Scenic City Invitational “Scenic City Rumble” results: Vetter’s review of the Scenic City Rumble match, Krule vs. Shane Mercer, Erron Wade vs. Mortar for the TWE Title

By Chris Vetter, Contributor (@chrisvetter73)

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Scenic City Invitational “Scenic City Rumble”
Replay available via IndependentWrestling.TV
March 8, 2025 in Apison, Tennessee at East Hamilton Middle School

I am familiar with most of the names announced for this show. Apison is located on the east side of Chattanooga, on the southern border of Tennessee. (It is essentially the midway point between Nashville and Atlanta.)

* This is a middle school gym and it’s lit extremely well. The crowd is spread out but we clearly have 400-500 or so fans in attendance.

1. Tim Bosby vs. Sean Campbell for the Action Wrestling Title. Bosby is talented and appears to have an amateur wrestling background, and I’ve compared him to Jason Jordan. He wore the Action Wrestling title to the ring. I don’t know Campbell; he’s white, dressed in black, and has long hair down to the small of his back, and he’s giving up size to Bosby. Tim easily tossed him around the ring. Campbell bit Bosby on the head, so Tim rolled to the floor to regroup at 1:30. Back in the ring, Bosby again easily tossed the smaller Campbell around and kept Sean grounded. Campbell hit a Swanton Bomb for a nearfall at 6:30. Bosby locked in a Dragon Sleeper, then he hit an F5 Slam for the pin. Decent opener; Bosby is definitely one to watch.

Tim Bosby defeated Sean Campbell to retain the Action Wrestling Title at 7:34. 

2. “The Skulk” Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis vs. “The Coven of the Goat” Jaden Newman and Tank. The Skulk wrestled on some of the final EVOLVE shows and were regulars on the AEW pandemic tapings in Jacksonville. The rotund Tank has been wrestling for more than two decades. Jaden hit a flip dive to the floor onto the heels to begin, and all four brawled on the floor. They finally got in the ring and we had a bell at 2:00 sharp to officially begin. The Skulk worked over Jaden in their corner. Jaden finally hit a double DDT at 6:30. Tank got the hot tag and cleared the ring. Jaden hit a powerslam. Jaden hit a running knee, and Tank pinned Liam. Yeah, Tank was officially in the ring for about 20 seconds. Basic, standard tag match.

Jaden Newman and Tank defeated Liam Gray and Adrian Alanis at 7:31/official time of 5:31.

* The ring announcer made a point of telling the crowd that Tank would *not* be in the Rumble later. Why? Because it felt like they just told me he *would* wind up being in it…

3. Erron Wade vs. Mortar for the TWE Title. Mortar is usually competing in the northeast states so I’m surprised to see him here; I’ve compared his size, hair and thickness to Rhino. Wade (think WWE-era Cameron Grimes) wore a karate outfit and he has a ‘young boy’ manager who is probably 15. Standing switches to open. Mortar hit a senton at 2:30. The teen tripped Mortar. Wade took control and applied a leg lock around the waist. Mortar hit a plancha at 4:30 and he hit some chops in front of the fans. Back in the ring, the teen tried to cheat again, so the ref ejected him. Mortar hit an Exploder Suplex and a springboard crossbody block for a nearfall at 7:00.

Wade got in a Triangle Choke. Mortar hit a uranage; he went for a Lionsault but Wade got his knees up. Mortar hit a second-rope twisting superplex at 9:00. The teen returned to ringside; Mortar got a nearfall, but Wade’s foot was on the ropes. The commentators said the teen put it on the ropes. (Why hasn’t the ref ejected him again?) Mortar dragged the kid into the ring and chokeslammed him. Mortar turned around, but Wade struck him in the head with the title belt, right in front of the ref, who called for the bell. Good action until the cop-out finish.

Mortar defeated Erron Wade via DQ at 10:00 even; Wade retains the TWE Title. 

