AEW Dynamite results (5/15): Powell’s live review of Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood for the AEW Continental Championship, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage in an eliminator match

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW Dynamite (Episode 241)
Everett, Washington at Angel of the Winds Arena
Aired live May 15, 2024 on TBS

[Hour One] Jon Moxley was introduced by ring announcer Justin Roberts and made his entrance through the crowd for the opening tag team match. Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher were already in the ring and attacked Moxley once he arrived at ringside. Bryan Danielson ran out and helped his tag team partner. The broadcast team was Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone…

1. Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley vs. Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher. Don Callis sat in on commentary for the match. Referee Paul Turner called for the bell to start the match once Danielson and Cobb were inside the ring. A countdown clock appeared in a corner of the screen for the Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage match at roughly the top of the second hour.

Moxley draped Fletcher over the top rope and then tagged Danielson, who jumped from the ropes and dropped a knee on Fletcher heading into a picture-in-picture break. [C] Moxley was isolated coming out of the break. Cobb mocked him by reaching his hand out toward Danielson in the corner.

Moxley performed a German suplex on Cobb and then tagged in Danielson, who hit Cobb with a missile dropkick. Danielson threw a series of kicks at Cobb, who ducked the finale kick. Danielson sent Cobb to ringside and then went for a suicide dive that hit Fletcher.

Cobb brought Danielson back inside the ring and put him down with a spinebuster. Danielson came back briefly and then charged Cobb, who slammed him to the mat. Moxley and Fletcher went back and forth with various strikes. Moxley got the better of it, but Fletcher followed him into the ropes and caught him with a big boot.

Fletcher charged Moxley, who dropped him with a lariat. Moxely put Cobb down with a cutter. Fletcher performed a Michinoku Driver and had Moxley pinned until Danielson broke it up. Cobb and Fletcher took turns hitting moves on Moxley in a corner of the ring and then Fletcher got a two count.

Cobb put Moxley in Electric Chair position while Fletcher went to the ropes. Moxley slipped away and shoved Cobb into Fletcher. Danielson hit Cobb with a Busaiku Knee and then threw a big kick at Fletcher. Moxley hit Fletcher with a Death Rider and then pinned him.

Bryan Danielson and Jon Moxley beat Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher in 12:55.

After the match, Danielson and Moxley went to the ropes to play to the crowd. Konosuke Takeshita ran out and pulled Moxley off the ropes and suplexed him. Cobb and Fletcher joined Takeshita in a beatdown until Claudio Castagnoli ran out with a crowbar in hand and chased away the heels…

Powell’s POV: A good tag team opener without any sense of mystery regarding the outcome. The post match angle with Takeshita’s attack was solid and I guess we’ll find out what was intended to set up.

A video package spotlighted Swerve Strickland making various media appearances and then recapped his feud with Christian Cage…

TNT Champion Adam Copeland made his entrance. As Copeland was playing to the crowd on the stage, he was attacked by Brody King and Buddy Matthews. King tossed Copeland down the entrance ramp and then Matthews ran Copeland into the ring steps.

Malakai Black picked up the TNT Title belt and walked to the ring with it. King and Matthews held Copeland while Black spoke to him over the house mic. The crowd chanted “Shut the f— up.” Black had Matthews remove Copeland’s wedding ring and hand it over.

Kyle O’Reilly ran out to help Copeland, but he was quickly outnumbered by the House of Black trio. Black, King, and Matthews hit a triple team move on Copeland, who was down and out in the corner…

Powell’s POV: I guess this means Copeland will have to search the nearby pawn shops to get his wedding ring back.

Highlights from NJPW Resurgence showed Jack Perry and “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson attacking Eddie Kingston after his match…

The Elite members Perry, the Jacksons, and Kazuchika Okada delivered a group promo in a backstage area. They boasted about taking out Tony Khan, Kenny Omega, and now Eddie Kingston over the last three weeks. Okada told Dax Harwood that he would destroy him… [C]

An ad aired for the Young Bucks’ new Reebok Pump shoes…

Renee Paquette interviewed “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler on the backstage interview set and noted that they were down a man in the Anarchy in the Arena match due to the attack on Eddie Kingston. A graphic listed a blank spot in the Anarchy in the Arena match while Wheeler said he thinks they found a fourth man…

2. AEW Tag Team Champions “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson vs. Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal in an eliminator match. Both entrances were televised. Jack Perry sat in on commentary. Nicholas was working over Sydal heading into a PIP break. [C]

Powell’s POV: An ad aired for The Iron Claw streaming on Max during the PIP break. It’s interesting that AEW television partner Warner Bros Discovery clearly paid a pretty penny to have WWE promote the movie streaming on Max with LED board signage and more during Friday’s Smackdown, yet so far they simply aired an during Dynamite.

