ROH Final Battle Zero Hour pre-show results: Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich vs. The Outrunners, Bryan Keith vs. Jack Cartwheel in a Survival of the Fittest qualifier, Blake Christian vs. Daniel Garcia, Taya Valkyrie vs. Jazmin Allure

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

ROH Final Battle Zero Hour Pre-Show
Streamed live December 15, 2023 on ROH social media platforms
Garland, Texas at Curtis Culwell Center

*Unless otherwise noted, the matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The pre-show kicked off with the broadcast team of Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman at ringside looking dapper running down the card for us. Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

A video package ran down of the Athena and Billie Starkz story which included some new voiceover promos from both women…

1. Jazmin Allure vs. Taya Valkyrie (w/Johnny TV). Allure turned around after the code of honor and she ate a big boot from Valkyrie. Valkyrie tossed Allure across the mat by her hair and worked her over in the corner with chops. Allure came back with a few kicks and tried a wheelbarrow but got caught. Valkyrie put her on the ropes and did her sliding german suplex. Valkyrie slammed Allure’s face in the mat and the turnbuckles.

Valkyrie hit double knees in the corner and got a two count. Valkyrie worked some hammer and anvil elbows and then grabbed a double wrist lock that Allure fought out of. Allure hit a few forearms and a superkick and then went to the top. Valkyrie cut her off and climbed up after her. Valkyrie hit a superplex and then a double underhook slam move. Valkyrie hit her surfboard stomp for the pinfall.

Taya Valkyrie defeated Jazmin Allure by pinfall.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A quick win for Valkyrie that let you see all of her signature moves. 

A video package showcased the history of Shane Taylor and Keith Lee. There were promos from both men interspersed in the video (I really dug what Shane Taylor had to say)… 

There was another rundown of some of the matches for tonight, including the Ethan Page vs. Tony Nese “I Quit” match for later tonight, which received a video package. Ethan Page said, “You can get shit done, and still do it the right way”…

We kept getting shots of the roof of the building which is odd…

2. Marshall Von Erich and Ross Von Erich vs. “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum. The crowd was super hot for the Von Erichs. The Outrunners did the Code of Honor handshake with each other. Ross hit a dropkick early and an ugly huracanrana that got him a two count. The Von Erichs did a drop down drop kick spot that sent Magnum to the outside for a breather. 

Floyd tagged in and took too long posing and ate a pair body slam from Marshall. Ross tagged in and hit a monkey flip and teased The Iron Claw, and The Outrunners took another powder on the outside. Ross ducked the blindside but got taken down from behind by Floyd. The Outrunners tried a switcheroo but the ref called them out on it. Ross avoided an elbow drop and a knee drop and a scary looking middle rope spot.

Ross used a mule kick to hot tag Marshall, who came in with punches and back body drops. Marshall hit some corner clotheslines and a cannonball. Magnum monkey flipped Floyd and then The Von Erichs hit a double hip toss on him. A double dropkick sent The Outrunners into each other and then they locked in The Iron Claw on both of them for the submission win.

Ross Von Erich and Marshall Von Erich defeated “The Outrunners” Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum by submission.

After the match, Kevin Von Erich came down to the ring to celebrate with his sons…

Robinson’s Ruminations: The Von Erichs looked a step off in a lot of places in this match. Their timing really needs some work. 

There was a run down of matches upcoming on AEW shows…

A video package for Survival of the Fittest aired that was previously shown on ROH TV the night before…

3. Bryan Keith vs. Jack Cartwheel in a qualifier for the Survival of the Fittest match for the vacant ROH TV Title. Cartwheel used a cartwheel to escape an arm hold to a big reaction from the crowd. Cartwheel escaped a headlock and used one of his own. Cartwheel hit a kick and a standing moonsault for a two count. 

More cartwheels from Cartwheel, but he ate a dropkick to the gut that got Keith a two count. Cartwheel threw an enzuguri, but he ate a big boot that got Keith another two count. Dueling chants for each wrestler as Keith worked over Cartwheel with punches and chops. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel dragon screw leg whip for a double down. Cartwheel executed a neckbreaker. Cartwheel did his flagpole leg sweep and a springboard elbow drop for a two count.

