Powell’s TNA Impact Hit List: Champions Challenge match, Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin, Xia Brookside vs. Ash by Elegance, Alan Angels vs. Leon Slater

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

TNA Impact Hits

Mike Santana sit-down interview: Santana picked up where he left off last week by coming off likable and relatable in the second part of his sit-down interview with Tom Hannifan. The story of him getting sober because his daughter asked Santa Claus asking him to make her father stop was touching.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Steve Maclin: A well worked match. Zachary Wentz spraying paint in the face of Maclin to set up Kazarian going over was a disappointing finish, but it at least it served a purpose in terms of adding to the issues between Maclin and The Rascalz.

PCO gives Steph De Lander a black rose: Why not? The elaborate PCO entrance is campy and repetitive, but the idea of PCO giving her a rose is a decent little sports entertainment style hook that should bring viewers back to see where this oddball storyline is going.

TNA Impact Misses

Champions Challenge match: The entrances ate up roughly 15 minutes of television time. The match had its moments, but the end result of Joe Hendry pinning Brian Myers rather than a singles champion felt uneventful. I’m all for Hendry getting a push, but they really should have capped off this spectacle match by having him pin Moose or one of the other singles champions.

Ash by Elegance vs. Xia Brookside: Ash stole the pin with help from her concierge and then Brookside knocked her out after the match. In other words, the rubber match solved nothing because they took the parity booking approach. This would have been a fine three match feud, but now it feels like it’s going to overstay its welcome.

Leon Slater vs. Alan Angels: The wrestlers are not to blame in any way for this Miss, as the in-ring action was Hit worthy. But the match was actually interrupted by the referee selling the effects of being in the ring when Jonathan Gresham used his ridiculous octopus ink on an opponent last week. The nonsense with the referee took the crowd out of the match and distracted from the good in-ring action. Angels needs get out of this talkshow host gimmick immediately. He’s a talented guy and he plays the part well. The problem is that the character is a loser and he’s going to be wasted as a jobber to the stars unless something changes soon. Slater clearing Big Kon from the ring after the match was an unexpected development. Here’s hoping they will use Kon to help elevate Slater, as TNA needs to get over more young talent.

Jake Something and Cody Deaner: The acting in this segment left a lot to be desired. The jury is still out on Gabby Laspisa’s work as an interviewer, but someone needs to coach her to sell when things get physical. Something clotheslined Deaner right in front of her and she just stood her ground and made no effort to show fear or concern or anything that an experienced interview would do in this situation.


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