AEW All Out results: Powell’s live review of Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW International Title, Luchasaurus vs. Darby Allin for the TNT Title, Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks in a strap match, Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

AEW All Out
Aired live September 3, 2023 live on pay-per-view
Chicago, Illinois at United Center

AEW All Out Zero Hour Pre-Show results: Hangman Page won a battle royale, Hikaru Shida, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue defeated Athena, Mercedes Martinez, and Diamante, and Billy Gunn and “The Acclaimed” Max Caster and Anthony Bowens defeated Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh to retain the AEW Trios Titles…

Pryo shot off on the stage and then the broadcast team of Excalibur, Nigel McGuinness, and Kevin Kelly checked in. Ring announcer Justin Roberts handled the introductions for the ROH Tag Team Title match…

1. MJF and Adam Cole vs. Alex Reynolds and John Silver (w/Evil Uno) for the ROH Tag Team Titles. Paul Turner was the referee. “Double Clothesline” and “Kangaroo Kick” chants broke out during the opening minute. Cole put Silver down and then called for the double clotheslined. MJF tagged in and they went for the move, but Reynolds pulled him to the floor.

A fan in the front row held up a “Tony Kahn Just Cured Cancer” sign. Yes, Khan was misspelled. Reynolds tagged in. MJF got the crowd to chant sportsmanship and then offered Reynolds a handshake. A reluctant Reynolds accepted the handshake only for MJF to poke him in the eye.

MJF teased the Kangaroo Kick, but Silver hit him from behind. MJF knocked Silver off the apron. MJF sold neck pain and went to ringside. Cole checked on his partner. Silver hit Cole from behind. Reynolds hit MJF from behind with a chair while the referee was facing the other way. Trainers checked on MJF, who was helped to the stage and eventually to the back.

Cole tried to go it alone. Silver and Reynolds got the better of Cole. Silver sent Cole to the floor and set up for a suicide dive, but Cole caught him with a kick. Reynolds jumped off the apron into a superkick from Cole. The heels rallied. Reynolds sent Cole to ringside. Uno put the boots to Cole and ran him into the ring post. Excalibur said that was the mean streak that Brodie Lee instilled in the Dark Order that they have rediscovered.

Back in the ring, Silver and Reynolds performed nice series of moves on Cole and got a two count. Silver and Reynolds kissed Cole’s cheek and then hit him with a double clothesline. Silver covered Cole for a near fall. Uno climbed onto the apron and barked at the referee. Reynolds grabbed a title belt and held it out. Cole took out Reynolds and then superkicked Silver.

MJF came out holding his neck and shoved aside trainers and referees and went right to his corner. MJF took a hot tag and worked over both heels while also reaching back to sell his neck injury. MJF delivered ten punches on Silver in one corner. He threw nine punches at Reynolds and then opted to bite him. MJF shoved Reynolds’ head into Silver’s groin.

MJF hit the Kangaroo Kick on Silver and Reynolds and then shook the ropes before clutching the back of his head again. A “double clothesline” chant broke out. Uno climbed onto the apron and was taken out by Cole. MJF called for the double clothesline. He tagged in Cole and then they hit the move and Cole covered Reynolds for the win.

MJF and Adam Cole defeated Alex Reynolds and John Silver in 14:05 to retain the ROH Tag Team Titles.

After the match, MJF went back to selling his neck and was tended to by two trainers while Cole watched over him. The trainers tried to help MJF while Cole carried all of the title belts. MJF shook off the trainers and said he was good.

As MJF was walking up the ramp, Samoa Joe made his entrance. Joe shoved MJF and smiled after doing so. Cole tried to talk down MJF, who ran to the ring and hit Joe from behind. MJF and Joe traded punches. Joe caught MJF in a guillotine choke. A group of security guards rushed the ring and pulled them apart. MJF and Cole eventually headed to the back. Shane Taylor made his entrance…

Powell’s POV: The opening match was fine for what it was, but it’s hard not to feel letdown that the AEW World Champion was defending the ROH Tag Team Titles in the opening match of a show that doesn’t have an advertised AEW World Championship match. The post match angle was unexpected fun, as MJF vs. Joe looks interesting on paper.

