CM Punk mocks Hangman Page after AEW Collision

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

CM Punk took some verbal jabs at “Hangman” Adam Page during an in-ring promo that took place after Saturday’s AEW Collision went off the air (footage available below). “Earlier today I went to a local supermarket and I figured out why they call him Hangman,” Punk told the crowd. “It’s because the pegs in the toy aisle are full of Hangman action figures because nobody wants to buy them. He’s a peg warmer, unlike me who moves merchandise and pops ratings and sells toys. And then everybody in AEW is saying, ‘I’m the heart, I’m the soul, I’m the spirit.’ Well, that’s objective.”

Meanwhile, Dave Meltzer of reported that Hangman Page was in AEW Collision host city Greensboro, North Carolina on Saturday to shoot a promo, but Page was told that he had to film it away from the building. Meltzer also reported that similar situations with Matt Hardy and Christopher Daniels have occurred.

In related news, reported that Ryan Nemeth, who tweeted that Punk is the softest man alive, was flown to the August 5 Collision event only to be informed that he would not be needed and that a flight had been booked for his return home.

Powell’s POV: AEW is heading into back-to-back pay-per-view weekends, meaning Punk and members of The Elite may end up having to coexist at one or both events. What could possibly go wrong? Reports indicate that Punk’s promo regarding Page was not planned, nor are there plans for the two sides to work together (not that this will stop some fans from assuming it’s all a big work). As always, there are two sides to every story and Punk has yet to comment publicly regarding the wrestlers being sent home from Collision.


Readers Comments (7)

  1. Again, Punk IS a punk. I said when they were going to sign him originally it was a mistake and he’d act like a prick, he did, then they bring him back and again, he lives up to his name. Sad.

  2. What is this guys problem? From everything you read Page seems like a pretty nice dude

    Punks little vanity project draws less than NXT how much longer is Tony going to accept his BS?

  3. Nothing about Page seems like a nice dude. He’s the bitch who went off script on live TV about Punk and pushed the false narrative about Colt Cabana. Fuck Adam Page in the ass with a rusty fork.

  4. At this point Punk comes across as this generations Ultimate Warrior or Hulk Hogan. Just a whiny spoiled bitch

  5. When Punk started calling himself the real World’s champion, I didn’t realise he meant the Divas Champion.

  6. Welllll..
    He is a PUNK afterall!

  7. THEGREATESTTHREE August 14, 2023 @ 1:14 pm

    Testicles-less Tony has to get rid of this turd, Brooks.

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