4. Diego Hill vs. Damon Stryker. I’m a huge fan of Diego and he’s the reason I tuned in. I don’t know Stryker; he has short trimmed black hair and wore sunglasses and “he has a very punchable face,” the commentators said. Stryker came out to Cutting Crew’s “I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight,” the commentators immediately noted there is no way Stryker was alive when the song was released. A nice pop for Diego. They appear to be both about 5’11” and the same weight. Diego immediately tied up the left arm. Diego kicked at the left elbow and hit a basement dropkick at 2:30. Hill went for a handspring-back-move but Damon struck him in the back and took control.

Stryker hit an Eye of the Hurricane slam for a nearfall at 4:30. Hill hit a Lethal Injection and a spin kick to the forehead for a nearfall. Diego charged but Stryker hit a superkick for a nearfall at 7:00. Diego nailed a second-rope corkscrew moonsault. Really good for the time given. Diego was impressive as always, but Stryker looked good in my first time seeing him.

Diego Hill defeated Damon Stryker at 7:39.

5. “The Good Hand” Alex Kane, Kasey Owens, and Noah Veil vs. Jamesen Shook, Pha’Nesse, and Eddie Hindrixx. This is a ‘tryout’ for Veil to see if he’s ‘worthy’ to be in the Good Hand. Veil is a popular, flamboyant Black man and I believe uses they/them pronouns; the commentators agreed that Veil doesn’t fit in with the heels. I’ve noted that Shook has the looks of a young Sami Zayn with a reddish beard, and he’s talented. Pha’Nesse also is a flamboyant Black man. I don’t think I’ve seen Eddie before; he’s a heavier Black man in a singlet. Kane and Eddie opened and they are roughly the same height and build. However, Kane grabbed Veil and tossed Veil into the ring!

Veil and Pha’Nesse immediately traded forearm strikes. Shook’s team worked over Veil in their corner. Veil hit a doublestomp to Pha’Nesse’s chest and the heels began working over Pha’Nesse. The babyfaces beat up Kasey. This has been pretty basic. Jamesen hit a Death Valley Driver on Noah, then a team faceplant to pin Veil. Basic but adequate.

Jamesen Shook, Pha’Nesse, and Eddie Hindrixx defeated Alex Kane, Kasey Owens, and Noah Veil at 7:52.

*  A promoter rolled into the ring and invited Eddie Hindrixx to be in the “futures showcase” event this summer. The commentators said the tournament is for wrestlers with less than five years of ring experience.

6. Krule vs. Shane Mercer. This matchup jumped out at me as well. Mercer is a powerhouse and I compare him to Brian Cage for being so agile and athletic considering his muscle mass. Basic brawling early on. Krule dove through the ropes at 1:00, but Mercer caught him and slammed him back-first into the ring post! They brawled up the bleachers of this gym, and kids scrambled to get clear of the action. (I love a good family-friendly show! Lots of kids here.) They went back to the floor, where Krule slammed Mercer on a table that didn’t break. They kept looping the floor. Mercer picked up a table at 4:00 and hit Krule with it.

Shane hit Krule across the back with a chair a few times. They got back into the ring at 7:00. Shane picked him up and hit a Gorilla Press, then an Exploder Suplex. The commentators popped for Shane’s power moves. Shane hit a delayed vertical suplex. Krule fired up and hit a release suplex. Shane nailed a discus forearm at 8:30! Mercer nailed the Moonsault & Battery! I didn’t think he could do that on a guy that big! Krule got up and hit a chokeslam, and they were both down at 10:00. Krule rolled to the floor and got a table and slid that in. Krule slammed Mercer through the table for a believable nearfall at 12:00. Krule immediately chokeslammed him onto the table debris and got the pin. A fun brawl.

Krule defeated Shane Mercer at 12:16. 

7. The Scenic City Rumble. I highly doubt I’ll know everyone in this, but let’s see! Diego Hill was No. 1, and Jackie Thad was No. 2; I saw him recently on a Naptown show. (Hill was at the merch table and walked over; the commentators said they don’t draw names! Wrestlers are told to be ready and get out there when their music hits!) Those two traded some really good offense. Kasey Owens (think Jimmy Lloyd) drew No. 3. SDT, a thin Black man, was No. 4 at 2:30; he’s new to me. SDT traded quick offense with Diego. Sigrid, a bald white guy, was No. 5. (I wish we had on-screen graphics. They probably said a name for him that I couldn’t hear over the commentators and the music.)