2. Samoa Joe vs. Shane Taylor for the ROH TV Title. The referee was Stephon Smith. Kelly said this wouldn’t last long. He added that heavyweight fights done go 15 rounds. Taylor knocked Joe down with an early shot. Joe rolled to the floor and then pulled Taylor out with him and hit him with a chop.

A short time later, Joe sent Taylor back to ringside and hit him with a suicide dive. Excalibur said Japanese legend Toshiaki Kawada was in attendance. Back in the ring, Taylor put Joe down with a lariat and covered him for a two count.

Joe rolled to the apron and ended up applying a sleeper over the ropes. Taylor pulled Joe forward and then executed a draping Stunner. Taylor executed a middle rope splash for a nice near fall. Joe came back with a big clothesline. Both men traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Taylor got the better of it initially, but Joe caught him with a big shot. Joe threw several kicks at Taylor and then put him in the Coquina Clutch for the win…

Samoa Joe defeated Shane Taylor in 6:25 to retain the ROH TV Title.

Powell’s POV: Fun while it lasted. It’s a shame that AEW didn’t bother to showcase Taylor on the actual AEW television shows going into this match. Much like Athena, I hope Taylor can permanently escape paywall purgatory.

AEW’s daily fantasy sports partner’s ad aired… A video package set up the TNT Title match… Entrances for the match took place…

3. Luchasaurus (w/Christian Cage) vs. Darby Allin (w/Nick Wayne) for the TNT Championship. Rick Knox was the referee. Jim Ross replaced Kevin Kelly at the broadcast table. Allin had his ribs wrapped and tape on his lower back. The match spilled over to ringside. Luchasaurus shoved Allin’s back into the barricade, then he picked him up by the legs and flung him into the ring steps.

Cage told Luchasaurus that he wasn’t done. He told Luchasaurus to punish and maim Allin. Luchasaurus tipped the steps on their side. Allin bled heavily from the forehead. Luchasaurus dumped Allin on the steps then placed the steps over Allin’s lower back and walked up the steps. Allin screamed in agony while Cage got in Allin’s face and yelled at him until Wayne chased him away.

Back in the ring, Luchasaurus bit the face of Allin, who showed signs of life until Luchasaurus knocked him down with a headbutt. Luchasaurus went for a chokeslam, but Allin flipped out of and rolled him up for a two count. Allin springboarded into a dive. Allin went up top and dove at Luchasaurus, who held his ground, causing Allin to bounce off of him and fall to the mat.

Luchasaurus removed Allin’s rib wrap and then placed it over his face and pulled on it before sending him back to ringside. Allin shoved Luchasaurus into the ring post, then sat him on a chair and punched him several times. Allin went up top and performed a flip dive onto Luchasaurus.

Both men returned to the ring. Luchasaurus caught Allin in an inverted body vice and went for a backbreaker, but Allin hooked him into a pin for a nice near fall. Allin went for a Coffin Drop splash, but Luchasaurus caught him and suplexed him.

Luchasaurus put Allin in the inverted body vice. Cage held out a white towel and encouraged Wayne to save Allin, who escaped the hold and then hit Cage with a suicide dive. “That man’s a father,” McGuinness said. Allin returned to the ring, but Luchasaurus caught him by the throat on the ropes. Allin bit his hand and then hit a Code Red from the ropes for a great near fall.

Allin went up top. Cage hit Wayne from behind with a chair. Cage placed Wayne over the chair and picked up another, which got the attention of Allin. Luchasaurus cut off Allin on the ropes and then hit him with a tombstone piledriver. Luchasaurus picked up Allin and performed the move again, then tossed him into the corner. Luchasaurus hit Allin with a lariat to to the back of the head and then pinned him.

Luchasaurus defeated Darby Allin in 12:20 to retain the TNT Title.

