4/28 NXT Level Up results: O’Connor’s review of Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger, Lola Vice vs. Ivy Nile, and Tyler Bate vs. Luca Crusifino

By John O’Connor, ProWrestling.net Contributor (@thereal_JOC

NXT: Level Up (Episode 63)
Taped in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center
Streamed April 28, 2023 on Peacock/WWE Network

Tyler Bate made his way to the ring as the broadcast team of Blake Howard and Byron Saxton welcomed us to the show…

1. Tyler Bate vs. Luca Crusifino. Crusifino handed Bate a business card as the bell rang to start the match. Bate put the card down his trunks and grabbed a side headlock on Crusifino. Bate took Crusifino to the mat and worked on the legs and threw away the business card that he put in his trunks earlier. Crusifino escaped and worked on the neck of Bate. Bate fought through and looked for the airplane spin but Crusifino escaped but was met with a punch to the face by Bate. Bate looked for the airplane spin once more and was successful before following up with the Tyler Driver 97 for the win.

Tyler Bate defeated Luca Crusifino via pinfall in 5:07. 

The commentary team hyped Lola Vice vs. Ivy Nile for after the break…[c]

2. Lola Vice vs. Ivy Nile. An exchange of arm drags between both women started the match. Nile utilized a go behind and took Vice down with a waist lock takedown. Vice rallied and gained a near fall on Nile. Vice sent Nile into the corner and hit a spinkick. Vice attempted to ground Nile but was met with a quick rollup for a two count. Vice grabbed the arm of Nile and worked the arm as Nile looked to counter. Nile rallied and hit the corner dropkick on Vice and a powerslam before locking in the dragon sleeper for the submission win.

Ivy Nile defeated Lola Vice via submission in 4:17. 

The commentary team hyped the main event…[c]

3. ‘The Dyad’ Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid (w/Ava and Joe Gacy) vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. Reid and Walker started the match. Walker dropped Reid with a shoulder tackle early on and looked for a slam but Reid escaped and tagged in Fowler. Walker ran through Fowler and tagged in Ledger. Ledger worked on Fowler and tagged Walker back in who continued to wear down Fowler before being distracted by Ava on the outside to allow Fowler to take control.

Walker responded with a suplex on Fowler but Fowler tagged in Reid before he was hit with the move. Walker was drove into the corner by Fowler and hit by a dropkick by Reid. Ledger kicked Fowler out of the ring and Walker dropped Reid. Walker and Ledger looked to finish but Fowler pulled Walker out of the ring. Ledger was sent into the ropes by Reid who was joined by Fowler and they hit the double team Codebreaker for the victory.

Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid defeated Hank Walker and Tank Ledger via pinfall in 7:04. 

John’s Ramblings: Despite earlier reports of Rip Fowler and Jagger Reid being released, that is not the case at least for the moment. They appeared in the main event and also announced that the company rejected their requests to be released. Not a bad episode this week. Each match delivered. If you have a spare 30 minutes this weekend check this edition out.


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