I don’t think Deppen legit hurt Zayda at all; he’s quite good and I’m sure she emerged from that match unscathed, but it looked violent. So, while Zayda-Hunter was better… why not just do Zayda vs. Masha?
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