After the match, Cage set up for a Conchairto on Allin while Luchasaurus was going to force Wayne to watch. Shawn Spears, Action Andretti, Darius Martin, and others ran out. Cage immediately exited the ring and then got Luchasaurus to follow…

Powell’s POV: The best match of the night thus far. Allin is among the most consistently reliable performers in AEW, and I really like the way Luchasaurus is working more of a traditional big man style these days. The post match angle left me wondering if they are writing out Allin for a bit.

A video package set up the Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs match… Entrances for the match followed…

4. Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs. Dasha was the ring announcer for the match, and Aubrey Edwards was the referee. Miro entered second and they immediately went for a collar and elbow tie up. Ross said they locked up “like grown ass men.” They took turns throwing one another to the mat from the tie up position.

Miro punched Hobbs repeatedly in the corner and then put the boots to him. Miro went for a shoulder block and a clothesline that didn’t move Hobbs. Miro’s strikes got to Hobbs. Miro ran the ropes, but Hobbs put him down with a clothesline.

Miro avoided a bodyslam and then put Hobbs down with a leg lariat and covered him for a two count. Miro followed up with a dropkick. Hobbs came back with a couple of suplexes. Hobbs went for a corner splash, but Miro avoided it, causing Hobbs to tumble to ringside. Miro went to the apron and did a cannonball dive onto Hobbs on the floor. Both men traded strikes at ringside.

Back in the ring, both men took turns firing lariats at one another, yet neither man left his feet. The crowd got behind this. Miro got the better of it and dazed Hobbs before finally knocking him off his feet. Miro performed Ten Beats on Hobbs and then tried to suplex him, but Hobbs picked up Miro and dumped him in the ring.

Hobbs went up top, but Miro cut him off and joined him on the ropes. Miro superplexed Hobbs. The fans came to life in a big way. Miro got to his feet and stomped the mat a few times. Miro threw a kick at Hobbs, who didn’t go down. Hobbs sidestepped a second kick and then powerslammed Miro for a two count.

Miro put Hobbs down with another lariat and then hit him with his running kick and covered him for a near fall. Miro booted the back of Hobbs and then put him in his Game Over submission hold (which looked really loose). Hobbs powered up to his feet and then backed Miro into the corner to break it.

Miro dove at Hobbs from the second rope, but Hobbs caught him with a spinebuster for a really good near fall. Hobbs stomped Miro’s back and then tried to use his own Game Over finisher, but Miro slipped out of it and put Hobbs down with a spinebuster of his own. Miro stomped the back of Hobbs and applied Game Over and got the win.

Miro defeated Powerhouse Hobbs in 15:40.

After the match, Hobbs held out his hand and Miro eventually accepted the bro handshake. When Miro turned to leave, Hobbs hit him from behind. Hobbs jawed at the fans and then attacked Miro. Hobbs started choking Miro.

“Hot & Flexible” appeared on the big screen and then the artist formerly known as Lana ran out. She hit Hobbs from behind with a chair, but he no-sold it. Hobbs approached her. Miro got up and blasted Hobbs over the back with a chair. Hobbs turned around and then Miro crushed him with an unprotected chair shot to the head (why?!?). Miro looked at his wife, but he eventually left the ring without her…

Powell’s POV: That was fun. I’m sure the hope was that the fans would pick sides and perhaps there would be close to a 50/50 dynamic. Rather, the fans opted to react to moves rather than siding with one wrestler over the other early on. It made for a rough atmosphere initially, but the fans got really fired up as the match went on and they ended up having a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately, the needless chair shot to the head of Hobbs ended this on a sour note. Why would any promotion allow this in 2023? I really hope someone asks Tony Khan that question during his post show media session.

A video package set up the TBS Title match and then entrances for the match took place. Ruby Soho had “TBS Champion” on the back of her ring jacket…

5. Kris Statlander vs. Ruby Soho (w/Saraya) for the TBS Title. Stephon Smith was the referee. Excalibur said Soho won her two previous matches with Statlander. Both wrestlers ended up at ringside. Soho used her legs to pull Statlander’s head into the barricade.