Danielson went for a top rope huracanrana on Nicholas, but Matthew held his brother’s legs, causing Danielson to crash and turn. The Bucks followed up with a TK Driver on Danielson and then Matthew pinned him…

AEW Tag Team Champions “The Young Bucks” Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson defeated Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal in 8:30 in an eliminator match.

After the match, the Bucks went to the stage and delivered a promo. Matthew recalled Daniels talking down to him and putting his hands on him last week. Matthew said they have been trying to clean up the locker room of toxicity and accused Daniels of trying to screw that up. Matthew fired Daniels. Matthew said they are not evil and would take care of Daniels’ family by giving him a sweet 30-day severance package. Matthew told the fans to enjoy the rest of the show.

At the broadcast table, Perry called for a toast to the Bucks for always making the tough decisions. Perry took a drink from a Ric Flair energy drink can and then poured the rest over the head of Tony Schiavone…

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm, who was accompanied by Luther and Mariah May. Paquette noted that Luther, May, and Saraya were banned from ringside during Storm’s grudge match with Harley Cameron. Storm thanked Serena Deeb for knocking her out so that she didn’t have to listen to another second of her sob story… [C]

Powell’s POV: A pretty good showcase match for the Bucks. The babyface duo got a little offense, but the outcome was never in doubt and the match did not overstay its welcome. The post match angle produced good heat for the Bucks and was a lot more effective than the EVPs issuing small fines. Perry pouring the drink over Schiavone’s head was also good for heat, but it took attention away from the Bucks firing Daniels.

Malakai Black delivered a promo while holding onto Adam Copeland’s wedding ring. Black accepted Copeland’s challenge to a barbed wire steel cage match. Black said that when he beats Copeland, Copeland must bend a knee to the House of Black…

Hook made his entrance while his opponent was already inside the ring…

3. Hook vs. Sebastian Wolfe. Hook suplexed Wolfe to start and then played to the crowd. Hook applied Redrum shortly thereafter and got the submission win.

Hook defeated Sebastian Wolfe in 0:30.

Hook took the microphone after Justin Roberts announced him as the winner. Hook said he was there for Chris Jericho and the FTW Championship and then called out Jericho, who came to the ring with Big Bill. Taz said he’s never liked Jericho and added that he can’t stand Big Bill either.

Once in the ring, a happy Jericho spoke about how happy he was to be called out even if it meant sharing the spotlight with somebody. Hook challenged Jericho to put his FTW Championship on the line tonight. Jericho asked the crowd if they wanted to see that and then said he would too.

Jericho said it wasn’t a fighting moment, it was a teaching moment. Jericho told Hook that he needs to be less self like he is. A “Please Retire” chant broke out. Jericho acknowledged the chant and said the fans want him to retire because he’ll be inducted into every hall of fame in the world, but he’s not ready for that yet.

Jericho said Hook needed to learn the lesson that when you lose a title, you have to work your way up the ladder again. Jericho said Hook would be in a qualification match on Saturday. Jericho said that if Hook won the match, then maybe he would get a chance to face him for the FTW Championship.

Jericho asked Hook if that sounded good. Hook said yes, then asked Jericho if he knew what else would sound good. Hook slammed the microphone over Jericho’s head. Big Bill attacked Hook. Jericho had blood in his hair.

Katsuyori Shibata came out. Jericho exited the ring and then Shibata cleared Big Bill from the ring. Jericho put his hand on his head and showed off the blood on his hand. Excalibur said Hook’s match would take place on AEW Collision…

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland stood backstage and congratulated the state of Washington because he brought home a world championship. Swerve said he would put Christian Cage in the grave. Swerve also spoke about facing Brian Cage.