Liam Gray was No. 6 at 4:30 and he slow-walked to the ring. No eliminations yet. Byron Young, a Black man with long dreadlocks, was No. 7, and he hit a Poison Rana on Diego. Adrian Alanis was No. 8; he and Gray got in together and worked together. They eliminated Byron Young at 7:30; he’s the first one out. The scrawny Anakin Murphy got in the ring at No. 9. and brawled with Real Deal. Tiger Kid (wearing a generic mask) was No. 10 and he dove on everyone. “Poon Dawg,” a heavy masked wrestler (clearly Tank!) was in at No. 11, just being goofy and dancing as he looped outside the ring.

Tank got in and eliminated both Liam and Alanis! Hakeem Young was No. 12; he’s new to me. Anakin clotheslined himself and Real Deal to the floor, so they are gone. Noah Veil was No. 13. Travis 3K was No. 14, he’s a short, heavy Black man, and he eliminated Diego Hill. Dylan Scott was No. 15; he’s bald and white. Eddie Hindrixx was No. 16 at 16:00. I’m seeing maybe eight guys in the ring. Hardway Heeter was No. 17; I don’t know him and he’s bald with a really long beard. Tiger Kid was tossed. Damon Stryker was No. 18. Everyone started chopping Stryker! Big Booty Judy, a woman with some muscle mass, was No. 19. Veil was tossed. Dylan Scott was tossed. BBJ hit some bodyslams on one man after another.

Country Boy Coots was No. 20 at 20:00, and he brawled with BBJ. They tossed Hakeem. Tank was tossed. James Alpha Miller was No. 21; I don’t know him, either. Outside of Kasey Owens, the other seven or so in the ring are all pretty unknown to me. Donovan Thomas was No. 22. Mortar was No. 23 and he eliminated Stryker. Korey Steed was No. 24; they said he came from Texas for this show. Bobby Chrono was No. 25; another new guy, at 25:30. Alex Kane was No. 26 and he has to be a favorite. We have at least 12 guys in there. Kane tossed Hindrixx. Erron Wade was No. 27; he won last year’s and also has to be a favorite.

Wade eliminated Heater. Krule was No. 28 and the crowd popped. I think he’s about to eliminate a dozen guys. There goes 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5. BBJ was whipped at Krule; she sidestepped him and hit a low blow! Krule tossed her for his sixth elimination. Azrael Row was No. 29; he might be three feet tall. Krule and Kane immediately co-tossed him. We have five in the ring. Brett Ison, a thick, bald white man, was No. 30 at 32:00 so these are our final six. James Alpha Miller and Kane were tossed by Kasey! Was that a mistake? Wade was tossed. Krule tossed Kasey, so it’s down to just Krule vs. Ison. They traded chops. They both fought on the apron. Krule kicked him to the floor to win.

Krule won the Scenic City Rumble at 37:45. It qualifies him for the Scenic City Invitational this summer. 

Final Thoughts: The first half of the show was pretty good. Yes, I’ll go with Diego-Stryker for best match, and Mercer-Krule was a good, energetic brawl for second. Wade-Mortar was good for third.

Okay… I didn’t like the Rumble much. At all. And I’m a big fan of Rumbles. When we were 25 guys into the match and five left to come in, I knew none of the first 25 were going to win. Most were quite green, some didn’t have good physiques, and just hadn’t been presented as even mid-level names, not top-tier names. I get it… it made for a fun moment to see Krule come in and quickly toss one green kid after another. But the match really dragged from the moment Diego Hill was tossed (just before entrant 15) until Kane entered at No. 26. Did they plan any sequences to fill the time? I would argue no, and if they did… they didn’t come across. So, while I liked the first half… the Rumble is actually quite skippable.


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