Later, Soho hit Statlander with a knee strike in the ring. Statlander responded by hitting Soho with her own No Future kick. Both wrestlers stayed down for a moment. Statlander dodged Soho twice and then caught her with an elbow. Statlander worked over Soho with some strikes and played to the crowd before hitting her with a running uppercut followed by a knee strike.

Statlander put Soho down with a powerslam for a near fall. Soho came back with a nice suplex. Statlander bounced right back with a backbreaker and a sit-out slam for another near fall. Statlander put Soho in the Gory Special. Soho escaped and rolled out of it. Soho caught Statlander with a kick to the knee and rolled her into a pin for a two count.

Statlander went for her Sunday Night Fever finisher, but Soho rolled her into a pin. They had a couple of reversals. Both wrestlers went for running crossbody blocks and stayed down briefly. Saraya grabbed a fan’s sign and tore it. Statlander ended up hitting an avalanche powerslam for a near fall.

Statlander hoisted up Soho for a move, but Soho countered into a Poison Rana. Soho put Statlander down with a DDT and then executed a huracanrana that drove Statlander’s head into the mat and led to a nice near fall.

Both wrestlers traded strikes while they got to their feet. Statlander executed a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Statlander went to the ropes and was distracted by Saraya. Soho pulled Statlander into No Future and then hit Destination Unknown, but Statlander kicked out again.

Soho picked up the spray paint chan while Saraya distracted the referee. Toni Storm emerged from underneath the ring and took the can from a confused Soho. Statlander hit her Sunday Night Fever finisher and scored the pin…

Kris Statlander defeated Ruby Soho in 12:25 to retain the TBS Title.

Powell’s POV: Big moves and lots of near falls. There wasn’t much in the way of consistent selling, but they worked really hard and had a strong match until the finish. I get a kick out of Storm’s act, but it was disappointing to see a back and forth match end in that manner even if the babyface went over.

A video package set up the strap match and then the entrances took place starting with Ricky Steamboat, who sat in on commentary with Excalibur and McGuinness. Ricky Starks came out by himself with his weightlifting belt. Bryan Danielson entered to “The Final Countdown” and got a big babyface reaction…

6. Bryan Danielson vs. Ricky Starks in a strap match. Aubrey Edwards was the referee. Starks left the ring when she tried to put the strap on his wrist. Starks took a lap around the ring and checked his pulse. Once he returned to the ring, Starks attacked Danielson. Starks grabbed his weight belt and struck Danielson with it repeatedly. Starks wrapped the belt around his arm and fist and then hit Danielson.

Starks found a woman in the crowd and kissed her hand before returning to the ring. Danielson bled from the forehead. McGuinness told Steamboat that the blood was on his hand. Starks had the strap attached to his wrist and then the bell rang to officially start the match. Starks went back to ringside and continued his assault on Danielson.

Starks dominated Danielson, who eventually made his comeback and absolutely blasted Starks with repeated strap shots to the back and front. Starks was tied up in a tree of woe. Danielson hit him with a few slide kicks. Danielson hit him with another that sent Starks to the floor.

Danielson ran the ropes for a suicide dive, but Starks hit Danielson with the strap. “It should have been you, old man,” Starks told Steamboat. Danielson pulled the strap, which pulled Starks into the the ring post. Danielson did it a few more times and played to the receptive crowd.

Danielson wrapped the strap around Starks and pressed his head into the ring post. Starks came up bleeding. Danielson whipped him with the strap repeatedly. Danielson threw Starks back inside the ring and threw kicks at him in the corner. Danielson followed up with two dropkicks. Danielson went for a third, but Starks turned him inside out with a clothesline.

Starks and Danielson hit one another with repeated strap shots. Starks eventually ran out of gas. Danielson hit Starks with a series of kicks and drilled him with the grand finale kick.