[Hour Two] Swerve Strickland made his entrance and then Brian Cage followed. The crowd was hot for Swerve, but Cage didn’t get much of a reaction…

4. AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage in an eliminator match. Swerve hit Cage with a running knee strike once the bell rang. Cage eventually came back and slammed Swerve upside down in the corner heading into a PIP break. [C]

Cage superplexed Swerve from the middle rope. Schiavone said Dynamite would have an overrun and encouraged viewers to set their DVRs. Swerve came back and powered up Cage for an impressive suplex that led to a two count.

Swerve went for a rolling move, but Cage caught him with a knee strike. Cage set up for Weapon X, but Swerve countered into a submission hold. Cage powered up Swerve and slammed him in the corner to break the hold. Cage hit an F5 and got a two count.

Swerve avoided the Drill Claw and then headbutted Cage, who ended up on the apron. Swerve jumped over the top rope and hit a double stomp that sent both men to the floor. Swerve rolled Cage back inside the ring and hit him with a 450 Splash for a near fall.

Cage rallied with a powerbomb and followed up with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Swerve avoided another Drill Claw attempt. Both men traded strikes. Cage went for a powerbomb and Swerve countered into a clunky double stomp. Swerve used his leg to snap Cage’s arm and then hit him with a House Call kick and scored the pin.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland defeated Brian Cage in 14:45 in an eliminator match.

After the match, Swerve slammed a chair over the shoulder of Cage. Christian Cage’s entrance theme played. Swerve put Cage’s shoulder over one chair while holding another chair as Christian and Shayna Wayne walked onto the stage. Swerve lifted up his chair, but Nick Wayne entered the ring behind him and hit him with a low blow.

Killswitch entered the ring and joined Nick in attacking Swerve while Christian and Shayna watched from the stage. Nick showed off a framed photo of Swerve and his family and then slammed it over Swerve’s head. Swerve bled. Killswitch held Swerve over the middle rope.

Christian stood at ringside and told Swerve that he embarrassed Nick when he attacked him at his gym last year. Christian held the photo of Swerve’s family and asked if his daughter is proud of her absentee father. Christian smeared the photo of Swerve’s head and then showed off the blood that was all over it. Christian said he took Swerve’s blood tonight and will take his world championship at AEW Double Or Nothing… [C]

Powell’s POV: It really is a shame that Brian Cage has taken so many televised losses in AEW. The match was competitive and yet there was zero mystery regarding the outcome. The post match angle was well done with Christian and his crew getting more heat heading into the AEW World Championship match at AEW Double Or Nothing. By the way, while it’s good that Schiavone acknowledged the overrun, the DVR warning is something AEW should be pushing aggressively prior to the show. Of course, it wouldn’t be an issue if Warner Bros Discovery would just add the overrun to onscreen cable, satellite, and streaming guides. Seriously, other networks do it, so I really don’t understand why WBD does not.

An ad aired for the new Meal and a Match online show featuring Renee Paquette and RJ City…

Paquette interviewed Hook and Katsuyori Shibata in the backstage area. Hook said he would beat anyone to get his hands on Jericho. Shibata used his translator to ask “even me?” Hook said asked what he meant. Shibata said he wants another shot at Jericho. Hook said that if push comes to shove, he would face Shibata to get his hands on Jericho.

A laughing Samoa Joe entered the picture and asked Hook what was wrong with him. Joe said he thought Hook was something special, but he keeps falling into the same trap over and over again, and now Jericho has him at his own man’s neck. Joe said that if Hook and Shibata stopped playing with themselves, they might actually be dangerous. Hook yelled that he would fight Joe. Shibata used his translator to say that Joe was too big to wear floral patterns…

Powell’s POV: Joe was the voice of reason. Hook came off poorly when he lost his cool and yelled that he would fight Joe. The Shibata line at the end was cute, but it didn’t feel like the situation called for a cute joke at the end.

5. AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron in a grudge match. As previously noted, Luther, Mariah May, and Saraya were all banned from ringside. Storm sent Cameron to the floor with a Hip Attack. Serena Deeb walked onto the stage carrying a flag and distracted Storm, allowing Cameron to go on the offensive heading into a PIP break. [C]

Storm used a fisherman’s suplex to get a two count. Storm followed up a short time later with a Sky High for another two count. Storm set up for Storm Zero, but Cameron tripped her and then they traded pin attempts. Storm faked a punch and then hit Storm Zero on Cameron for the win…

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm defeated Harley Cameron in 7:10 in a grudge match.