Cartwheel performed a cartwheel powerslam and got a two count. Cartwheel went to the top and played to the crowd. Keith tried to get him but Cartwheel cartwheeled out of the way. Cartwheel hit a cartwheel DVD and knocked Keith out of the ring. Cartwheel hit an ugly looking gymnastics routine dive to the outside. Cartwheel threw Keith into the ring and went up top and cartwheeled out of a missed shooting star attempt. Keith hit a big knee and hit a huge powerbomb for the pinfall…

Bryan Keith defeated Jack Cartwheel by pinfall to qualify for the Survival of the Fittest match for the vacant ROH TV Title.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was a showcase match for Cartwheel while also a win that put Ketih into Survival of the Fittest. Cartwheel is amazing and has all kinds of crazy looking moves. He is a guy worth watching if he can find a voice to go with the athleticism. 

A video package aired on the “Fight to Honor Jay Briscoe” coming later tonight…

ROH owner Tony Khan was introduced and walked onto the stage. Khan put over the FTR vs. Jay Briscoe and Mark Briscoe trilogy and recounted some Final Battle history. Khan thanked the fans for coming out…

4. Daniel Garcia vs. Blake Christian. The wrestlers rolled all over the ring in a lock up and then they did it again, but Christian did not return the clean break that Garcia gave him. Garcia hit a shoulder block. Christian popped up and then Garcia hit him with another shoulder block. Christian got a roll up for a two count and then Garcia came back with a running elbow.

Both men exchanged forearms in the middle before Garcia hit a butterfly suplex for a two count. Garcia chopped Christian down and the crowd chanted one more time, which Garcia did not oblige and instead kicked Christian down. Christian came back with some kicks and a springboard handspring, leg trap, walk up enzuigiri sequence. Crazy! Christian locked in a chin lock that Garcia fought out of with an ankle lock. Garcia hit a huge basement dropkick.

Christian threw a stiff kick to the face and the ref pulled Christian off for a moment. Garcia got up and took a shoulder block and a running forearm, but Garcia kept getting up on wobbly legs. Garcia ate one more kick to the face and fired up with palm strikes and stomps in the corner. Garcia hit a face wash in the corner and a butterfly suplex into the corner for a two count.

Garcia chopped Christian down and the crowd chanted “one more time” to which Garcia did not oblige and instead kicked Christian down. Christian came back with some kicks and a springboard handspring, leg trap, walk up enzuigiri sequence. Crazy! Christian locked in a chin lock that Garcia fought out of with an ankle lock. Garcia hit a huge basement dropkick. Christian hit a stiff kick to the face and the ref pulled Christian off for a moment. Garcia got up and took a shoulder block and a running forearm, but Garcia kept getting up on wobbly legs.

Garcia ate one more kick to the face and fired up with palm strikes and stomps in the corner. Garcia hit a face wash in the corner and a butterfly suplex into the corner for a two count. Garcia placed Christian in the tree of woe with a nasty sounding chop. Garcia did his dance and then hit a running dropkick that got him a two count. Garcia got a rollup for a two count. Christian hit an enzuigiri and some back breakers. Christian went up top for a flying nothing, but he caught Garcia with a back breaker and another enzuigiri and a 619. Christian threw a dropkick for a two count. Garcia got a roll up for a two count. The men exchanged kicks and slaps before Garcia hit a Saito suplex and then Christian hit a running Spanish fly for a two count. “This is awesome,” chanted the crowd.

Christian tried a springboard 450 but Garcia grabbed a leg for a submission and then transitioned into an ankle lock. Christian rolled through and Garcia got dumped to ringside. Christian hit a Fosbury flop and held onto Garcia and hit an elbow drop too! Christian hit his springboard 450 for a two count. Christian mocked Garcia’s dance. Garcia locked in the Dragon Tamer  and leaned back and got the submission…

Daniel Garcia defeated Blake Christian by submission.

Robinson’s Ruminations: A fun match to lead us into the main show. I could really do without the wobbly legs spot in the middle, assuming that was just selling and not a real shot that gave Garcia a ringer. 

Backstage Tony Khan welcomed us to Final Battle, and then Eddie Kingston came into frame and said he’s the champion and asked why he wasn’t booked. Khan said that he’s booked tomorrow in a Continental Classic tournament match. Anthony Henry came into frame and said he’s on a roll and he’s willing to fight Kingston. Khan announced a Proving Ground match of Kingston vs. Henry…

The broadcast team ran through the main card lineup to close the pre-show…

Check out my ROH Final Battle main card review in a separate report available via the main page.


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