Big Bill showed up and attacked Danielson with punches while standing on the apron. Ricky Steamboat left the broadcast table and pulled Bill to the ground. Steamboat blocked a punch and fired shots at Bill, who eventually grabbed him by the throat. Danielson tossed Starks at Bill to free Steamboat, and then Danielson dove from the top rope onto Starks and Bill.

Danielson rolled Starks back inside the ring and set up for his finisher, but Starks beat him to the punch with a spear for a great near fall. Starks threw a fit and attacked Danielson. Starks set up for his Roshambo finisher, but Danielson slipped away and hit him with a Busaiku Knee, but it only resulted in a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out.

Steamboat returned to the broadcast table and wiped blood from his hand. Danielson grabbed the arms of Starks and then stomped him repeatedly. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. Danielson let it go and then put the strap around the neck of Starks and choked him with it. Starks choked out the words no and then passed out.

Bryan Danielson defeated Ricky Starks in 16:40 in a strap match.

After the match, “The Final Countdown” played again while Danielson celebrated his win and eventually raised the hand of Ricky Steamboat on the stage…

Powell’s POV: Goddamn. Those two beat the hell out of one another. Starks took the loss and it was the right move given the circumstances, but they did it in a way that should help him gain a lot in defeat. The broadcast team made sure to point out that he never quit. Starks has been a heel, but he strikes me as a candidate to be a replacement for Punk as the top babyface on Collision. One can only hope that Danielson didn’t do any damage to his surgically repaired arm by returning prematurely. He had had it wrapped and padded, but he definitely had to put weight on it several times throughout the match. Again, though, what a war. On a side note, Chris Vetter’s review of the MLW Fury Road pay-per-view from earlier today is now available via the main page if you are interested.

Excalibur recapped Hangman Page winning the pre-show battle royale. Nigel McGuinness stood at ringside with the house mic and announced that Page would donate the $50,000 prize to the Chicago Public Education Fund…

7. Katsuyori Shibata and Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta. Bryce Remsburg was the referee. The entrances for both teams were televised. Kingston was isolated by the heel duo early on. Kingston suplexed Yuta, who quickly tagged out. Castagnoli ran in and performed two standing double stomps onto Kingston.

Kingston eventually made the hot tag, but Castgnoli caught Shibata with a running uppercut. Shibata came right back with a running kick in the corner. Shibata followed up with a running dropkick on a seated Castanoli in the corner.

Later, Shitbta kicked Yuta into a Saito Suplex from Kingston, who had the pin until Castagnoli broke it up. Castagnoli and Shibata traded uppercuts while their partners were down. Castagnoli wound up for a finale strike, but Shibata beat him to it with an overhand palm strike.

Kingston and Castagnoli ended up in the ring together and traded strikes. Castagnoli put Kingston down with a short-arm lariat and got a two count. Castgnoli delivered elbow strikes to the head and then followed up with a Neutralizer for a near fall. Castagnoli showed surprise and frustration over Kingston kicking out.

Castagnoli went for a Ricola Bomb, but Kingston avoided it and hit him with a back fist. Kingston executed a Northern Lights Bomb and had the pin, but Yuta broke it up. Shibata put Yuta in as sleeper and then shoved him into a back fist from Kingston. Shibata put Kingston in the sleeper again. Castagnoli recovered and dropped Kingston with an uppercut and then pinned him…

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta beat Eddie Kingston and Katsuyori Shibata in 15:55.

Powell’s POV: A good match with a somewhat surprising outcome. Kingston has been trying to get a rematch with Castagnoli, so I thought he might beat him in this match. Rather, they went with the opposite, so I’m curious to see what Kingston will have to do to eventually get that rematch. The crowd was a little flat, presumably at least in part because they were still coming down from the previous match.

A video package set up Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita and then the entrances took place…

8. Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis). Paul Turner was the referee. Taz was on commentary. Takeshita performed an early high angle backdrop driver. Omega rolled to the floor. Takeshita followed and ran omega into the barricade and then hit him with a running kick. Omega fought back and performed a rolling senton. Omega stumbled when he stood up, then performed a moonsault off the barricade.