Powell’s POV: This was a grudge match, not another eliminator match. What’s the difference? You tell me.

Arkady Aura interviewed Will Ospreay as well as Undisputed Kingdom members Roderick Strong, Wardlow, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett. Ospreay said Strong was either confident because his guys would help him if things turned physical or because Ospreay retired the Tiger Driver. Ospreay said Strong has never respected him and therefore he has none for him.

Strong said he doesn’t respect Ospreay because he’s so talented in the ring, yet an idiot outside the ring. Strong said Ospreay raising a child doesn’t change anything. Strong said he had a neck injury that nearly took him, but he doesn’t quit. Strong said he doesn’t care what everyone thinks Ospreay is, he knows he is a coward and a child. Ospreay said he would take the one thing that makes Strong special and show everyone why he is on another level…

Powell’s POV: They did their best, but I still have zero interest in Ospreay going after a title that feels like it’s just a notch above the unrecognized FTW Championship.

Renee Paquette stood inside the ring for the contract signing for the TBS Championship match at AEW Double Or Nothing. Paquette introduced Mercedes Mone (yes, she danced), and then Willow Nightingale, who was accompanied by Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander.

Willow went to the ring alone and then took a seat at the contract signing table across from Mone. Willow said she respects Mone and everything she has done in her career. Willow said she needed to know whether Mone respects the TBS Championship.

Willow said the belt celebrates the legacy of pro wrestling that started over 50 years ago on the network. Willow pointed out that her “TitanTron” says nothing matters, smile anyway. Willow said it means she looks for something to smile for through all the doom and gloom.

Willow said the title is what matters to her. Willow said she would not let Mone walk into AEW and take it away from her at Double Or Nothing or ever. Willow signed the contract and passed it over to Mone.

Mone told Everett to say hello to their CEO, which drew boos along with a few CEO chants. Mone said money changes everything isn’t a catchphrase, it’s a fact. She said that while Willow was training in 2015, she was already changing the game forever. Mone said she broke down the door and shattering the glass ceiling.

Mone said she respects Willow and thinks she’s a great champion, but there’s a difference between being great and being the greatest of all-time. Mone spoke about becoming the face of TBS. Mone said that losing to her will be the best thing that ever happens to Willow. Mone said her legacy is all about winning and then she signed the contract.

Willow said she walked away the champion the last time they wrestled, whereas Mone didn’t walk out at all. Mone slapped Willow across the face. Taz said he didn’t blame Mone (really?). Willow ducked when Mone tried to hit her with the TBS Title belt. Willow caught Mone with a kick and then powerbombed her through the table, which was cheered by the live crowd… [C]

Powell’s POV: Mone didn’t look the least bit surprised nor flustered by the live crowd booing her, so it seems like the plan is for her to be the heel while Willow is the babyface. I think that’s for the best because Willow hasn’t even scratched the surface in terms of what she can do as a babyface, and Mone has always been better while slotted as a heel. The build to this match has been strange at times, but they’ve ended up in a good place and I’m now looking forward to the match.

Justin Roberts stood in the ring and introduced Kazuchika Okada for the main event. Renee Paquette checked in from the stage and said Dax Harwood said things she can’t repeat on television, then recalled him saying that Okada has been resting on his million dollar contract and would have to work tonight. Harwood made his entrance. Cash Wheeler accompanied Harwood onto the stage and then headed to the back…

6. Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood for the AEW Continental Championship. Okada ran Harwood through the ropes and into the ring post heading into a PIP break. [C]

[Overrun] Okada continued to dominate the offense. Harwood was nearly counted out. Harwood rallied with a couple of suplexes. Graphics listed Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor, and Serena Deeb vs. Anna Jay for Saturday’s AEW Collision, and Deonna Purrazzo vs. Robyn Renegade, and Rush in action for Saturday’s AEW Rampage.

Okada regained offensive control until Harwood rallied with a superplex. Harwood went on an offensive run that included a tombstone piledriver for a near fall. Okada grabbed his belt at ringside with the intention of leaving, but Harwood caught him and rolled him back inside the ring. The referee cleared the belt from the ring and missed Okada kicking the middle rope into Harwood’s balls. Okada hit the Rainmaker and scored the pin.