Back in the ring, Omega performed a springboard dropkick and appeared to slip a little, but he kicked Takeshita’s legs out from under him. Omega dunked Takeshita’s head on the mat and covered him for a two count. Omega applied a leg lock. Omega hit Takeshita, who hit him back. Omega rolled on top of him while maintaining the hold and they traded strikes. Takeshita gouged Omega’s eyes to break the hold.

Takeshita rallied by powering Omega over his head and launching him face first into the corner. Both men went to ringside where Takeshita performed a brainbuster. Takeshita pulled chairs out from underneath the ring. He wound up to use one, but the referee stopped him. Takeshita returned to the ring.

Callis placed chairs on top of Omega while the referee scolded Takeshita, who then performed a flip dive onto the chairs. The broadcast team did a good job of telling the story that Takeshita was targeting Omega’s past neck and abdominal injuries.

Back in the ring, Takeshita hit Omega with a running boot in the corner and followed up with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Omega fired back and traded chops, but Takeshita knocked him down with a big forearm strike. Takeshita went up top and went for a senton that Omega stuffed by putting his knees up.

Takeshita ended up going for a knee in the corner. Omega avoided the knee and then Takeshita crashed and burned at ringside. Omega hit his running flip dive and then played to the crowd. The broadcast team noted that Omega was gasping for air. Back in the ring, Omega hit a missile dropkick.

Omega executed a pair of snap dragon suplexes. The crowd called for a third, but Takeshita blocked it and then drilled Omega with an elbow to the head. Omega came right back with a Poison Rana and got a near fall. Takeshita avoided a V-Trigger. Both men attempted suplexes only for their opponent to land on their feet.

Takeshita turned Omega inside out with a lariat. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Callis pounded the mat in support of Takeshita. Omega performed a big powerbomb and a knee strike for a close near fall. Omega connected with a V-Trigger and then went for his One Winged Angel finisher, but Takeshita countered into an inverted slam for a near fall. Takeshita executed a deadweight German suplex into a bridge for a near fall.

Takeshita set up for another suplex, but Omega headbutted his way out of his grasp. Omega put Takeshita down with some strikes. Takeshita drilled Omega with forearms. Omega came back and put Takeshita down with a kick to the back of his head. Omega delivered a running knee to the back of Takeshita’s head.

Omega hoisted up Takeshita on his shoulders and then climbed the ropes for an avalanche version of his finisher. Takeshita slipped out and then climbed up behind Omega and performed an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Takeshita drilled Omega with a knee strike and got another near fall. Takeshita showed frustration. Callis whispered to Takeshita.

Callis tried to stab Omega with a screwdriver, but Omega moved and the screwdriver stuck in the mat. Omega hit Takeshita with a pair of knee strike. Takeshita grabbed the screwdriver. Omega hoisted him up for his finisher. The referee pulled the screwdriver away. Takeshita performed a wheelbarrow move and a knee strike for a near fall. Takeshita lowered his kneepad and drilled Omega with a knee strike that led to him getting the three count…

Konosuke Takeshita defeated Kenny Omega in 22:30.

Powell’s POV: A hell of a match with the right outcome. Takeshita’s rollup win over Omega in the All In six-man tag didn’t pack much of a punch, but coming right back and beating him in a singles match did. The broadcast team did a really good job of helping tell the story of the match.

AEW’s daily fantasy sports partner had another ad… Entrances for the eight-man tag team match took place…

9. “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler and “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. “Bullet Club Gold” Jay White, Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn. Rick Knox was the referee. The Bucks received a very vocal and yet mixed reaction once they entered the match for the first time.

All eight men ended up in the ring together and the teams traded punches. FTR and The Bucks put the BCG members in Sharpshooters. A short time later, Harwood was catapulted into the ring post. Harwood was isolated by the heels for a long stretch.

Eventually, Dax made the hot tag to Nick, which drew a mixed reaction. Nick took out some BCG members and then smiled and played to the crowd. Matt checked in and caught White with a knee strike and a kick. The Bucks executed combo moves on the Gunns.

Matt threw a superkick at Austin, who ducked, and Wheeler caught Matt’s foot before it could hit him. They went right back to work on their opponents. FTR set up for a spike piledriver on Austin that was broken up. Matt checked in and helped Harwood complete the move, which led to a two count.

Harwood superplexed Austin. Wheeler top rope splashed Austin, Matt hit a top rope elbow, and Nick hit a 450 splash. Harwood covered Austin, but Robinson pulled him out of the ring. An “AEW” chant broke out a short time later.

FTR went for Shatter Machine on White, but Robinson broke it up. Harwood and Nick combined for a Shatter Machine on one of the Gunns. Nick took out Robinson with a dive from the top rope to the floor. Matt and Harwood hit White with a BTE Trigger. Harwood covered him, but Gunn broke it up.

Colten took out Matt with a Fameasser on the floor. In the ring, FTR went for their finisher on White again, but Robinson once again broke it up. White hit the Bladerunner on Wheeler. Colten threw Harwood to the floor and then covered Wheeler and got the three count…

“Bullet Club Gold” Jay White, Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn, and Colten Gunn defeated “FTR” Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler and “The Young Bucks” Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson in 21:35.

Powell’s POV: As fired up as the crowd was to start, the Bullet Club Gold win left them nearly silent by the end. The match was fine and the win gave a nice boost to Bullet Club Gold. At the same time, it was a little trivial with nothing at stake and felt like it belonged on Dynamite or Collision.

Excalibur hyped Aussie Open vs. Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara, Hangman Page speaking for Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite…

A video package set up the main event…

Jon Moxley was shown walking with Bryan Danielson. Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta in a backstage area and then he made his entrance through the crowd. Orange Cassidy was shown walking through the backstage area with Kris Statlander, Trent Beretta, and Chuck Taylor and then he made his entrance via the stage.

10. Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley for the AEW International Championship. Justin Roberts delivered in-ring introductions for the main event. Bryce Remsburg was the referee. Cassidy did the big windup to put his hands in his pockets only to have Moxley punch him in the face. Moxley performed a high angle suplex a short time later.

Moxley remained the early aggressor by pulling Cassidy’s arms up while stomping his face with kicks. Cassidy hit a Stundog Millionaire and then hit a soft suicide dive after Moxley ended up at ringside. Back in the ring, Moxley came right back with a suplex and more boots to the head.

Back at ringside, Moxley bit the head of Cassidy while they were both on top of the broadcast table. Excalibur lost his headset (and we had peace and quiet for a few seconds). Cassidy came up bleeding heavily from the forehead and crawled back to the ring. Moxley put Cassidy down with a piledriver and covered him for a two count.

A short time later, Cassidy raked the back of Moxley and then returned the favor by biting his head. Cassidy hit back to back DDT’s and then kipped up, but he sold back pain. Moxley dodged an Orange Punch. Moxley threw jabs and then knocked Cassidy down with a forearm strike. Cassidy came right back with a PK and an Orange Punch for a near fall.

Moxley stuffed a Beach Break attempt and executed a piledriver. Moxley applied a Bulldog Choke. Cassidy rolled him into a pin, but Moxley avoided being pinned and maintained the hold. Moxley transitioned into a crossarm breaker, then twisted him into a LeBell Lock. Cassidy teased tapping and stopped short. Cassidy rolled over Moxley and got his feet on the ropes to break the hold.

Cassidy rolled to the floor. Moxley joined him and removed some padding. Cassidy stuffed Moxley’s move attempt and backdropped him on the exposed concrete. Cassidy followed up by dropkicking Moxley’s head into the ring steps. Moxley struggled and returned to the ring at the nine count.

Cassidy ended up going for his Orange Punch finisher, but Moxley countered into a cutter. Cassidy avoided Moxley’s finisher and came right back with the Orange Punch and then ran the ropes and speared Moxley for a close near fall. Cassidy put his hands in his pockets and gave a kneeling Moxley the light leg kicks that became stiffer and and faster as he went, which got a big rise out of the crowd.