Kazuchika Okada defeated Dax Harwood in 16:00 to retain the AEW Continental Championship.

After the match, Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson, and Nicholas Jackson hit the ring and attacked Harwood. Cash Wheeler and Bryan Danielson ran out to help and were outnumbered.

Darby Allin’s entrance theme played. The heels looked to the stage and then Allin entered the ring and hit them from behind with a skateboard. Allin jabbed Perry in the gut with his skateboard to cap off the babyfaces clearing The Elite members from the ring to close the show…

Powell’s POV: Wait, so Darby Allin broke his foot in mid March and was then hit by a freaking bus, yet somehow he’s already back in the ring? That dude is not human and there’s nothing anyone can say that will change my mind. Anyway, they will miss Kingston’s mic work, but Allin is a great replacement for Anarchy in the Arena.

Overall, it was another episode filled with a lot of competitive matches with highly predictable outcomes. The company completely failed when it came to creating interest in Saturday’s latest three-hour block. I will have a lot more to say about Dynamite in my weekly same night audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let us know what you thought of the show by grading it below.

AEW Dynamite Poll: Grade the May 15 edition free polls


Readers Comments (20)

  1. There’s no wonder the ratings are in the crapper. Jericho and the Buckaroos are channel changers. They can try all they want Jungle Jack Off is never going to be a star. They even made people not care about Edge. They can have all the “good matches” they want no one cares. But I’m sure the enormous rights fee increase and MAX streaming deal is coming any day now

  2. Christian’s one note gimmick is really getting old and cringy. This is the third week in a row Swerve has gotten laid out. Way to bury your champion cocaine Khan

  3. It’s refreshing to watch great matches every Wednesday. Some of the angles tonight haven’t been great, but the matches on TV are artistic and inventive. It’s kind of like listening to underground music. It’s not for everyone, but it has emense artistic value

    • Wow what a class act you are to steal someone else’s name and post because you’re soft and someone criticizes your favorite glorified indy promotion. Typical AEW fan

      • Crazy thought. How about one of you adds the first letter of your last name to your username?

      • Well, my name is brian, so I didn’t steal anything. Typical recycled responses about AEW being an Indy promotion. I assume your next post will be the same predictable insults as every other AEW comment you have made in the past six months. Your posts are the most perplexing part of these weekly result articles. It’s bizarre to see so much blind rage for something that has a limited impact on the world. It would be beneficial if you could focus all your hate and energy on changing genuinely despicable things in the world instead of focusing on a 2nd tier wrestling promotion. I hope being a message board troll is very fulfilling for you

        • Well you take the time and effort to respond to “a message board troll” so that says a lot about your life or lack of one. By the way my name is Brian too. You AEW marks are a weird bunch

        • You take the time and effort to respond to “a message board troll” so what does that say about your life or lack of one. And guess what my name is Brian too? Imagine that

      • I think the problem is you don’t like AEW yet can’t stop watching and posting negative comments. In all honesty, which you will not accept, you look like an idiot.

  4. I hope Willow doesn’t get sues for saying “titan tron”!

  5. Beat up the World Champion three weeks straight to look strong

    That’s a bold strategy Cotton let’s see how it plays out.

  6. Clay Connelly/Not Brian May 15, 2024 @ 11:29 pm

    That felt like an episode that hemorrhaged even more viewers than usual. The average fan doesn’t care about Dax vs Okada, Swerve vs Brian Cage, etc.

  7. Please stop Swerve from bleeding on things.

    He’s so talented, but blood in AEW is a trope now, not anything remotely impactful toward storytelling.

  8. SOS from AEW. Only made it to the Bucks entrance before turning it off. I guess TK really doesn’t care, he just wants to play wrestling federation with his wrestler toys.

  9. Someone should tell Tony Khan and AEW what an eliminator match really means.

  10. I enjoy AEW (and don’t enjoy WWE, and becasue I’m not a pathetic human being with no life, I just don’t watch it), but a storyline here and there isn’t cutting it.
    I really don’t get why they don’t get someone in there who can write storylines, because God knows most of the talent there is excellent.

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