Cassidy ran the ropes and was turned inside out by a Moxley clothesline. Cassidy shot up, but Moxley turned him inside out with another clothesline. Moxley hit Cassidy on the side of the head and covered him for a two count. Moxley hit the Death Rider and covered Cassidy for a good near fall.

Moxley waited for Cassidy to stand up. Once he did, Cassidy motioned for Moxley to wait and then flipped him off. Moxley hit Cassidy with a high angle Death Rider and then pinned him.

Jon Moxley defeated Orange Cassidy in 19:50 to win the AEW International Championship.

After the match, Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta came out to celebrate Moxley’s win while “Wild Thing” played. Moxley stumbled and fell over to sell his exhaustion from the match. Cassidy was still out cold on his back in the middle of the ring while the BCC members helped Moxley up the ramp. Once they got to the top of the stage, the referee raised Moxley’s arm and then the BCC headed to the back.

Once the music stopped, the crowd started a “Freshly Squeezed” chant for Cassidy, who got to his knees. The fans cheered and chanted “Thank you, Orange.” Cassidy got to his feet and held up his fist. Excalibur thanked fans for watching and said AEW is the home for professional wrestling…

Powell’s POV: A very good main event. I’m surprised they didn’t go with the feel good win by having Cassidy keep the title here only to be wearier than ever and drop it to his next challenger on Dynamite. I’m just not sure the AEW International Championship does as much for Moxley as it could have for someone else. Nevertheless, they closed the show with a good match and a newsworthy outcome.

Overall, AEW needed a strong show and they came through with one. It didn’t look as attractive on paper as most AEW pay-per-views, so the big question now is how many people saw it. But most of those who did likely came away satisfied by their purchase. I will have more to say about All Out during the same night audio review that Jake Barnett and I will co-host for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons). Let me know what you thought of All Out by grading the show and voting for the best match below.

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Readers Comments (6)

  1. AEW put on a very good show last night. The crowd behind most of the wrestlers and matches on the show and there were few empty seats shown on the hard cam. Not only that, the fans didn’t hijack the show in any way.

    Looks like AEW proved again that they could put on a hell of a show without Punk, right? I’m sure the haters didn’t like seeing an implosion or a show falling on its butt.

    Speaking of the haters….looky look: where are all the regulars waiting to spout off? The comment section is blank!

    If you missed it, watch the show. Main criticism: Bryan and Starks took the violence to a level that made me cringe. They didn’t need to go that far at all.

  2. I meant the haters didn’t like seeing an implosion not happen like some were predicting. I wish I could edit these damn comments.

  3. It does nothing for Moxley. Well, it just gives Moxley a chance to say he will be a grand slam AEW champion or something to that effect.

  4. Regular posters are fatigued with PPVs and shows. 4 shows in 3 days? Can you blame them? I wouldnt want to watch it either.

    Second, most are looking at seeing what a shit show AEW is after Punk debacle, company with zero controls? Would you want to watch it? Most people assumed that fans would hijack the show anyways. Which doesnt make good TV, fans didnt do it and thats fine.

  5. This was much better than expected. I loved Darby vs Luchasaurus, and Hobbs vs Miro. Takeshita vs Omega took too long but was good in the last ten minutes. Starks and Danielson put in one hell of an effort. The worst match was the bad comedy-filled ROH tag title match, but the Joe/MJF interaction was very intriguing.

  6. Ignoring the people on here who HAVE to say something negative about AEW (sad people), I just finally got to watch the PPV and it delivered a good show. As for Punk, thank GOD Tony finally realized (or someone convinced him) he was being WAY to nice with the talent. Punk is a locker room cancer who has made it VERY clear, both in the debacle of a UFC experience and in WWE, that the only thing he cares about is money and himself. PLEASE, don’t get one egomaniac out and then just replace him with another (Mercedes).

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